As They Say In Zanzibar. David Crystal

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As They Say In Zanzibar - David  Crystal

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that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails FRANCE

      18 If you run away from a mosquito the sharper will its sting be SLOVENIA

      19 Those who want the rose must also take the thorns GERMANY

      20 Use a thorn to extract a thorn INDIA

      1 The roughest stone becomes smooth when it is much rolled SWITZERLAND

      2 A dry spoon scratches the mouth RUSSIA

      3 Short hair is soon brushed GERMANY

      4 Custom is rust that mocks at every file BOHEMIA

      5 On a level road a small stone upsets the cartload ESTONIA

      6 The roughest stone becomes smooth when it is much rolled SWITZERLAND

      7 A smooth way makes the foot slip ESTONIA

      8 If you pick the fluff from a blanket it comes to pieces INDIA

      9 Better a crease in the shoe than a blister on the toe ESTONIA

      10 Crooked furrows grow straight grain CANADA

      1 The cork is always bigger than the mouth of the bottle ESTONIA

      2 An old story does not open the ear as a new one does NIGERIA11 PHONETIC STRUCTUREThe memorability of a proverb is considerably enhanced by its phonetic structure, especially in its use of repeated initial sounds (alliteration) and a balanced rhythm. These features are noticeable in the proverbs of all languages, though they are not always translatable. English proverbs on the whole make relatively little use of phonetic features, so that when they do occur, they stand out.AlliterationFull of courtesy, full of craft.There’s crust and crumb in every loaf.Metrical rhythmAbsence makes the heart grow fonder.Actions speak louder than words.RhymePray devoutly but hammer stoutly.A good cat deserves a good rat.Rhyme and rhythm combinedAn apple a day keeps the doctor away.No land without stones, or meat without bones.

      3 To open a shop is easy; to keep it open is an art CHINA

      4 If they do not open after three knocks, do not wait POLAND

      5 Open your mouth before you eat MAURITANIA

      6 The dogs will go into the corner that’s open SCOTLAND

      7 The eyes close in sleep, but the pillow remains awake MALAYSIA

      8 A closed mouth catches no flies ENGLAND

      9 Nothing enters into a closed hand SCOTLAND

      10 Steal a bell with your ears covered CHINA

      11 Those who want the last drop out of the can get the lid on their nose NETHERLANDS

      12 The devil makes pots, but not always lids ITALY: SARDINIA

      13 Old purses shut badly NETHERLANDS

      14 In buying horses and in taking a wife, shut your eyes tight and commend yourself to God ITALY

      15 All are not asleep who have their eyes shut GERMANY

      16 If two people tell you you are blind, shut one eye GEORGIA

      17 If you want to catch a wild horse, find a tight corral HAITI

      18 It’s no good locking the stable door after the horse is stolen ENGLANDSee also: 67 DOORS – WINDOWS – KEYS

      1 When a man eats, his own beard moves and not another’s TOGO

      2 As long as life lasts, the cow never stops moving its tail NIGERIA

      3 Move your neck according to the music ETHIOPIA

      4 The moon moves slowly, but it gets across the town CÔTE D’IVOIRE

      5 Pride only goes the length one can spit REPUBLIC OF CONGO

      6 A boat does not go forward if everyone rows their own way KENYA

      7 Driftwood never goes upstream USA

      8 Dead fish go always with the stream ENGLAND

      9 Where the needle goes the thread must follow POLAND

      10 If the swing goes forward it will go backward too SRI LANKA

      11 You must go behind the door to mend old breeches ENGLAND

      12 The sigh goes further than the shout SCOTLAND

      13 Money makes the world go round USA

      14 The tongue always goes to the aching tooth BULGARIA

      15 The fish does not go after the hook, but after the bait CZECH REPUBLIC

      16 Who marches fast remains on the road ALBANIA

      17 An army marches on its stomach FRANCE

      18 You can’t slide uphill USA

      19 Parents who are afraid to put their foot down will have children who step on their toes CHINA

      20 A wolf does not step on the tail of a wolf ESTONIA

      21 The rhinoceros which has no calf takes itself to the muddy pool SOUTH AFRICA

      22 The paddle which you find in the canoe is the one that will take you across LIBERIA

      23 A featherless arrow does not travel very far ZANZIBAR

      24 Making preparations does not spoil the trip GUINEA

      25 Words shake but examples attract SERBIA

      26 When the going is rough, big potatoes come to the top USA

      27 A quick nickel is better than a slow dollar USA

      28 A quick sixpence is better than a slow shilling ENGLAND

      1 The one on whose head we would break a coconut never stands still NIGERIA

      2 Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still CHINA

      3 Milk the cow that stands still ENGLAND

      4 You never know your luck till the wheel stops USA

      5 Still waters run deep ENGLAND

      6 In a calm sea everyone is a pilot ENGLAND

      7 Don’t get off the merry-go-round before it stops USA

      8 Don’t get on the streetcar before it stops CANADA

      1 Better go than send CHINA

      2 One only goes to look at the prickly pear-tree when it is bearing fruit MEXICO

      3 Better ask twice than go wrong once GERMANY

      4 Let those who do not know what war is go to war CHINA

      5 Before going to war say one prayer; before going to sea, two; before getting married, three POLAND

      6 Those who seek a constant friend go to the cemetery RUSSIA

      7 Who goes around the village long enough will get either a dog-bite or a dinner SERBIA

      8 When a donkey is well off he goes dancing on ice CZECH REPUBLIC

      9 If you go to the wedding you cover up the sledge ESTONIA

      10 You can only go halfway into the darkest forest; then you are coming out the other side CHINA

      11 Where everyone goes, the grass never grows GERMANY

      12 Those who wait for a dead person’s shoes are in danger of going barefoot FRANCE

      13 Where they like you, do not go often SPAIN

      14 Better do a good deed near at home than go far away to burn incense

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