Что такое глобальная история?. Себастьян Конрад

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Что такое глобальная история? - Себастьян Конрад

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Wallerstein I. The Essential Wallerstein. New York: The New Press, 2000; Braudel F. The Perspective of the World (Civilization and Capitalism 15th – 18th Century, vol. 3). New York: HarperCollins, 1984.


      Wallerstein I. The Modern World System: In 4 vol. New York; Berkeley, CA, 1974–2011.


      Abu-Lughod J. Before European Hegemony: The World System A. D. 1250–1350. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989; Frank A. G., Gills B. K. (eds.). The World System: Five Hundred Years or Five Thousand? London: Routledge, 1993.


      Wallerstein I. World-Systems Analysis. P. 24.


      Therborn G. Time, Space, and Their Knowledge: The Times and Place of the World and Other Systems // Journal of World-Systems Research. 2000. № 6. P. 266–284.


      Knöbl W. Die Kontingenz der Moderne: Wege in Europa, Asien und Amerika. Frankfurt: Campus, 2007. Ch. 4.


      Исключительно важная работа в духе мир-системной теории: Arrighi G. The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power, and the Origins of Our Times. London: Verso, 1994.


      См., например: Tomich D. W. Through the Prism of Slavery: Labor, Capital, and World Economy. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004.


      См., например, «расширенное пространство», которое в ряде исследований по культурной истории глобального авторы связывают с марксизмом: Chakrabarty D. Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000; Karl R. E. Staging the World: Chinese Nationalism at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2002; Sartori A. Bengal in Global Concept History: Culturalism in the Age of Capital. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2008; Zimmerman A. Alabama in Africa: Booker T. Washington, the German Empire, and the Globalization of the New South. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010.


      Gandhi L. Postcolonial Theory. A Critical Introduction. New York: Columbia University Press, 1998; Young R. Postcolonialism: An Historical Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell, 2001.


      Dirks N. Castes of Mind: Colonialism and the Making of Modern India. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001; Cohn B. Colonialism and Its Forms of Knowledge. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996; Stoler A. L. Carnal Knowledge and Imperial Power: Race and the Intimate in Colonial Rule. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2002.


      Nandy A. The Intimate Enemy: Loss and Recovery of Self Under Colonialism. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1983. P. 63.


      Dirlik A. The Postcolonial Aura: Third World Criticism in the Age of Global Capitalism // Mongia P. (ed.). Contemporary Postcolonial Theory: A Reader. London: Hodder Arnold, 1996. P. 294–321; Sarkar S. The Decline of the Subaltern in Subaltern Studies // Writing Social History, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1997. P. 82–108.


      Arnason J. P. Civilizations in Dispute: Historical Questions and Theoretical Traditions. Leiden: Brill, 2004; Arjomand S. A., Tiryakian E. A. (eds.). Rethinking Civilizational Analysis. London: Sage, 2004.


      Eisenstadt Sh. N. Multiple Modernities // Daedalus. 2000. № 129. P. 2–3. См. также: Sachsenmaier D., Riedel J., Eisenstadt Sh. N. (eds.). Reflections on Multiple Modernities: European, Chinese and Other Interpretations. Leiden: Brill, 2002; Knöbl W. Spielräume der Modernisierung: Das Ende der Eindeutigkeit. Weilerswist: Velbruck, 2001; Ben-Rafael E., Sternberg Y. (eds.). Identity, Culture and Globalization. Leiden: Brill, 2001.


      Tu Wei-Ming (ed.). Confucian Traditions in East Asian Modernity: Moral Education and Economic Culture in Japan and the Four Mini-Dragons. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996.


      Об альтернативных модерностях см.: Gaonkar D. P. On Alternative Modernities // Gaonkar D. P. (ed.). Alternative Modernities. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2001. P. 1–23; Taylor Ch. Two Theories of Modernity // Ibid. P. 172–196.


      О критических подходах см.: Schmidt V. H. Multiple Modernities or Varieties of Modernity? // Current Sociology. 2006. № 54. P. 77–97; Dirlik A. Global Modernity: Modernity in the Age of Global Capitalism. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Press, 2007; Mitchell T. Introduction // Questions of Modernity. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2000. P. XI–XVII; Cooper F. Colonialism in Question. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2005. P. 113–149. С точки зрения мир-системной теории: Sanderson S. K. (ed.). Civilizations and World Systems: Studying World-Historical Change. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, 1995.


      Среди прочего см.: Grew R. (ed.). Food in Global History. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2000; Finlay R. The Pilgrim Art: The Culture of Porcelain in World History. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2010; Macfarlane A., Martin G. Glass: A World History. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2002; Riello G. Cotton: The Fabric that Made the Modern World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.


      McNeill W. The Rise of the West. См. сходную аргументацию: Jones E. The European Miracle: Environments, Economies and Geopolitics in the History of Europe and Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981; Roberts J. M. The Triumph of the West. Boston: Phoenix Press, 1985; Landes D. S. The Wealth and Poverty of Nations.

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