Economic crisis: Cosmos and people. Николай Игнатьевич Конюхов
Читать онлайн книгу.gravitational potential accordingly reduces, by means of which the Sun reaches the Earth. For some short period of time the Earth loses a substantial part of the external action under the pressure which it resides. In fact, the Earth's crust has to dramatically rebalance itself and its lithosphere sets in motion. During the period of December 23-25 the Earth was shaken with a series of earthquakes with magnitude up to 7 points. [1]
But what happened before that, when Jupiter and Saturn only moved in their opposition? Those things happened that were supposed to happen when the Sun changes the ratio of forces and when the relativity of gravitational and magnetic fields changes: technical accidents, disasters, especially spacecraft, splash of human emotions associated with the manifestation of the mental processes of infection, imitation and suggestion. They are more likely to occur with a decrease in the determination of behavior of the cerebral cortex and the increased role of the subcortex. But when the center of mass of the Solar System comes closer to the center of the Sun the shoulder of the magnetic moment decreases and the magnetic activity of the Sun should fall.
Actually all these facts were observed in the beginning of December. Experts of the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration registered intensive eruptions on the Sun. Space probe observed emission from the surface of stars on the 4th of December 2010 and ejection of the plasma length of more than 400 thousand km. It increases the diameter of the Earth more than 30 times. Physical changes in the Sun are highest in decades. The Sun was different. Chunks of plasma just flew from the Sun.
But in the range of X-ray radiation from the Sun everything is calm, quiet and the Earth's magnetosphere is also calm. According to the observation of the space observatory Tesis the weak magnetic outbreak was watched two weeks before December, 24 and four weeks after. The rest of time the Sun is calm. And the earthquake took place along with mass protests, depriving people of the mind. Mad desire to burn hormones went wild intensively. The degree of irrationality of behavior grew in many people. They are connected to a large extent to the activity of the gravitational field, with a change in the Earth's gravity.
The Indian three-stage rocket GSLV wrecked. Rocket "Proton-M" fell into the Pacific Ocean and three satellites "Glonass-M" were lost. Japanese interplanetary probe Planet-C failed to reach the orbit of Venus. Global daily failure occurred in the Skype. And there were a lot of different accidents.
In one month a series of terrorist acts were accomplished in Alexandria, Kandahar, Khare, Chabahar and other places. There were hundreds of dead and wounded. It looked like in different parts of the world terrorists conspired in their actions.
In December 2010 the political, social and just violent protests swept across Russia. In the middle of the month the riots in Moscow took place. There were thousands of participants. Until December 15 about 800 people were detained. Protests of students took place in Rome, England and other countries. There were also mass protests in Athens. Even teenagers rioted. In France (Besançon) boy seized kindergarten and a tutor threatening to kill, in Egypt teenagers staged a rally. Brawl in the Ukrainian Parliament: three deputies were hospitalized. Not only deputies are aggressive, but also animals. Sharks began to attack the tourists. From the United States the special team of experts was sent to Egypt to explore this mass phenomenon and make recommendations.
People took out their emotions in socially acceptable ways as well. For example, in Michigan a world record attendance of match between hockey teams of the University of Michigan and Michigan State University was stated. 113,411 fans released their emotions on stands.
Hormones of people under the influence of celestial forces ran amok. They sought the way out in various forms of human activity.
After the giant planets passed their opposition everything returned to normal. In January, the magnetic solar flares became typical, and the stock market came to life.
The opposition of Jupiter and Saturn leads to the fact that the basic phenomena in the Solar System and on Earth are largely determined by the activity of the gravitational fields. Electromagnetic and X-ray activity froze but then resumed at a typical level. Along with it the quiet magnetosphere of the Sun is preceded by a surge in tectonic activity of the world, but it does not negate the strengthening of social and psychological processes associated with the suggestion and imitation. Being enhanced by hormonal activity people feel tension not knowing why and what for.
The main conclusion is that the mass protests and mass psychic phenomena do not begin only at high solar activity during magnetic storms, but during the gravity anomalies! But the ratio of the two varies cyclically over the centuries.
It can be stated that during the attraction people activated hormonal apparatus. It is reasonable from an evolutionary point of view. It is necessary before earthquakes to call the hormonal margin for action. And hormones (epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, and others, there are more than twenty of them) accumulate to a level that requires action. People with such hormone saturation simply can’t keep one place. It should be noted that serotonin is not only the hormone of happiness, but it is the hormone of movement, a hormone that regulates the physical activity of the person and the relationship of the right and left hemisphere.
And the production of epinephrine, serot onin and other neurotransmitters increases when the Earth is under the gravity of some "anomalies". These "anomalies" we regularly experience from the full moon and when the Earth is aligned between the Sun and the Moon. Frequent mental disorders, active sexual intercourses, and some people burn the hormones through antisocial behavior. Adrenaline and other hormones excite us looking for being released. The reaction from people is individual. From someone hormones require active, violent action; someone is dominated by fears and concerns. The hormones inject into the blood in different proportions. But in any case, being under significant alterations of attraction, the human body reacts on the release of hormones, requiring any actions and emotions from it.
Even if the Moon is able to change the behavior of the masses of people, what action can the giant planets have that have to be accepted as compound? The event is not frequent, but during the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, the Earth succeeds in some decades several times to stand up as one line with them, and between the giant planets and the Sun. What happened in the world during these years: 1901, 1921, 1940, 1961, 1981, and 2000? Please note that the centers of mass of the Solar System and the Sun do not coincide and it leads to unusual gravitational-magnetic and other changes. This is due to the presence of the additional portions of hormones in our blood during this period. During these years there was predisposition of people to action, uplifting spirit and rapid economic development.
In Russia in 1901 and the next few years there was a period of rapid and intensive development of industry and economy. The year 1921 became a successful beginning of the NEP, which grew into a groundswell of the first five years. In 1940 the activity of the people increased as well as the mass labor heroism and the heroism of the war years. In 1961 grew the enthusiasm for constructing of communism and it was the beginning of the second stage of the scientific and technological revolution. It is noteworthy that the actual conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter occurred on the 12th of April – the day of Gagarin's flight. The years 1980 – 1981 poured a lot of emotions. It is enough to recall the Olympic Games in Moscow. People were crying when it was closed. The year 2000 and the following years were the years of the increased factor of productivity and GDP in Russia, for example the growth of labor efficiency due to internal resources and the enthusiasm of people.
It should be noted that in a relatively short period of time there was a change of quality of people and they had more opportunity for intensive physiological activity. Changing of people psycho suddenly became not the same as it was before. They wanted to change country in shortest terms. Activity of people increased. However, where and how it will be sent depends on the social situation and the ability of the elite to rally the people and the decisions of leaders.
These moments play an important role among those who can intuitively grasp what to do and how to deal with this historical period. But this does not always happen. It happens so that the elite and the people are set to rush, but it happens in a different way. This ratio naturally depends on the 72-year cosmic cycles [4]. People change both due to additional hormonal injections and because of changes in social factors and generational psycho