Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning. Collins Dictionaries
Читать онлайн книгу.deintrod (-au) nf cog
deintydd (-ion) nm dentist
deintyddiaeth nf dentistry
deintyddol adj dental
deiseb (-au) nf petition
deisebu vb to petition
deisebwr (-wyr), deisebydd (-ion) nm petitioner
deisyf, deisyfu vb to desire, to wish; to beseech, to entreat
deisyfiad (-au) nm request, petition
del adj pretty, neat
delfryd (-au) nm ideal
delfrydiaeth nf idealism
delfrydol adj ideal
delfrydu vb to idealize
delfrydwr (-wyr) nm idealist
delff nm churl, oaf, dolt, rascal
delio vb to deal
delw (-au) nf image; form, mode, manner
delwedd (-au) nf image
delweddaeth nf imagery
delweddu vb to portray
delwi vb to pale, to be paralysed with fright
dellni nm blindness
dellt npl (nf -en) laths, lattice, splinters
democratiaeth (-au) nf democracy
democratig adj democratic
demograffeg nf demography
demograffig adj demographic
deng adj ten (before certain words)
dengar adj attractive
dengarwch nm attractiveness
deniadau npl attractions, allurements
deniadol adj attractive
denims npl denims
Denmarc nf Denmark
denu vb to attract, to allure, to entice
deon (-iaid) nm dean
deondy (-dai) nm deanery
deoniaeth (-au) nf deanery
deor vb to brood, to hatch, to incubate
deorfa (-fâu, -feydd) nf hatchery
de-orllewin nm southwest
deorydd (-ion) nf incubator
derbyn vb to receive; to accept; to admit
derbyniad (-au) nm receipt; reception
derbyniadwy adj admissible
derbyniol adj acceptable
derbyniwr (derbynwyr) nm = derbynnydd
derbynneb (-ynebau, -ynebion) nf receipt, voucher
derbynnydd (-ynyddion) nm receiver
deri npl (nf dâr) oak-trees, oak
dernyn (-nau) nm piece, scrap
derwen (derw, deri) nf oak-tree, oak
derwydd (-on) nm druid
derwyddiaeth nf druidism
derwyddol adj druidic(al)
desg (-iau) nf desk; desg dalu checkout
desgant (-au) nm descant
desibel (-au) nm decibel
destlus adj neat
destlusrwydd nm neatness
detector (-au) nm detector
dethol vb to select, to pick, to choose ▶ adj select
detholedd nm selectivity
detholiad (-au, detholion) nm selection, anthology
deu- see dau-
deuawd (-au) nfm duet
deublyg adj double, twofold
deuddeg adj, nm twelve
deufin adj two-edged
deuffocal adj bifocal
deugain adj, nm forty
deugraff nm digraph
deunaw adj, nm eighteen
deunydd (-iau) nm stuff, material; deunydd lapio packaging
deuocsid nm dioxide
deuod (-au) nm diode, binary
deuol adj dual
deuoliaeth nf dualism, duality
deuparth nd two-thirds
deuris adj two-tier
deurudd nd the cheeks
deuryw adj bisexual
deurywiol adj bisexual
deusain nd diphthong
deutu nd: o ddeutu about
dewin (-iaid) nm diviner, magician, wizard
dewines (-au) nf witch, sorceress
dewiniaeth nf divination, witchcraft
dewinio vb to divine
dewiniol, dewinol adj prophetic, divinatory
dewis vb to choose, to select ▶ nm choice