Collins Spurrell Welsh Dictionary Pocket Edition: trusted support for learning. Collins Dictionaries
Читать онлайн книгу.(-ion) nm heir
aer2 nm air
aerdymheru nm air conditioning
aeres (-au) nf heiress
aerfa nf slaughter, battle
aerglo nm air-lock
aerobeg nm aerobics
aeron npl fruit, fruits, berries
aerwy (-au, -on) nm collar, torque; neck-chain
aes nf shield
aestheteg nf aesthetics
aesthetig adj aesthetic
aeth nm pain, grief, fear, shock
aethnen nf aspen, poplar
aethus adj poignant, grievous, severe
afal (-au) nm apple
afallen (-nau) nf apple-tree
afan npl (nf -en) raspberries
afanc (-od) nm beaver
afiach adj unwell, unhealthy, morbid
afiachus adj sickly; unwholesome
afiaith nm zest, mirth, glee
afiechyd (-on) nm disease, malady
afieithus adj mirthful, gleeful
aflafar adj harsh, unmelodious
aflan adj unclean, polluted, foul
aflawen adj fierce; sad, cheerless, dismal; awful
aflednais adj immodest, indelicate
afledneisrwydd nm immodesty, indelicacy
aflem adj obtuse
aflendid nm uncleanness; pollution
aflêr adj untidy, slovenly
aflerwch nm untidiness, slovenliness
afles nm disadvantage, hurt
aflesol adj disadvantageous, unprofitable
afliwiog adj pale, colourless
aflonydd adj unquiet, restless
aflonyddu vb to disturb, to molest
aflonyddwch nm disturbance, unrest
aflonyddwr (-wyr) nm disturber
afloyw adj turbid; opaque
afluniaidd adj mis-shapen, deformed
aflunio vb to disfigure, to deform
aflwydd nm misfortune, calamity
aflwyddiannus adj unsuccessful
aflwyddiant nm failure
aflwyddo vb to fail
aflywodraeth nf misrule, anarchy
aflywodraethus adj ungovernable, uncontrollable
afocado (-s) nm avocado
afon (-ydd) nf river
afonig nf rivulet, streamlet, brook
afradlon adj wasteful, prodigal
afradlonedd nm prodigality
afradloni, afradu vb to waste, to lavish, to squander
afraid adj unnecessary, needless ▶ nm superfluity
afrasol adj graceless, impious
afrealaidd, afrealistig adj unrealistic
afreidiol adj needless, superfluous
afreol nf misrule, disorder
afreolaidd adj irregular; disorderly
afreoleidd-dra nm irregularity
afreolus adj unruly, disorderly
afreswm nm absurdity
afresymegol adj illogical
afresymol adj unreasonable
afresymoldeb nm unreasonableness
afrifed adj innumerable
afrllad (-au), afrlladen (-nau) nf wafer
afrosgo adj clumsy, unwieldy
afrwydd adj difficult, stiff, awkward
afrwyddineb nm difficulty
afrwyddo vb to obstruct, to hinder
afrywiog adj perverse, cross-grained, improper
afrywiogrwydd nm churlishness, roughness
afu nmf liver; afu (g)las gizzard
afwyn (-au) nf rein
affeithiad nm affection (in grammar)
Affganistan nf Afghanistan
afflau nm grip, hug, embrace
affliw nm shred, particle
Affrica nf Africa
Affricanaidd adj African
Affricanwr (-wyr) nm African
affwysol nm abysmal
ag, â conj as ▶ prep with
agen (-nau) nf cleft, chink, fissure
agendor nmf gulf, abyss
agennu vb to split, to crack
ager, agerdd nm steam, vapour
agerfad (-au) nm steamboat
agerlong (-au) nf steamship, steamer
ageru vb to steam, to evaporate
agerw adj bitter, fierce
agor, agoryd vb to open, to expand