Все мы смертны. Что для нас дорого в самом конце и чем тут может помочь медицина. Атул Гаванде
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Данные по числу дипломированных геронтологов Американского совета по медицинским специализациям и Американского совета по терапии.
M. Gillick/ The Denial of Aging: Perpetual Youth, Eternal Life, and Other Dangerous Fantasies. Harvard University Press, 2006.
C. Boult et al. A Randomized Clinical Trial of Outpatient Geriatric Evaluation and Management // Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 49 (2001): 351–359.
Данные Американского совета по медицинским специализациям и Американского совета по психиатрии и неврологии; L. E. Garcez-Leme et al. Geriatrics in Brazil: A Big Country with Big Opportunities // Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 53 (2005): 2018–2022; C. L. Dotchin et al. Geriatric Medicine: Services and Training in Africa // Age and Ageing 41 (2013): 124–128.
D. C. Grabowski, C. M. Campbell, and M. A. Morrissey Elderly Licensure Laws and Motor Vehicle Fatalities // AMA 291 (2004): 2840–2846.
J. Spano Jury Told Weller Must Pay for Killing 10 // Los Angeles Times, Oct. 6, 2006; http://articles.latimes.com/2006/oct/06/local/me-weller6
Перевод Ю. Шор.
M. L. Nassau Old Age Poverty in Greenwich Village: A Neighborhood Study. Fleming H. Revell Co., 1915.
M. Katz In the Shadow of the Poor house. Basic Books, 1986; M. Holstein and T. R. Cole The Evolution of Long-Term Care in America в кн.: The Future of Long-Term Care, ed. R. H. Binstock, L. E. Cluff, and O. Von Mering. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.
State Charities Commission Second Annual Report of the State Charities Commission, 1912. Рр. 457–508; Virginia State Board of Charities and Corrections First Annual Report of State Board of Charities and Corrections, 1909.
Haber and Gratton Old Age and the Search for Security.
M. Barber Crotchety Harry Truman Remains an Icon of the Eruption // Seattle Post – Intelligencer, March 11, 2000; S. Rosen. Truman of Mt. St. Helens: The Man and His Mountain. Madrona Publishers, 1981. Трумэну посвящены две песни: кантри-хит Harry Truman, Your Spirit Lives On Р. У. Стоуна (1980) и сингл Harry Truman инди-рок-группы Headgear (2007).