A Merry Dialogue Declaringe the Properties of Shrowde Shrews and Honest Wives. Erasmus Desiderius

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A Merry Dialogue Declaringe the Properties of Shrowde Shrews and Honest Wives - Erasmus Desiderius

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It happeneth many times that loue dayes breketh betwene man and wife, before ye one be perfitly knowē vnto the other beware of that in any wife, for when malice is ones begon, loue is but barely redressed agayne, namely, yf the mater grow furthe unto bytter checkes, & shamfull raylinges such things as are fastened with glew, yf a manne wyll all to shake them strayght waye whyle the glew is warme, they soone fal in peces, but after ye glew is ones dried vp they cleue togither so fast as anie thing, wherefore at the beginning a meanes must be made, that loue mai encrease and be made sure betwene ye man & the wife, & that is best brought aboute by gentilnesse and fayre condycions, for the loue that beautie onelie causeth, is in a maner but a cheri faire

      Xan. But I praye you hartelye tell me, by what pollycy ye brought your good man to folow your daunce.

      Eula. I wyll tell you on this condicyon, that ye will folowe me.

      xan. I can.

      Eula, It is as easy as water if ye cā find in your hart to do it, nor yet no good time past for he is a yong mā, and you ar but agirle of age, and I trowe it is not a yere ful sins ye wer maried.

       All thys is true

      Eulalia. I wyll shew you then. But you must kepe it secret

      xantip. with a ryght good wyl.

      Eula. This was my chyefe care, to kepe me alwayes in my housbandes fauoure, that there shulde nothyng angre him I obserued his appetite and pleasure I marked the tymes bothe whan he woulde be pleased and when he wold be all byshrwed, as they tameth the Elephantes and Lyons or suche beastes that can not be wonne by strēgth

      xantyppa. Suche a beaste haue I at home.

      Eula. Thei that goth vnto the Elephantes weare no white garmentes, nor they that tame wylde bulles, weare no blasynge reedes, for experience teacheth, that suche beastes bee madde with those colours, like as the Tygers by the sound of tumbrels be made so wode, that thei plucke theymself in peces. Also thei yt

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