The Complete Riftwar Saga Trilogy: Magician, Silverthorn, A Darkness at Sethanon. Raymond E. Feist

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The Complete Riftwar Saga Trilogy: Magician, Silverthorn, A Darkness at Sethanon - Raymond E. Feist

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so there was no importance in my absence.’

      Kerus nodded. ‘History might have been different had you been here, Borric.’ He lowered his voice. ‘I risk my neck by saying this, but many, even those of us here in the East, would have urged you to take the crown.’

      Borric’s expression showed he did not like hearing this, but Kerus pressed on. ‘By the time you got here, all the back-hallway politics had been done – with most lords content to give the crown to Erland – but it was a tense day and a half while the issue was in doubt. Why the elder Rodric didn’t name an heir I don’t know. But when the priests had chased away all the distant kin with no real claim, three men stood before them, Erland, young Rodric, and Guy du Bas-Tyra. The priests asked for their declarations, and each gave them in turn. Rodric and Erland both had solid claims, while Guy was there as a matter of form, as you would have been had you arrived in time.’

      Arutha interjected dryly, ‘The time of mourning ensures no western Lord will be King.’

      Borric threw a disapproving glance at his son, but Kerus said, ‘Not entirely. If there had been any doubt to the rights of succession, the priest would have held off the ceremony until your father arrived, Arutha. It has been done before.’

      He looked at Borric and lowered his voice. ‘As I said, it was expected Erland would take the crown. But when the crown was presented to him, he refused, conceding the claim to Rodric. No one at that time knew of Erland’s ill health, so most lords judged the decision a generous affirmation of Rodric’s claim, as the only son of the King. With Guy du Bas-Tyra’s backing the boy, the assembled Congress of Lords ratified his succession. Then the real infighting began, until at last your late wife’s uncle was named as King’s Regent.’

      Borric nodded. He remembered the battle over who would be named the then boy King’s Regent. His despised cousin Guy had nearly won the position, but Borric’s timely arrival and his support of Caldric of Rillanon, along with the support of Duke Brucal of Yabon and Prince Erland, had swung the majority of votes in the congress away from Guy.

      ‘For the next five years there was only an occasional border clash with Kesh. Things were quiet. Eight years ago’ – Kerus paused to glance around again – ‘Rodric embarked upon a program of public improvements, as he calls them, upgrading roads and bridges, building dams, and the like. At first they were of little burden, but the taxes have been increased yearly until now the peasants and freemen, even the minor nobles, are being bled white. The King has expanded his programs until now he is rebuilding the entire capital, to make it the greatest city known in the history of man, he says.

      ‘Two years ago a small delegation of nobles came to the King and asked him to abjure this excessive spending and ease the burden upon the people. The King flew into a rage, accused the nobles of being traitors, and had them summarily executed.’

      Borric’s eyes widened. The snow under his boot crunched dryly as he turned suddenly. ‘We’ve heard nothing of this in the West!’

      ‘When Erland heard the news, he went immediately to the King and demanded reparation for the families of the nobles who were executed, and a lessening of the taxes. The King – or so it is rumored – was ready to seize his uncle, but was restrained by the few counselors he still trusted. They advised His Majesty that such an act, unheard of in the history of the Kingdom, would surely cause the western lords to rise up against the King.’

      Borric’s expression darkened. ‘They were right. Had that boy hanged Erland, the Kingdom would have been irretrievably split.’

      ‘Since that time the Prince has not set foot in Rillanon, and the business of the Kingdom is handled by aides, for the two men will not speak to one another.’

      The Duke looked skyward, and his voice became troubled. ‘This is much worse than I had heard. Erland told me of the taxes and his refusal to impose them in the West. He said that the King was agreed, for he understood the need of maintaining the garrisons of the North and West.’

      Kerus slowly shook his head no. ‘The King agreed only when his aides painted pictures of goblin armies pouring down from the Northlands and plundering the cities of his Kingdom.’

      ‘Erland spoke of the strain between himself and his nephew, but even in light of the news I carry, said nothing about His Majesty’s actions.’

      Kerus drew a deep breath and started walking once more. ‘Borric, I spend so much time with the sycophants of the King’s court, I forget that you of the West are given to plain speech.’ Kerus was silent a moment, then said, ‘Our King is not the man he once was. Sometimes he seems his old self, laughing and open, filled with grand plans for the Kingdom; other times he is . . . someone else, as if a dark spirit has taken possession of his heart.

      ‘Take care, Borric, for only Erland stands closer to the throne than yourself. Our King is well aware of that fact – even if you never think of it – and sees daggers and poison where none exists.’

      Silence descended over the group, and Pug saw Borric look openly troubled. Kerus continued. ‘Rodric fears others covet his crown. That may be, but not those the King suspects. There are only four conDoin males besides the King, all of whom are men of honor.’ Borric inclined his head at the compliment. ‘But there are perhaps a dozen more who can claim ties to the throne, through the King’s mother and her people. All are eastern lords, and many would not flinch from the opportunity to press their claim to the throne before the Congress of Lords.’

      Borric looked incensed. ‘You speak of treason.’

      ‘Treason in men’s hearts, if not in deeds . . . yet.’

      ‘Have things come to such a pass in the East, without us of the West knowing?’

      Kerus nodded as they reached the far end of the garden. ‘Erland is an honorable man, and as such would keep unfounded rumors from his subjects, even yourself. As you have said, it is thirteen years since you last were at Rillanon. All warrants and missives from the King still pass through the Prince’s court. How would you know?

      ‘I fear it is only a matter of time before one or other of the King’s advisers positions himself over the fallen heads of those of us who hold to our beliefs that the nobility are wardens of the nation’s welfare.’

      Borric said, ‘Then you risk much with your frank speech.’

      Duke Kerus shrugged, indicating they should begin their return to the palace. ‘I have not always been a man to speak my mind, Lord Borric, but these are difficult times. Should anyone else have passed through, there would have been only polite conversation. You are unique, for with the Prince estranged from his nephew, you are the only man in the Kingdom with the strength and rank to possibly influence the King. I do not envy your weighty position, my friend.

      ‘When Rodric the Third was king, I was among the most powerful nobles in the East, but I might as well be a landless freebooter for all the influence I now hold in Rodric the Fourth’s court.’ Kerus paused. ‘Your black-hearted cousin Guy is now closest to the King, and the Duke of Bas-Tyra and I have little love between us. Our reasons for disliking one another are not as personal as yours. But as his star rises, mine falls even more.’

      Kerus slapped his hands as the cold was beginning to bite. ‘But one bit of good news. Guy is wintering at his estate near Pointer’s Head, so the King is free of his plotting for the present.’ Kerus gripped Borric’s arm. ‘Use whatever influence you can muster to stem the King’s impulsive nature, Lord Borric, for with this invasion you bring word of, we need to stand united. A lengthy war would drain us of what little reserves we possess, and should the Kingdom be put to the test, I do not know whether it would endure.’

      Borric said nothing, for even his worst fears since leaving the Prince were surpassed by Kerus’s remarks. The Duke of Salador said, ‘One last thing, Borric. With Erland having refused the crown thirteen years ago, and the rumors of his health failing, many of the Congress of Lords will be looking to you for guidance. Where you lead, many will follow, even some of us in the East.’

      Borric said coldly, ‘Are

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