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see ym

      amaeth nm husbandman; agriculture

      amaethdy (-dai) nm farm-house

      amaethu vb to farm, to till

      amaethwr (-wyr) nm farmer

      amaethwraig nf farm-wife

      amaethyddiaeth nf agriculture

      amaethyddol adj agricultural

      amarch nm disrespect, dishonour

      amau vb to doubt, to suspect ▶ nm (-heuon) doubt

      ambell adj occasional; ambell waith sometimes

      amcan (-ion) nm purpose, aim; guess; ar amcan at random, approximately, at a guess

      amcangyfrif vb to estimate ▶ nm (-on) estimate

      amcanu vb to purpose; to aim; to guess

      amdo (-oeau) nm shroud, winding-sheet

      amdoi vb to shroud, to enshroud

      amdorch (-dyrch) nf chaplet, wreath

      amddifad adj destitute, orphan

      amddifadrwydd nm destitution, privation

      amddifadu vb to bereave, to deprive

      amddifaty (-tai) nm orphanage

      amddifedi nm destitution, privation

      amddiffyn vb to defend, to protect, to shield ▶ nm (addiffynion) defence

      amddiffynfa (-feydd) nf fortress

      amddiffyniad nm protection, defence

      amddiffynnwr (-wyr), amddiffynyddion nm defender, protector

      amddyfrwys adj mighty, rugged; marshy

      America Ladin nf Latin America

      Amerig nf: yr Amerig America

      amfesur (-au) nm perimeter

      amgáu vb to enclose, to shut in

      amgen adj, adv other, else, otherwise; different; nid amgen that is to say, namely

      amgenach adj, adv otherwise; better

      amgueddfa (-feydd) nf museum

      amgyffred vb to comprehend, to comprise ▶ nm (-ion) comprehension

      amgyffrediad nm comprehension

      amgylch (-oedd) nm circuit; environs, surroundings; o (oddi) amgylch round about, about

      amgylchedd nm circumference; environment

      amgylcheddol adj environmental; yn amgylcheddol environmentally; amgylcheddol garedig environmentally friendly

      amgylchfyd nm environment

      amgylchiad (-au) nm circumstance; occasion

      amgylchiadol adj circumstantial

      amgylchu vb to surround

      amgylchynol adj surrounding

      amgylchynu vb to surround

      amharchu vb to dishonour, to disrespect

      amharchus adj disrespectful, disreputable

      amhariad nm impairment, damage

      amharod adj unprepared, unready

      amharodrwydd nm unreadiness

      amharu vb to impair, to harm, to injure, to damage

      amhendant adj indefinite, vague

      amhenderfynol adj irresolute

      amhenodol adj indefinite

      amherchi vb to dishonour, to insult

      amherffaith adj imperfect

      amherffeithrwydd nm imperfection

      amhersonol adj impersonal

      amherthnasol, amherthynasol adj irrelevant

      amheuaeth nf doubt, scepticism

      amheugar adj suspicious; sceptical

      amheuol adj doubting, doubtful

      amheus adj doubting, doubtful, dubious

      amheuthun adj dainty, savoury ▶ nm (-ion) dainty, delicacy, treat

      amheuwr (-wyr) nm doubter, sceptic

      amhlantadwy adj childless, barren

      amhleidiol, amhleitgar adj impartial

      amhoblog adj sparsely populated

      amhoblogaidd adj unpopular

      amhosibl adj impossible

      amhriodol adj improper

      amhrisiadwy adj priceless

      amhrofiadol adj inexperienced

      amhrydlon adj unpunctual

      amhûr adj impure, foul

      amhwrpasol adj irrelevant

      amhwyllo vb to lose one’s senses, to go mad

      aml adj frequent, abundant ▶ adv often

      amlder, amldra nm abundance

      amldduwiad (-iaid) nm polytheist

      amldduwiaeth nf polytheism

      amleiriog adj wordy, verbose, prolix

      amlen (-ni) nf envelope, wrapper

      amlhad nm increasing, increase

      amlhau vb to increase, to multiply

      amlinelliad (-au) nm outline

      amlinellu vb to outline

      aml-lawr adj multi-storey

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