Kay Brellend 3-Book Collection: The Street, The Family, Coronation Day. Kay Brellend

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Kay Brellend 3-Book Collection: The Street, The Family, Coronation Day - Kay  Brellend

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in this. I’m off to work. You’re up the shop. We ain’t got no milk or tea. Beth’ll look out for Lucy.’

      With that Jack caught his wife by the arm and hurried her down the stairs. Surprisingly, Tilly allowed him to steer her past Jimmy without incident despite her fingers curling at her sides. It was only when they reached the bottom of the flight that she broke free of her husband’s restraint and wheeled about. She simply looked up at Fran. ‘Alright?’ The single word was heavy with significance.

      A nod was all the answer she got from her sister.

      ‘I’ll be back shortly … don’t you worry about that.’ Tilly turned and went out with Jack.

       Chapter Seventeen

      ‘Is Jack thinking of going down the recruitin’ office and volunteering?’

      ‘What makes you say that?’ Tilly thrust one end of the damp sheet at Fran and backed off with the other until the linen was pulled tight. Deftly they folded and came together. Tilly took the neat rectangle and dropped it into the basket at her feet.

      ‘Jimmy heard it on the grapevine,’ Fran said, and plonked her hands on her hips while waiting for Tilly to unpeg the final sheet hanging limp on the line.

      ‘Oh … yeah?’ Tilly scoffed as she gave an expanse of cotton to her sister and they repeated the process of stretching and halving. ‘Where’d he hear that? Couldn’t have been off the recruiting sergeant ’cos the weasel ain’t got it in him to turn up there himself and take the king’s shillin’.’

      ‘Yeah … well, I’m glad of that ‘n’ all.’ In pique Fran let go of the sheet and let Tilly fold it on her own. ‘Jim’s a family man. He’s just being sensible, stopping home and lookin’ out for his own. What’s needed is bachelors in the army.’ Fran’s defensive stance wilted. ‘Why are you always so against him? Way you carry on you’d think that you ‘n’ Jack never had a cross word between you.’ She gave her sister a significant stare. ‘I heard the two of yers last night going at it like the clappers.’ Fran’s hands again found her hips. ‘Kept me awake half the night.’ That peevish complaint drew no response from Tilly. ‘Anyhow, Jimmy’s been good lately, giving me regular money every week. He took the boys boatin’ on the lake down Finsbury last weekend.’

      A snort of derisive laughter met that. ‘Well, if he’s trying that hard the old bag’s thrown him out fer sure.’

      ‘You’re wrong!’ Fran cried, quite agitated. ‘He’s still living with her. She won’t let him go, he says. Keeps causing a right scene when he says he’s moving out and coming back home where he belongs.’

      ‘I reckon she wants shot of him, first chance she gets. And he knows it. Soon as he can’t ponce off her no more he’ll be back and running you ragged instead to keep him in booze ‘n’ bacca.’

      ‘He’s changed …’

      ‘Ain’t listening to none o’ that crap, Fran,’ Tilly announced bluntly. ‘Heard it all before so don’t tell me no more ’cos we’re gonna end up arguing.’ Tilly contemptuously clicked two fingers. ‘He ain’t worth that as far as I’m concerned.’

      For a few minutes the small back yard crackled with tension. Tilly turned back to Fran. ‘If you must know Jack has said a few things about enlisting. I put him straight on it. He’s needed here, with me ‘n’ the kids. He reckons if things over there ain’t better after Christmas he’s going. Always been patriotic and brave, has my Jack. Them sodding Kitchener posters stuck all over the place don’t help. Your country needs you!’ She spat. ‘Perhaps it do; but when you live in The Bunk your family’s needs are greater. So Jack still ain’t going, and that’s that.’

      ‘Well … now you understand how I feel about my Jimmy stoppin’ around with me and our boys.’

      ‘No I don’t,’ Tilly responded flatly. She scooped up the washing basket overflowing with damp cotton. ‘Gotta get going and get me rents collected.’ She shoved Fran’s washing at her then made for the back door. ‘I’d get that lot ironed if I was you and get it back over Highgate before the kids get home from school.’

      Geoff looked out of the window of Kenny’s café at the steady drizzle.

      Alice shook his arm to get his attention. ‘Why don’t you try and get a job too at the new factory that’s just opened up? Me and Annie are going to be drilling and tapping. But best of all we can get night work. Good pay for night work. We heard they might pay up to sixteen shillings to start off.’ She clattered her cup to rest on its saucer. ‘Bet the pay’s better than what you get in Milligan’s. Be nice to have good money for Christmas.’

      Geoff wrinkled his nose. ‘Nah, I just got a rise. Me wages ain’t far short of fifteen shillings and I’ve still got me perks to take into account on top. Anyhow, don’t fancy factory work, nor working nights. Might tell me dad though. If he can sit at a bench drillin’ it might do him. He used to do night work in a factory back in Essex.’

      ‘Lots of girls’ll be working there for you to chat up,’ she ribbed him.

      ‘Hah, hah,’ Geoff said and leaned back in his chair. ‘Like you don’t know that there’s only one girl I’m interested in.’

      ‘When I’m older … I reckon I’ll be interested in you right back,’ Alice answered with a jaunty grin that nevertheless held a hint of flirtation. ‘But for now I’ve got to get meself a good job with good pay so’s I can save up for a few nice clothes and a decent place to live. Can’t wait to be grown up enough to get out of here.’

      ‘How old d’you reckon you’ll be before you’re grown up enough?’ Geoff asked acidly.

      ‘Keep on like that, Geoff Lovat, and I’ll make sure I never grow up enough.’ Alice narrowed her eyes on him to let him know he’d annoyed her. ‘Not for you anyhow.’ She looked away, feeling a knot tightening in her guts that she sensed was guilt. Sometimes she knew she wanted nothing more than to have Geoff put his arms about her and kiss her. But … she’d seen where that could lead, and she wasn’t ready to give up on her dream of a decent life in a nice area. Getting yourself in the family way led to a swollen belly and a lifetime of drudgery in The Bunk.

      Geoff stared back at her from beneath his lids then laughed to lighten the tension between them. ‘Coming to the flicks this afternoon?’ he asked.

      ‘Alright,’ Alice said immediately, glad they were again on an even keel. It was one of the things she loved about Geoff: he never stayed sulky for long or bore grudges. Whereas at home her mum had seemed to be in a vile mood since her dad had said that after Christmas, if things still looked bad, he was going to definitely join up.

      Every time the German planes whined overhead in the night sky her mum and dad would wake them and get her and Beth and Lucy to huddle beneath the table. There was no room for their parents too so they’d dive under their iron bedstead. Her dad had fashioned quite a sturdy little shelter for the two of them by putting planks of wood on top of the springs. So far they’d been lucky and the planes had carried on over the rooftops. But her dad always muttered the same thing on all clear. ‘It’s only a matter of time … only a matter of time …’

      ‘D’you reckon the war’ll end soon?’ Alice asked wistfully.

      ‘Nah,’ Geoff said dully. ‘No chance.’

      ‘Me dad’s going off to fight after Christmas.’

      Geoff looked at Alice’s gloomy face. He’d heard the rumours too that Jack Keiver was ready and willing to do his bit for his country. ‘He’ll be alright; be back before you know it,’ he gruffly reassured her. ‘He’ll know how to keep himself safe and come home. He’s got it up there.’ Geoff tapped his head indicatively.

      Alice smiled weakly. ‘I know he has …’ she murmured.


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