Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning. Collins Dictionaries

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adj connected

      cysylltiol adj connecting; connected

      cysylltnod (-au) nm ligature, hyphen

      cysylltu vb to join, to connect

      cysylltydd (-ion) nm connector, contact

      cysyniad (-au) nm concept

      cytbell adj equidistant

      cytbwys adj of equal weight

      cytbwysedd nm balance

      cytew nm batter

      cytgan (-au) nmf chorus

      cytgord nm concord

      cytir (-oedd) nm common

      cytras adj allied, related; cognate

      cytsain (-seiniaid) nf consonant

      cytûn adj agreed, of one accord, unanimous

      cytundeb (-au) nm agreement, consent

      cytuno vb to agree, to consent

      cythlwng nm fasting, fast, hunger

      cythraul (-euliaid) nm devil, demon

      cythreuldeb nm devilment

      cythreulig adj devilish, fiendish

      cythru vb to snatch, to rush

      cythruddo vb to annoy, to provoke, to irritate

      cythrwfl nm uproar, tumult

      cythryblu vb to trouble, to agitate

      cythryblus adj troubled, agitated

      cyw (-ion) nm young bird, chick, chicken; baby

      cywain vb to convey, to carry; to garner

      cywair (-eiriau) nm order; key; tune

      cywaith (-weithiau) nm collective work, project

      cywarch nm hemp

      cywasg, cywasgedig adj diminished

      cywasgiad (-au) nm contraction, compression

      cywasgu vb to contract, to compress

      cywasgydd (-ion) nm compressor

      cyweiriad (-au) nm repair

      cyweiriadur (-on) nm modulator

      cyweirio vb to set in order; to prepare, to dress

      cyweirnod (-au) nm key-note

      cywen (-nod) nf pullet, young hen

      cywerth adj equivalent

      cywilydd nm shame; shyness

      cywilydd-dra nm shamefulness

      cywilyddgar adj bashful, shy

      cywilyddio vb to shame; to be ashamed

      cywilyddus adj shameful, disgraceful; outrageous

      cywir adj correct, accurate, true, faithful

      cywirdeb nm correctness; integrity

      cywiriad (-au) nm correction

      cywiro vb to correct; to make good; to perform

      cywirwr (-wyr) nm corrector

      cywladu vb to naturalize

      cywrain adj skilful; curious

      cywreinbeth (-au, cywreinion) nm curiosity

      cywreindeb nm skill, ingenuity

      cywreinrwydd nm skill; curiosity

      cywydd (-au) nm alliterative Welsh poem

      cywyddwr (-wyr) nm composer of cywyddau

      Chechnya nf Chechnya

      Chile nf Chile

      China nf China

      chwa (-on) nf puff, gust, breeze

      chwaer (chwiorydd) nf sister

      chwaeroliaeth nf sisterhood

      chwaeth (-au, -oedd) nf taste

      chwaethu vb to taste

      chwaethus adj tasteful; decent

      chwaith adv nor either, neither

      chwâl adj scattered, loose

      chwalfa (-feydd) nf upset, rout

      chwalu vb to scatter, to spread

      chwalwr (-wyr) nm scatterer, demolisher

      chwaneg adj, nm more

      chwanegiad (-au) nm addition

      chwanegol adj additional

      chwanegu vb to add, to augment, to increase

      chwannen (chwain) nf flea

      chwannog adj desirous; addicted; prone

      chwant (-au) nm desire, craving, lust

      chwantu vb to desire, to lust

      chwap nm sudden blow; moment ▶ adv instantly

      chwarae, chware vb to play ▶ nm play; chwaraeon y gaeaf winter sports

      chwaraedy (-dai) nm playhouse, theatre

      chwaraefa (-feydd) nf pitch, playground

      chwaraegar adj playful, sportive

      chwaraewr (-wyr) nm player, actor, performer; chwaraewr cryno-ddisgiau CD player; chwaraewr DVD DVD player


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