Collins Welsh Dictionary Gem Edition: trusted support for learning. Collins Dictionaries
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a1 interrogative particle, preverbal particle, rel pron who, that, which
a2, ac conj and
a3 excl ah, oh
â1, ag conj as
â2, ag prep with
ab, ap nm son (before name, in place of surname, like ‘Mac’)
abad (-au) nm abbot
abadaeth (-au) nf abbacy, abbotship
abades (-au) nf abbess
abatir (-oedd) nm abbey-land
abaty (abatai) nm abbey
aber (-oedd, ebyr) nm confluence; mouth of river, estuary; brook, stream
aberfa (-oedd) nf mouth of river, estuary
abergofiant nm forgetfulness, oblivion
aberth (-au, ebyrth) nm sacrifice
aberthged nf oblation; offering of fruits
aberthol adj sacrificial
aberthu vb to sacrifice
aberthwr (-wyr) nm sacrificer
aberu vb to flow into
abid nmf apparel; dress of religious order
abiéc nmf alphabet
abl adj able; well-off
abladol adj ablative
abledd nm ability; plenty
abrwysg adj clumsy, drunken
absen nm absence; slander
absennol adj absent
absennu vb to backbite, to slander
absennwr (absenwyr) nm backbiter
absenoldeb nm absence
absenoli vb to absent
absenoliaeth (-au) nf absenteeism
abwyd, abwydyn (abwydod) nm worm; fishing-bait
ac, a conj and
academaidd adj academic
academi (-ïau) nm academy
acen (-ion) nf accent
aceniad nm accentuation
acennod nm accent mark
acennu vb to accent, to stress
acenyddiaeth nf accentuation
acer (-i) nf acre
aciwbigiad (-au) nm acupuncture
acne nm acne
acrilig adj acrylic
act (-au) nf act
actio vb to act
actor (-ion) nm actor
actores (-au) nf actress
acw adv there, yonder
ach1 excl ugh
ach2 (-au, -oedd) nf degree of kinship; (pl) pedigree, ancestry
aches nm tide, flood; eloquence
achfre nmf see achwre
achlân adv wholly, entirely
achles (-oedd) nf succour, protection; manure
achlesol adj succouring