The Lady's Album of Fancy Work for 1850. Unknown

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The Lady's Album of Fancy Work for 1850 - Unknown

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p>The Lady's Album of Fancy Work for 1850 / Consisting of Novel, Elegant, and Useful Designs in Knitting, Netting, Crochet, Braiding, and Embroidery, with Clear and Explicit Directions for Working the Patterns


      Encouraged by the kind welcome which greeted their former efforts to provide a volume worthy the attention of the ladies of the United Kingdom, the Publishers of the Lady's Album of Fancy-Work have issued a similar production for 1850. Solicitous to preserve the favourable consideration so flatteringly accorded, every care has been taken to render the Lady's Album of fancy-Work for 1850 as attractive and useful as possible; no expense has been spared in its artistic illustration, letterpress, and embellishment; and it will be found an elegant ornament in the drawing-room as well as a useful ally at the work-table. The patterns and designs are of the most useful and varied character: specimens are given of each style of work recently invented; and no article either of ornament or use at present in fashion is omitted.

      The exercise of the needle has been from time immemorial a favourite occupation with the females of every country; and the allusions to the subject from cotemporary historians and poets evince that this feminine pursuit was regarded with approval and respect. The invention of embroidery is ascribed to the Phrygians; and we also learn from ancient authors, that the Sidonians particularly excelled in this beautiful art of decorative needlework; it must have also made considerable progress in the country soon after the Norman Conquest, from the accounts that are recorded of the robes embroidered in gold and silver, generally worn by persons of rank at that period. The Bayeux Tapestry also remains to us as a lasting trophy of the skill and industry of Queen Matilda and the ladies of her court, and is not more interesting as a historical record than as a specimen of the needlework of the mediæval age. The introduction of knitting into this country is comparatively of modern date; so late as the middle of the sixteenth century. The invention of the art is usually ascribed to the Spaniards; though the Scotch, with some appearance of justice, assert their claims as its originators. Like all inventions, knitting has undergone wonderful improvements since it was first simply used for stocking-making: and the value attached to stockings so made may be judged from the fact, that a pair were deemed a fitting present from one sovereign to another. A pair of knitted hose was amongst the gifts received by that lover of finery, Queen Elizabeth; but no record remains to shew if these were preserved with the three thousand robes which were found after her death in the wardrobe of England's Maiden Queen.

      The love for domestic occupations, which is so admirable a trait in the character of our countrywomen, has often been a subject of gratulation; and that female ingenuity and skill may continue to be employed in embellishing the drawing-room, rather than in directing the political intrigues of the salon, must be desired by all interested in the preservation of those domestic attributes which give so pleasing a charm to home, and secure the comfort of all around.

      The taste which her Majesty Queen Victoria evinces for feminine pursuits and occupations has naturally exercised considerable influence in preserving habits of industry amongst her female subjects; and to her Majesty's example, and that of the amiable Queen Dowager, may be ascribed that the labours of the English embroideress are now justly appreciated, and her work esteemed as in no respects inferior to the produce of foreign ingenuity.

      In expressing their thanks for the patronage extended to the Lady's Album of Fancy-Work for 1849, the Publishers take leave to state that the present Volume contains designs and patterns for various articles in Embroidery, Braid-Work, Crochet, Knitting, Netting, Ribbon-Work, Scagliola, and Indian Ornamental Work; all of which are executed and engraved in a style of unusual superiority. Each pattern is accompanied with plain and explicit directions; and it is hoped that their execution will afford many hours of pleasurable employment to the fair and industrious votaress of the needle.


      CHAIN-STITCH OPEN CROCHET.—This consists of five or any uneven number of loops attached by a plain stitch to every third stitch of the foundation, and in the succeeding rows to the centre loop of the chain of previous row.

      THREE CHAIN CROCHET.—Work a chain of three loops as in chain-stitch open crochet.

      DOUBLE CROCHET.—Work as follows: having made a chain, pass the needle through the first loop on the chain, draw the cotton through the loop, there will now be two loops on the needle, through these draw the cotton.

      SINGLE CROCHET.—Insert the needle in the loops, and draw the cotton through this loop and that on the needle.

      RIBBED CROCHET.—This is worked in a similar manner to double crochet, only that the under loop of the previous row is taken, and it is done in rows to and fro.

      LONG STITCH.—Twist the cotton round the needle, pass it through the loop, draw the cotton through the first two loops on the needle, then catch the cotton again and draw it through the next two loops; there will be one loop left on the needle.

      DOUBLE LONG STITCH.—This resembles long stitch, excepting that the cotton is twisted twice round the needle.

      TREBLE LONG STITCH.—Twist the cotton three times round the needle.

      SINGLE OPEN CROCHET.—This is a succession of long stitches, with a chain-stitch between each, missing one stitch of the foundation; in the succeeding rows the long stitch is worked between the two long stitches of the preceding rows.

      DOUBLE OPEN CROCHET.—This consists of two long stitches, then two chain-stitches; or it may be varied by making one long stitch, two chain-stitches, missing the same number of stitches in foundation as there are chain-stitches.

      TREBLE OPEN CROCHET.—Work three long stitches, then three chain, missing three of the foundation.

      VANDYKE OPEN CROCHET.—Work three long stitches into one of the foundation, make one chain-stitch, miss three of the foundation; repeat. In the next and following rows the long stitches are worked in the chain-stitch.


      The various elegant designs for handkerchiefs, jupons, shirts, &c. are worked in raised satin stitch. The material used is French working-cotton; numbers 100 or 120 will be found suitable for most purposes, but this must be regulated by the quality of the cambric. Handkerchiefs embroidered in colours continue to be extremely fashionable; the patterns in the Lady's Album are of the most novel description, and quite suitable for this style of work. The names and initial letters are worked in satin-stitch, sewing over the lines.


      Materials—Black satin; six shades of crimson, five shades of yellow, three shades of puce, two shades of scarlet, three shades of yellow-greens, three shades of blue-greens, and two shades of brown embroidery silk, or of chenille

      Draw the design upon the satin, frame the work, and work in embroidery-stitch. The rose-leaves with the yellow-greens, the leaves of thistles with the blue-greens, the stems with brown, the thistle and bud of thistle with the shades of puce, working the centre of the former with the shades of scarlet.

      Work the rose on the right hand of thistle with the four darkest shades of crimson, and that on the left and the buds with the four lightest shades. Work the remaining rose with the yellow shades. Work the designs for corners in a similar manner, shading according to the taste of the worker.

      The above design is adapted for the front or door of a small rosewood or an inlaid ebony cabinet, suitable for a lady's boudoir or dressing-room. It looks well if worked upon white instead of black satin; and if the former is used, it is advisable to have plate-glass as a protection to the needlework.






      Materials—Raworth's crochet-thread No. 40, darning-cotton No.

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