Development of financial intelligence. 8 Key Zones of Growth in Your Financial Capabilities. Vladimir S. Lavrov
Читать онлайн книгу.scheme for eliminating the first cause of poverty
1. Find any sane financial literacy course and study it carefully; move from simple to complex and study the following topics consistently:
• Formation of income and expenses
• distinction of assets and liabilities
• the nature of time and money
• capital formation and investment
2. Find recommendations and carefully study the 10 best books on the nature of money (and if possible, make brief notes of these books to occasionally return to them and remind yourself of the most important things);
3. Find a mentor and constantly improve your key professional skills to start earning well;
4. Start to spend less than you earn and regularly, with every earnings, save some money for the formation of your future capital (even for a start it will be a ridiculous amount, for example 100 dollars a month, over time, thanks to investments and compound interest, you easily multiply this money and get the amount with six or seven zeros);
5. Start investing time and money in potentially profitable projects and multiply your capital.
Cause of poverty number 2. Unwillingness to take responsibility for own well-being
Nobody except you is not interested in making you rich! Nobody except you is not interested in making you live better! No one except you can take and change your life for the better! Therefore, no one except you and not responsible for your well-being!
For your life and your well-being, you are responsible only yourself!
If you are poor, this is your choice. If you are rich – this is also your choice. No one, including your parents, neighbors, government officials, ill-wishers and competitors, is not responsible for your choice! Of course, people around you can put a stick in your wheels, do not work properly, interfere with your goals, and behave badly towards you in general. But in the end, not they are responsible for how you react! They are not responsible for how you see the world, how you act and what you are striving for! And they are not responsible for what results you get from your decisions.
Attempts to shift responsibility for one’s own well-being onto the shoulders of other people always end in poverty. Therefore, if you do not want to be poor, do not give your well-being to other people’s hands and do not let other people make decisions for you. Decide who to be, how to act and what life to live.
Remember that your well-being is formed not only by money, but also by values such as health, education, business and personal connections. The better you feel, the better your brains understand and the richer your circle of communication, the higher your well-being. At the same time, your financial potential directly depends on your health and your thinking strategies!
This fact allows you to derive a formula for your financial potential:
,where 1 is your health (and health includes such components as proper breathing, proper nutrition, regular movement and regular cleansing), three triplets with zeros are your brain, connections and money, 24 is the number of hours in a day, 365 is the number of days in a year, and the FP is your financial potential.
If you have health – this is conditionally just a unit of your financial potential. But if you add brains to your health, you will already have a thousand units of potential. If you add healthy business and personal connections to your health and brains, then you will have 100,000 units of capacity. If you add money to your health, brains and connections, then you will have a million units of potential!
If you multiply a million units of capacity by 24 hours and multiply the total by 365 days a year – you will get a staggering amount of your annual capacity, which you most likely do not use even 1% to achieve financial success!
It is interesting that if you do not have the most important thing – health – then everything else in any scenario will remain useless zeros. And how much you do not multiply zeros by 24 hours and 365 days in a year, you will still end up with zero as a result:
Few people understand that time and money, if they exist, should be invested primarily in maintaining their sound health and training thinking. It is health and thinking that determines all your financial achievements! Therefore, at the first step of your journey to wealth, invest time and money in strengthening health and getting a good education in personal finance. And only then, when you learn how to easily earn and competently postpone, think about which assets to invest your money. It can be intellectual property, own business, commercial real estate, investment in shares of industrial enterprises or mutual funds (mutual funds), etc.
But remember that in any case, the main asset is yourself! Whatever you invest your time and your money, do not forget about health and education! ROI (return on investment) from investing in yourself is always higher than ROI from investing in any other assets!
The state of your body (which can be reduced to well-being) and the state of your consciousness (which can be reduced to self-esteem) are two wings that will allow you to fly to any financial height! Therefore, always take care of your body, learn to breathe properly, eat right, move regularly and cleanse the body of toxins. Take care of your purity, beauty, strength and youth! But do not forget about the brains! Constantly increase your financial literacy, study macroeconomics, perfect your thinking and develop your financial intelligence! Try not to confine yourself and your needs, but learn to go beyond them to see the world wider, to understand global financial processes, to track trends and get more financial opportunities than other people.
Step-by-step scheme for eliminating the second cause of poverty
1. Take for granted that you are responsible for your life and your well-being (that is, you are responsible for your words, decisions and consequences), only you!
2. Take control of your health, your beauty, strength, youth and learn to feel good in any, even the most difficult, situation. Cultivate yourself with energy, grow enthusiasm and more often do what improves your state of health.
3. Take control of your thinking, your beliefs, thoughts, emotions and learn to appreciate your time, your work, your potential, your achievements. Cultivate awareness in yourself, develop your financial intelligence and set yourself such ambitious financial goals that will constantly remind you of your commitments and one’s own self-esteem.
4. Maintain both wings (health and education) in balance, seeking their harmonious coexistence.
Cause of poverty number 3. Wrong investment of time and money
You have 24 hours in a day. And you also have 365 days a year, which you can invest in assets, and you can lose. The same goes for the money that you have. You can invest them competently, multiplying your capital, or you can simply lose them by purchasing any trinkets. But you are investing in any case. You can do it competently, and you can invest your time and your money in a hurry. In the first case, your investments will make you richer, in the second – poorer. If you do not want to learn a literate investment, you just doom yourself to become poorer and poorer every year!
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