How to Develop Your Sixth Sense: A practical guide to developing your own extraordinary powers. David Lawson
Читать онлайн книгу.you begin your exercises of psychic development. You can do this by sitting comfortably, closing your eyes and breathing deeply. To still your busy mind it may help you to focus upon the movement of your breath, in and out, and to count each exhalation.
4] Surround yourself with a few items that you find beautiful and inspirational: some flowers, perhaps, or a picture of a beautiful landscape. Choose whatever is meaningful for you.
5] When you plan to sit in this place it is ideal to make sure that the lighting is soft. Harsh, glaring lights are not always conducive to relaxation and can distract the mind away from the state of internal contemplation that is helpful for psychic development. This is why some people choose to meditate or do psychic work to the light of a candle, though softer electric light or gentle daylight is also fine.
There are many different ways to meditate. Numerous spiritual or religious traditions have their own wonderful meditation practices, but there are many misconceptions about the ‘right’ way to do it. From my experience of teaching methods of relaxation, meditation and healing, I have discovered that those people who are just willing to play with the techniques and ideas suggested and who do not try too hard to get it right are usually the ones who have the best results. It helps to begin each meditation exercise with a positive intention of what you would like to achieve, and then just trust your mind to travel in whatever direction it needs to go throughout the process. Sometimes our thoughts need to turn to the details and the dramas that surround us so that we can review and release them before settling into a deeper state of relaxation.
At its simplest, meditation can be divided into two categories. The first kind of meditation is concerned with engendering a level of stillness and tranquillity by giving the mind something to concentrate on that distracts it away from the thoughts and illusions of everyday life. A simple example of this is the use of the breathing technique that I have suggested in the Sacred Space Exercise above. The second kind of meditation is more directional, offering particular thoughts, scenarios and visualizations to stimulate specific forms of mental and emotional activity as well as engendering relaxation. Both kinds of meditation are helpful in the development of psychic potential and both are aided by deep breathing and a conscious choice to slow down your rate of inhalation and, more importantly, exhalation.
The meditations that I have created for your psychic development in the following chapters of this book are predominantly directional in nature. They are written for you to guide yourself through a set of ideas, concepts and visualizations that will stimulate your psychic senses. It would be helpful to begin each of these exercises with a couple of minutes’ gentle deep breathing and a conscious decision to relax and settle your mind before proceeding. You could imagine that each thought that enters your mind turns into a beautiful bird or butterfly before flying away, leaving you feeling calm, clear and still.
Once you have calmed your thoughts a little, read through the details of the meditation exercise a couple of times to get the general idea of it, then close your eyes and relax back, trusting your mind to take you wherever you need to go. It is not essential to get every detail correct or in the right order for these meditations and exercises to work for you. If you prefer, you could get a trusted friend to guide you through the meditation or you could record your own voice slowly reading it aloud so that you can use the tape to guide you, over and over again. For now, let us begin by preparing the ground for the development of your psychic potential.
A Simple Meditation to Prepare the Ground
• Sit or lie down comfortably in your sacred space. For most people it is best to be upright for this, but if your back will be more comfortable in a horizontal position and you are not the kind of person who is likely to drift off into sleep then you could choose to lie down. Either way, make sure that your back is properly supported and that you keep your body open, with your arms and legs uncrossed. If you are physically open then you are more likely to be mentally and emotionally open for psychic development.
• Once you are comfortable, allow your eyes to close and begin by taking in long, slow, deep breaths; filling your lungs completely but gently, holding for a moment, before slowly releasing the air once again.
• In your mind, hold the thought that you are willing to develop your psychic potential and release any fears, doubts or negative expectations that you may have, imagining all of those misapprehensions harmlessly dissolving into a haze of transformational golden light. Imagine yourself surrounded by protective light energy as you proceed with the exercises within this book, and tell yourself that you are completely safe.
• Next, picture yourself standing in front of a golden doorway that glows with positive energy. There is a smell of fresh flowers; the sound of beautiful, high-pitched chimes gently massages your inner hearing. The feeling of this place is bright and inviting; instinctively you know that you are standing on the threshold of your unique psychic and spiritual potential.
• When you are ready, visualize yourself stepping through this doorway and finding yourself on the other side, bathed in an even brighter golden light and filled with a warm glow of comfort and support. The sounds and smells become sweeter still. Imagine that there is a solid surface beneath your feet and picture yourself relaxing so that your full weight is upon it. Gain a feeling of security and stability from beneath you.
• Stay here for a while, enjoying the feeling of this place and, if you receive any particular ideas, insights, visions or sensations, just notice them and perhaps choose to make a note of them once you have completed the exercise.
• To complete this process, gently stretch your body and open your eyes, sitting quietly for a few moments before proceeding with your activities.
Within Chapter 2 I discuss the use of affirmational thought to support you in the development of your psychic potential. In the chapters that follow I have included many positive declarations to aid you in developing specific psychic abilities. To begin this process, read this first set of declarations over and over to yourself, repeating them in your mind to guide you forward.
The abilities commonly described as psychic gifts are simply natural extensions of our intuition. We have all experienced times when our intuition is acute and we are able to listen to it and respond accordingly. Your intuition tells you that it would be a good time to telephone a friend; you have a ‘gut feeling’ that she is in need of some support and, before you have walked across the room to pick up the telephone, it starts ringing. Your friend has beaten you to it and is telephoning you!
You always park your car in the same spot, under a shady tree just outside your place of work. On one morning, for no explicable reason, you have an instinct to park on the opposite side of the street, still in view from your office window but a little further away than normal. During the day there is a thunderstorm and a heavy branch breaks away from the tree and comes crashing down on the spot where your car would normally have been positioned. At the end of the day you are able to drive home with your windscreen and your paint work still