Plus One is a Lucky Number. Teresa Morgan F.

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Plus One is a Lucky Number - Teresa Morgan F.

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      Plus One is a Lucky Number

      Teresa F. Morgan

      A division of HarperCollinsPublishers


       Teresa F. Morgan


       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen

       Chapter Fourteen

       Chapter Fifteen

       Chapter Sixteen

       Chapter Seventeen

       Chapter Eighteen

       Chapter Nineteen

       Chapter Twenty

       Chapter Twenty One

       Chapter Twenty Two

       Chapter Twenty Three

       Chapter Twenty Four

       Chapter Twenty Five

       Chapter Twenty Six

       Chapter Twenty Seven

       Bonus Material

       About HarperImpulse


       About the Publisher

       Teresa F. Morgan

      I live in sunny Weston-super-Mare, trying to hold onto my Surrey accent where I was born and bred.

      For years I persevered with boring jobs, until my two boys joined my nest. In an attempt to find something to work around them, and to ensure I never endured full time boredom again, I found writing.

      I am at my happiest baking cakes, putting proper home cooked dinners on the table (whether the kids eat them or not), reading a good romance, or creating a touch of escapism with heroes readers will fall in love with.

      This book is dedicated to Elizabeth Charles (aka Junkfoodmonkey who writes professionally as Becky Black) and Star Ostgard (aka Shadowwalker). Without their encouragement I would never have started my writing journey. They’ve been tough on me at times, to the point of tears, but they have taught me so much and thickened my skin for the real writing world. Without them I would not have created this book.

      And rather than miss out names and upset anyone, I would also like to thank all my good friends and family who have put up with me … I mean supported me in fulfilling my dream of becoming an author – you know who you are!

      Thank you x

       Chapter One

      Sophie Trewyn needed an excuse. A good one. A week to go and she was still no closer to a decision. She hated being a coward, but she couldn’t face this alone.

      “Sophie, what’s up? You’re quiet tonight.” James frowned at her as he drank his pint.

      Roused momentarily from her reverie, Sophie picked up her wine glass. “It’s nothing. I’m tired.” She plastered on a smile.

      They were sitting in the garden at The White Lion, where everyone – from Accounts to the techies on the factory floor – went on Fridays for a drink after work. Luckily, it was a warm, July evening, so they could sit comfortably outside. Otherwise the small pub, with its low ceilings and wooden beams, would be swelling under the strain of its increased patrons.

      “Who’s keeping you up at night? Someone I know?” James nudged her playfully.

      “You know I’m not seeing anyone.” She sipped her Chardonnay and tucked a wisp of hair behind her ear.

      “Yeah, I mean, who’d want to go out with you? Pretty, intelligent –”

      “Oh, please.” Sophie blushed.

      “Okay – forget the intelligent bit.”

      Used to his teasing, she laughed. James and Sophie were design engineers, specialising in robotics. When she’d started at the company ten months ago, he’d taken her under his wing, becoming the older brother she never had and even introduced her to his girlfriend, Kate.

      “Does Kate know you think I’m pretty?”

      “Kate thinks you’re pretty! She wants to set you up with one of her boring accountant types.” Then, grinning, showing off boyish dimples, he added, “I keep telling her they’ll be too outgoing, even for you.”


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