In resonance with cosmic energies: terrorism and marketing. Николай Игнатьевич Конюхов

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In resonance with cosmic energies: terrorism and marketing - Николай Игнатьевич Конюхов

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– revolutions, protests, terrorist attacks.

      Important: a comparative analysis of the results of psychological testing and measurement of EEG shows a direct relationship of these results with gravity-spin energies on Earth.

      Note also, that when a wind power is maximum, the vortices are located close to the line. Once the energy of vortices falls – they, scattering, are moving away from the line and are positioned perpendicular to it.

      Let us ask ourselves the question whether we would see these vortices, such phenomena without air vapor? And air is invisible and infinitely small. It has the properties of an ideal fluid.

      But most importantly, the impact on the psyche of people ether has through a swirling motion. And it is more intense at the location of the planets, space bodies on the same line.

      The more powerful the tornado energy, the vortices, the more likely they are aligned in a single line. With the loss of energy, the vortices become large in diameter and lose linear construction.

      Something similar happens when moving, rotating planets. But the vortices of the ether around the planets are not visible, but in the atmosphere there are analogs. Since the temperature inside the vortex is lower, condensation of water, formation of steam, clouds occurs. They are visible.

      2.3 Psycho-cosmic and psycho-physiological causes of terrorist attacks and protests: the EEG investigations

      2.3.1 Methodology

      Books (2015, 2016, 2017)) are dedicated to the experimental data on the change of people under the influence of ether vortices, which are built into the Carman track when planets are in particular position. Solar electromagnetic (Wolf number) and gravity-spin (rotation of the planet) energies affect people together. The largest deviations from the usual behavior is observed at the maximum of electromagnetic and gravity-spin energies. Different planets affect our psyche, psycho-physiological activity in different ways.

      It is concluded that the strong magnetic storm activates the ancient parts of the brain of human. But exactly the same impact is of torsion fields of Saturn. So, strong coincidence of gravity-spin waves from Saturn and high electromagnetic activity of the brain throw us on the evolutionary ladder far back. We lose our ability to regulate activity of later parts of the brain, and fall into the influence of the limbic system.

      When there is no severe stress, or magnetic storms, then human physiology (the work of the heart, brain) is in the service and under the control of the cortex, the frontal parts of the brain. ECG rate has positively associated with the frequency of the galvanic skin response (GSR). And in this situation, the left half of the brain is often more active. From this, EEG, especially reflecting the activity of the left-frontal sections of the brain, in normal circumstances is positively correlated with the frequency of the ECG. But under stress it has a negative correlation. Cora, left-frontal parts of the brain in these cases, are like they were disconnected from the control and regulation of the deep structures of the brain functions. And we are moving to a more ancient mechanisms of physiological activity regulation. The energy that was in the "feeding" the left-frontal sections of the brain and the whole crust is redistributed at the first physiological needs (heart, breathing, etc..).

      But at the same time it has been found that the gravity-spin energy from a number of planets, especially Jupiter, increases a creativity of people.

      Changes in the activity centers of the frontal and occipital brain regions, the left and right halves of it, is linked to the development of creativity in humans. At various cosmic energies, may enhance a desire for a creativity, or a desire for standard decisions, a formation of conditioned reflexes, dynamic stereotypes.

      According to our data, at the successful solution of creative problems three EEG effects are observed.

      1) In most cases, right hemisphere of the brain becomes more active.

      2) There is a growing frequency of the EEG.

      3) There is a growing difference in frequencies between the frontal and occipital brain regions.

      The same effects are observed when we survey the people who intuitively feels well other people, even at a distance.

      Finding Earth aligned with the giant planets and another with one of the planets or moon changes the EEG frequency and distribution of the activity between the frontal and occipital, right and left hemispheres of the brain.

      And when the influence of Saturn is replaced by the influence of Jupiter at a high-intensity electromagnetic energy of the sun, then there are cardinal changes in people.

      Entering of the solar system, or Earth in denser energies of the cosmos dramatically affects not only all natural processes on Earth (weather, volcanic eruptions, the movement of the magnetic poles, and others.), but also on a physiology, a psyche of people. Studies have shown that the human EEG interacts and substantially depends not only on their personal-intelligent features, on the outer Earth's environment, but also on gravity-spin electromagnetic and cosmic energies. And the dependence on these energies is of different qualities. It proves the existence of the gravity-spin energy as the reality of the physical world.

      There has been revealed a dependence of EEG of people on changes in the acceleration of the Earth's rotation. Often, these changes coincide with certain planetary positions. How do these facts relate?

      There was a need to understand how the mentality of people changes at the peak change of the direction of rotation of the vortex of non-electromagnetic energies using previously described and applied methodology. For this, EEG survey results were coincided with peaks of change in the rotational speed. This process is digitized.

      Here is an example.

      Left scale in the graph is in milliseconds. This deviation from the average length of day time (LOD) from the average for the time of observation. The lowest point on the graph represents time of the maximum speed of rotation of the Earth, the highest – the minimum speed in a given time interval. These are bifurcation points, passing a right-handed rotation of Torsind, instrument measuring such energies (upper point of the graph), on the left-hand (at the top of the graph). And the numbers, surveyed group are from 1 to 9. They correspond to definite numbers showing the Earth's rotational speed, the duration of the day with respect to the average values. In this example, the points under 5 are close to zero, i.e., so this is a typical speed of the rotation of Earth during the last century, decades.

      The lower points are numbered as 1. They are close to negative 1 millisecond. That is, in a given time interval, the Earth's rotational speed was less than 1 millisecond than over the past decade, when it was measured.

       And there is other data.

      In March of 2016, the Earth's rotational rate was much lower than in 2003. But the figures also vary from 1 to 9. They reflect the dynamic, rather than absolute values. Therefore, it was necessary to increase the scale and get similar plots over the years.

      Each examinee received the corresponding number – encoding – in the annual scale.

      There is an example of such encoding and combining it with the frequency of EEG and ECG.

      This example shows the code values, reflecting the dynamics of the Earth's rate at different scales of time, the frequency of the EEG at the points of their removal and the value of the ECG.

      In this example, it is the frequency of the EEG in the pick-up points in the relaxation of the examinee (sitting with eyes closed) for 10 minutes.

      During the EEG, a man was keeping his eyes open (OE), close (CE), performing logical tasks (Logic), evaluating people from the figures (Figure), from photographs (Photo), was included

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