Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning. Collins Dictionaries

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(-wyr) nm woodman, forester

      coedd adj public

      coeg adj empty, vain; one-eyed, blind

      coegddyn (-ion) nm fop, coxcomb, fool

      coegedd nm emptiness, silliness

      coegen (-nod) nf minx, coquette

      coegennaidd adj coquettish

      coegfalch adj vain, foppish

      coegi vb to jeer at, to mock

      coeglyd adj vain, sarcastic

      coegni nm vanity; spite; sarcasm

      coegwr (-wyr) nm fool

      coegwych adj gaudy, garish, tawdry

      coegyn (-nod) nm coxcomb

      coel (-ion) nf belief, trust, credit

      coelbren (-nau, -ni) nm lot

      coelcerth (-i) nf bonfire, blaze

      coelgrefydd (-au) nf superstition

      coelgrefyddol adj superstitious

      coelio vb to believe, to credit, to trust

      coes (-au) nf leg, shank ▶ nfm handle; stem, stalk

      coetgae nm hedge; enclosure

      coetmon (-myn) nm lumberjack

      coetref nf woodland, homestead

      coets nm pushchair

      coeth adj fine, refined; elegant

      coethder nm refinement, elegance

      coethi vb to refine; to chastise; to babble

      coethwr (-wyr) nm refiner

      cof (-ion) nm memory; remembrance

      cofadail (-eiladau) nf monument

      cofbin (-nau) nm memory stick, pen drive

      cofeb (-ion) nf memorandum; memorial

      cof-gerdyn (cof-gardiau) nm memory card

      cofgolofn (-au) nf monument

      cofiadur (-on, -iaid) nm recorder

      cofiadwy adj memorable

      cofiannydd (-anyddion) nm biographer

      cofiant (-iannau) nm memoir, biography

      cofio vb to remember, to recollect

      cofl (-au) nf embrace; bosom

      coflaid (-eidiau) nf armful; bundle

      coflech (-au) nf memorial tablet

      cofleidio vb to embrace, to hug

      coflyfr (-au) nm record, chronicle

      cofnod (-ion) nm memorandum, minute

      cofnodi vb to record, to register

      cofrestr (-au) nf register, roll

      cofrestrfa nf registry

      cofrestru vb to register

      cofrestrydd (-ion) nm registrar

      cofrodd nf souvenir

      cofus adj mindful

      cofweini vb to prompt

      cofweinydd (-ion) nm prompter

      coffa vb to remember ▶ nm remembrance

      coffâd nm remembrance

      coffadwriaeth nf remembrance, memory

      coffadwriaethol adj memorial

      coffáu vb to remember; to remind; to commemorate

      coffi nm coffee

      coffr (-au) nm coffer, trunk, chest

      cog1 (-au) nf cuckoo

      cog2 (-au) nm cook

      coginiaeth nf cookery

      coginio vb to cook

      cogio vb to cog; to sham, to feign, to pretend

      cogiwr (-wyr) nm pretender, swindler

      cogor vb to chatter, to caw, to croak ▶ nm chattering

      cogwrn (-yrnau, cegyrn) nm knob, cone; cock (of corn); shell

      cogydd (-ion) nm cook

      cogyddes (-au) nf cook

      cogyddiaeth nf cookery

      congl (-au) nf corner

      col (-ion) nm awn, beard

      côl nf bosom, embrace

      coladu vb to collate

      coledd, coleddu vb to cherish, to foster

      coleddwr (-wyr) nm cherisher, fosterer, patron, supporter

      coleg (-au) nm college; coleg chweched dosbarth sixth-form college; coleg technoleg dinasol city technology college

      colegol adj collegiate

      colegwr (-wyr) nm collegian

      coler (-i) nfm collar

      colfen (-nau, -ni) nf bough, branch; tree

      colofn (-au) nf column, pillar

      colofnydd nm columnist

      colomen (-nod) nf dove, pigeon

      colomendy (-dai) nm dove-cot

      colomennaidd adj

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