Your Tarot Predictions for 2015. Karmel Nair

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Your Tarot Predictions for 2015 - Karmel  Nair

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is already part of your life. It’s all about giving that person a fair chance. If you were concerned about love and romantic linkups, then don’t be. Love is at hand and things are likely to shape up pretty well for you. The only problem here is that I see you making a few hasty choices. Now that you know this, try to avoid doing so. If you have more than one option for partners to choose from or to choose between love and other aspects of life, prioritise the right option. Think well and make a decision. Anything done hastily or wrong will land you with the wrong person or wrong situation. So think before you act.

      April-May-June – In an existing relationship scenario things are likely to get a little stressful. However, there is hope that things will settle in this very quarter. The relationship will pick up as it was in the last quarter but not without the understanding and support of both the partners involved. There is hope so don’t get too worked up over trivial issues and avoid making a mountain out of a molehill. If this happens, it might take that much longer to settle. The good news? I see you adopting the right attitude, a positive outlook towards your relationship. You will be in control of the situations and trust yourself to doing things right. This will only bring a spark to the existing relationship and make it look new and exciting once again.

      If you are single, don’t get disheartened or sad if you haven’t attracted the right person yet. This quarter is most powerful for meeting the right person. There is always that silver lining after the darkness, so be patient. If you did meet someone and it failed, don’t lose heart because you will attract a new partner soon. I see you doing just that. A beautiful, attractive, dominating yet loving woman / man will walk into your life. Don’t rush into anything serious too soon. Enjoy this phase of playing the persuasion game. A new beginning awaits you beyond this stage. Get ready for it.

      July-August-September – There is an external factor playing dirty in your relationship. This factor could be a woman, a queen like person; a mother or a sister, a woman friend you or your partner has. Don’t get carried away and question your relationship due to this external influence. This is a cautionary suggestion, dear Emperor, because sadly enough I see you doing precisely this and pushing your beloved and your relationship off the limits. This will only cause trouble and unsettle the relationship. Your partner at this juncture is already feeling lost and defeated in love with you; taxing the equation further will end this love which was so beautiful. Adopt caution. Look back and undo what you did. There is still a chance to save it if you take the right actions. Gladly, in the last month of this quarter I see a new spark developing between you and your partner which only denotes a positive beginning all over again. Let it not be ruined now. Work on it with a positive attitude.

      October-November-December – I see you getting carried away here. A new love attraction emerges from your past. The pull of this is way too strong. But look back and ask yourself—do you really need this kind of a relationship, a clandestine one? This could ruin what you already have, a beautiful, rewarding relationship. If things still get difficult around this time, I recommend you isolate yourself and introspect. Think hard about what you intend to do next. I’m glad to see that you choose to do the right thing, of staying back in your own space within the existing relationship, bidding adieu to this fatal past attraction. Balance and equality is restored in your life when it comes to love relationships. Your love for your beloved is even stronger now and better. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and I am glad it has. This year, love wins. You have done well for yourself, fought all the odds and come out victorious but has this taken a toll on your health or have you managed to sail through without a scratch, stress, a touch of sickness, or the burden of other ailments? If Health is good, then everything else is good too. So let’s now check your Health Reading in 2015.

      Health is Wealth. This statement is 100 % true. If health doesn’t favour you, the other aspects won’t matter, however potent and promising. So let’s look into your health reading for 2015.

      January-February-March – This quarter is about taking control and acting fast. You have been ignoring the signs your body has been giving you lately. This could be terminal aches, pains, stress related issues or chronic ailments. Nothing is going to help you unless you decide to do something and act anew; for instance, introducing a certain type of workout regime or following a new diet plan. You need to do this fast before external factors take you down completely. If you have been holding on to some past baggage, let go. If you did something wrong or someone did wrong to you it’s in the past and the earlier you forgive and forget the better for you and your health. The stress arising out of this negative emotion will hound you to the extent that it hampers your health, which is what I see happening. If you are a female Arian and trying to get pregnant, then this quarter will bring good news for you. However, if you are not planning parenthood, then this time may bring in positive news of an unplanned pregnancy. It’s better to take the right precautions.

      April-May-June – Work related stress and other issues might be of concern in this quarter. External factors play dirty. You have been pushing yourself too much; your body has not taken this too well. It’s asking you to slow down, to relax and unwind. Unfortunately I see disappointing news related to your health coming your way. This could be an ailment either big or small. Whatever the prognosis, be positive. Love yourself and be kind to your body. It has the power to heal itself and from what I see, you will succeed in doing that. To heal faster, surround yourself with positive, healthy influences. This phase of ill health too will settle. If need be, take a break, a small vacation or just a day’s break; it will rejuvenate you. If ill-health prolongs, it might bring in hospitalization. Now that you know this, you must choose to watch out and work on your body first. Take care of it and nurture it.

      July-August-September – Don’t be too worried about your health. I see you all worked up about your health this quarter. Relax. It isn’t that bad. You will survive and sail through. If you have been overworking either professionally or simply because of a new workout regime, just take it easy. You have been working too hard and pushing yourself way too much. This is creating a lot of mental stress that in turn is causing related health issues. If you can balance these aspects, your health will spring back and you will feel as good as new. Everything in moderation and balance is the key to better health this quarter and you need to do just that.

      October-November-December – Your recovery begins this quarter. If you have been worried about your health or were battling difficult times concerning health, it will all settle starting October. You should be feeling robust and fit by now. However, I see you again trailing the downward path. Avoid getting involved with stressful issues like difficult work targets and emotional matters. Stay away from these. Calm your mind and rest. If needed, take a break and come back. An art of living therapy, Yoga or Meditation should do you wonders. Finally, I see you becoming very energetic and have this grandiose quality which makes you very attractive and happy too. Indulge in this happiness and your health will be renewed.

      Your Health has seen its share of ups and downs but what matters is your will and determination to overcome them. This is due to your strong spirit, the will to fight and the strength to achieve stability just like the Emperor. I am glad that towards the end it all turned out good, obviously because of your inner strength. So now you have the wealth of robust health. Let’s now turn to your other wealth, your material assets in 2015.

      Wealth is not happiness, but definitely a means to it. Everyone in this age strives for a better life and a better life comes with financial security. It is therefore important for you to know how your wealth and assets shape up in 2015. Come take a look at your Wealth Reading

      January-February-March – Before this quarter began, everything seemed stuck financially. Nothing was moving. Money wasn’t coming in. You have been expecting a message about wealth which has been delayed but I see it all working out now,

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