Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning. Collins Dictionaries

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      arlwyo vb to prepare, to provide; to cook

      arlywydd (-ion) nm president

      arlywyddiaeth nf presidency

      arlywyddol adj presidential

      arlliw (-iau) nm varnish, tint, shade, trace

      arlliwio vb to colour, to tint, to paint

      arllwys vb to pour out, to empty

      arllwysfa nf outfall, outlet, vent

      armel nm second milk

      armes nf prophecy; calamity

      arnofio vb to float

      arobryn adj worthy, prize-winning

      arofun vb to intend, to purpose

      arogl (-au), aroglau (-euon) nm scent, smell

      arogldarth nm incense

      arogldarthu vb to burn incense

      arogli, arogleuo vb to scent; to smell

      arogliad nm smelling, sense of smell

      aroleuadau npl: aroleuadau gwallt highlights

      aroleuydd (-ion) nm highlighter (pen)

      arolwg nm survey

      arolygiad (-au) nm inspection

      arolygiaeth nf superintendency

      arolygu vb to superintend

      arolygwr (-wyr), arolygydd (-ion) nm superintendent, inspector; supervisor

      aros vb to wait, to await, to stay, to stop, to tarry, to abide, to remain; aros ar ôl stay behind; aros gartref stay in

      arswyd nm dread, terror, horror

      arswydo vb to dread; to shudder

      arswydus adj fearful, terrible, dreadful

      arsylwi vb to observe

      arsyllfa (-feydd) nf observatory

      arsyllu vb to observe

      artaith (-teithiau) nf torture, torment, pang

      arteithio vb to torture, to rack

      arteithiol adj racking, excruciating

      artisiog (-au) nm artichoke

      artistig adj artistic

      arth (eirth) nfm bear

      arthes (-au) nf she-bear

      arthio, arthu vb to bark, to growl

      aruchel adj lofty, sublime

      arucheledd nm loftiness, sublimity

      aruthr adj marvellous, strange

      aruthredd nm amazement, horror

      aruthrol adj huge, prodigious

      arwahanrwydd nm uniqueness, individuality

      arwain vb to conduct, to lead, to guide, to carry

      arwedd (-au, -ion) nf bearing, aspect

      arweddu vb to bear

      arweddwr (-wyr) nm bearer

      arweiniad nm guidance; introduction

      arweiniol adj leading, introductory

      arweinydd (-ion) nm guide, leader; conductor

      arweinyddiaeth nf leadership

      arwerthiant (-iannau) nm auction

      arwerthu vb to sell by auction

      arwerthwr (-wyr) nm auctioneer

      arwisgiad nm investiture

      arwisgo vb to enrobe, to array, to invest

      arwr (-wyr) nm hero

      arwraidd adj heroic, epic

      arwres (-au) nf heroine

      arwrgerdd (-i) nf epic poem

      arwriaeth nf heroism

      arwrol adj heroic, gallant

      arwybod nm awareness

      arwydd (-ion) nmf sign, signal; ensign; arwydd ffordd road sign

      arwyddair (-eiriau) nm motto

      arwyddbost nm signpost

      arwyddlun (-iau) nm emblem, symbol

      arwyddluniol adj emblematic, symbolic

      arwyddnod (-au) nm mark, token

      arwyddo vb to sign; to signify

      arwyddocâd nm signification, significance

      arwyddocaol adj significant

      arwyddocáu vb to signify, to denote

      arwyl (-ion) nf funeral, funeral rites

      arwylo vb to mourn over the dead

      arwynebedd nm surface, superficies

      arwynebol adj superficial

      arwyrain nmf praise, panegyric ▶ vb to rise, to extol

      arwystl nm mortgage

      arwystlo vb to pledge, to mortgage

      arysgrif (-au), arysgrifen (-nau) nf inscription, epigraph

      asb (-iaid) nf asp

      asbri nm animation, vivacity, spirits

      ased nm asset

      aseiniad (-au) nm assignment

      asen1 (-nau) nf rib


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