Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies. David Hoffmann

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Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies - David  Hoffmann

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times a day before meals. If you are fasting, drink it at the times you would usually eat.

      The diet should be low in fibre and low in proteins as long as the symptoms persist and must be followed by a gradual return to a normal wholefood diet. An excellent soothing food to take during the peak of the problem is Slippery Elm. It can be made into the consistency of a thick gruel and will provide nutrition as well as a demulcent action on the ulcerated tissue.

      To deal with stress and tension, nervines are indicated for a short term treatment. But the body is sending a signal and giving a clue by developing a symptom like an ulcer, and it is best to take the hint. Take a look at your lifestyle and purpose in life. Is your life fulfilling and meaningful? Many valuable techniques are available to help you re-evaluate your life and clear these problems, ranging from simple relaxation techniques to psychotherapy. Stress management and relaxation is discussed in the next chapter.

      Herbally, a good nervine mixture to treat tension can be made of equal parts of Skullcap and Valerian, which should be made into a tea and drunk whenever needed. Other appropriate relaxing herbs, though not as strong, are Balm, Chamomile, Lavender and Lime Blossom, which can also be made into a tea and drunk whenever needed.




      This name is given to an inflammation that can occur in any section of the small intestine and sometimes even over its whole length of twenty feet. When it appears in one of the sections, it can be called accordingly: duodenitis, jejuvinitis or ileitis; but the treatment will always be the same. In most cases, the guidelines and treatment suggested for duodenal ulcers will be found sufficient. However, it would be good to add one part of Wild Yam to the mixture to further ease the inflammation and pain.


      A very common—though frequently unrecognised—condition is a diminished ability of the small intestine to absorb food in general or specific components, like minerals. This can lead to symptoms of malnutrition, to apparent mineral or vitamin deficiencies, to anaemia and weight loss, to abdominal pain or to a more insidious state of vague ill-health.

      Most commonly the malabsorption stems from an allergic reaction to particular foods which leads to problems in the lining of the intestine wall. The allergic reaction might be extreme and obvious, as in the case of coeliac disease due to a strong allergy to gluten, or it can take a mild form and not produce obvious symptoms. But in any case of suspected malabsorption, it is always worth removing potential allergens from the diet. A complete list of potential allergens would include any food, as everything can trigger an allergic reaction, but the majority of cases are found to be caused by just four types of food. The gluten-containing foods should be avoided. They include primarily all products made from wheat. Another major cause for allergic reactions is milk and milk products, like cheese and butter. Sugar and foods rich in sugar should also be considered, as should eggs. Eliminate these foods from your diet for a number of weeks and see if anything changes. If so, leave the food that is causing the allergy out of your diet; if not, see if your diet contains other foods you might suspect, like coffee or tea, or tomatoes. It is worth experimenting for a while to find out.

      Herbal remedies can help to soothe, heal and renew the lining of the intestine. Demulcents like Comfrey Root, Marshmallow Root and Slippery Elm will soothe the mucous membranes. Anti-inflammatory herbs, such as Wild Yam and Meadowsweet, should be considered as well as astringents like Bayberry, Agrimony and Meadowsweet. Carminatives such as Cardamon, Chamomile and Hops will be invaluable, with the last two also acting as relaxing nervines. It may be necessary to guard against infection, thus Echinacea would be used. For more serious problems in this category, such as Coeliac syndrome or Crohn’s disease, seek the help of a qualified practitioner.

      The main function of the large intestine—or colon—is to absorb water and minerals. Little or no other food is extracted, as this has occurred in the small intestine. The bacteria in the gut, or gut flora as they are known, make some of our vitamins here and protect against some toxic bacteria.


      An infection of the appendix can manifest in two ways, either in an acute and severe attack or in a more chronic form. A sudden and acute attack calls for immediate medical attention as it can develop into peritonitis, a condition where the appendix bursts, which is very dangerous.

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