Актуальные проблемы Европы №1 / 2014. Коллектив авторов
Читать онлайн книгу.26. – Mode of access: http://youtube.comwatch?v=VhzPIM2YTH4
45. Toller A.E. How the Financial and Economic Crisis impacts on environmental policy, on mechanisms of and barriers to policy change: Paper to be presented at the Workshop «Rethinking Capitalist Governance after the Crisis». – WZB/FFU, December 02/03 2010. – P. 1–2. – Mode of access: http://www.femuni-hagen.de/…/crisis_impact_wz…
46. United States Environmental Protection Agency // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. – P. 1–17. – Mode of access: http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Environmental_Prorection_Agency
47. US agencies squarely blame British Petroleum for Gulf of Mexico oil spill // Andhra News.net. – 2011. – September 15. – P. 1. – Mode of access: http://www.andhranews/2011/US-agencies-squerly-blame-British-Petroleum-15556.htm
48. Williams P. Gulf of Mexico British Petroleum Oil Spill // Voices Yahoo. – 2010. – May 3. – P. 1. – Mode of access: http://voices.yahoo.com/gulf-mexico-british-petroleum-oil-spill-595308. html
49. Withana S., Badlock D., Coolsaet B.,Volkery A. The future of the EU environmental policy: challenges & opportunities: A special independent report commissioned by the All-Party Parliamentary Environment Group / Institute for European Environment Policy, The all-party parliamentary environment group. – 2012. – January. – 4 p. – Mode of access: http://www.ieep.eu/ и http://biogov.uclouvain.be/staff/coolsaet/brendan.html (Дата обращения 29.07.2013).
50. Wong R., Sonntag A. The Relativity of Decline: A Reappraisal of French Leadership and Influence in a Time of Global Crisis // Asia Europe Journal. – 2012. – Vol. 9, N 2–4, March. – P. 179. – Mode of access: http://www.academia.edu/1518724/R._Wong_and_A._Sonntag_2012_The_Relativity_of_Decline._A_Reappraisal_of_French_Leadership_and_Influence_in_a_Time_of_Global_Crisis_Asia_Europe_Journal_9_2-4_March_2012_pp.179–196 (Дата обращения 25.07.2013 Google Download Вход по паролю).
51. Wurzel R.K.W. The Europeanisation of German environmental policy: From environmental leader to member state under pressure? // Forschungenssyelle für Umweltpolitik. – 2002. – FFU-report 09–2002. – P. 1–4. – Mode of access: http/:www.polsoz.fu-berlin.de/…/rep_2002_09.p…
Россия и Европа: Экологические риски в условиях глобального кризиса. Методологический аспект
Аннотация. В статье рассматривается экологический подход с точки зрения антропного принципа и аксиологических оснований человеческой деятельности, анализируются категории риска и неопределенности, критикуется трансгуманистическая интерпретация экологической проблемы с позиций димензиональной онтологии, а также исследуются причины процесса деиндустриализации.
Abstract. Ecological approach is observed in the article from the view point of anthropological principle and axiological foundation of human activities, categories of risk and uncertainty are analysed, trans-humanitarian interpretation of ecological problem is criticized from the viewpoint of dimensional ontology, the reasons of the deindustrialization process are studied.
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