Blood Ties Bundle: Blood Ties Book One: The Turning / Blood Ties Book Two: Possession / Blood Ties Book Three: Ashes to Ashes / Blood Ties Book Four: All Souls' Night. Jennifer Armintrout

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Blood Ties Bundle: Blood Ties Book One: The Turning / Blood Ties Book Two: Possession / Blood Ties Book Three: Ashes to Ashes / Blood Ties Book Four: All Souls' Night - Jennifer  Armintrout

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we didn’t achieve either of our goals.”

      “What does that mean?” I whispered to Nathan.

      “It means we didn’t kill Cyrus. Or the Soul Eater.”

      The blond vampire behind me leaned forward, his cold breath tickling my neck. “But some of us got damned close.”

      Nathan twisted around in his chair. “Cyrus is her sire. You really know how to put your foot in it, don’t you?”

      I almost snapped that I didn’t care, that jerk could say anything he wanted. It certainly would have earned me some points with this crowd. But beneath my current tangle of confused emotions was a lingering ache from being separated from my sire. The pain I’d felt through the blood tie would be nothing compared to the emptiness I’d feel if he actually were killed.

      I finally knew what my mother meant when she’d said, just because you love a person doesn’t mean you have to like them.

      Miss Thin Dark and Annoying stopped directly in front of us. Nathan was certainly appreciative of the view.

      “Since our first mission failed and the council still wishes to see Cyrus exterminated, we’ve been ordered back in.”

      Angry shouts and groans of disbelief erupted around the room. Some people grumbled about nonrefundable plane tickets and jobs they needed to get back to.

      Max actually stood up, like a character in a town meeting from an old movie. “Now that Cyrus knows we’re in town, he’s going to hightail it out of here. Not to mention the fact the Soul Eater is going to up his guards.”

      I couldn’t tell if the outraged voices agreed with him or not.

      The leader waved her hands to silence everyone. “Cyrus isn’t going anywhere. The Movement has pulled passenger lists for upcoming domestic and international flights. None of his known aliases are traveling, passenger or cargo. As for the Soul Eater, he successfully shipped himself to…” She pulled out a Palm Pilot and punched a few keys. “Washington, D.C. The council wants one volunteer to follow him—”

      “Yo,” Max said as he raised his hand.

      She narrowed her eyes and keyed something in. “Fine. We also need a small group to infiltrate Cyrus’s mansion and assassinate him.”

      Nathan tore his gaze away from the woman, finally, and turned to me. His eyes were so intense I thought he’d shoot lasers from them as he stared at me. I knew he was making a decision from the way he furrowed his brows.

      A decision that obviously concerned me.

      Not that he would consult me on it. “I’ll go.”

      The woman smiled. “Thank you, Nathan.”

      “Then I’m going, too!” I claimed as I raised my hand, despite Nathan’s persistent attempts to block it. We ended up looking like we’d engaged in a very sissy slap fight.

      “Absolutely not!” He didn’t bother to lower his voice. “He’s your sire. You’re too much of a liability.”

      Anger burned hot on my face. I’d had just about enough of people telling me what I could and couldn’t do. I wasn’t going to let Nathan face Cyrus alone, partly because I feared for his safety and partly because I needed to see Cyrus die with my own eyes. “Pardon me, but I do believe she said volunteer. I’m volunteering, and I don’t think it’s any of your business!”

      The speaker cleared her delicate throat. “It doesn’t matter. She’s not Movement, so she’s not eligible to take the assignment.”

      “Excuse me, I’m right here,” I nearly growled at her.

      “Ladies, ladies. Let’s not have a catfight,” Max urged, standing again. “Unless there’s going to be torn clothing involved. If Cyrus is her sire, I say she’s got the right to take him out herself.”

      “How do we know she won’t fall to the blood tie and stab us in the back?” That bitch was becoming more irritating with every second.

      “Hello!” I shrieked, rising to my feet. “I’m still right here. How do you manage to keep from going all feral and tearing people up? I haven’t done it yet, and I’m pretty sure I can avoid doing it in the near future!”

      “I don’t want you going in there again!” Nathan shouted, grabbing me by the arm and tugging me back into my seat.

      I wrenched out of his grasp. “You don’t have the authority to boss me around, so drop the dad act!”

      His face went ashen.

      “Oh, God, Nathan, I’m—”

      “You know what? Go ahead and come along. If you get killed, it’s your fault, not mine. I don’t give a damn anymore.” He stood and stalked off, slamming the door behind him.

      “Forget that D.C. thing. I want to go with them,” Max said, waving his hand furiously in the air.

      The woman scowled at both of us and ran after Nathan.

      Max shrugged and addressed the group. “I guess that means meeting adjourned.”

      Tears stung my eyelids as the discordant bells above the door chimed. I don’t know what bothered me more, that I’d hurt Nathan’s feelings or that she was out there comforting him.

      “Hey, don’t worry about it, he’s not really interested in her.” Max’s voice was so close to my ear, I jumped.

      I turned to see he’d slid into the vacant seat beside me. “I don’t care.”

      Max’s smile was boyish and held just a hint of naughtiness, as though my obvious attraction to Nathan didn’t remove me from his prospective bedding pool. “I know you don’t. I just feel like talking about it. If you don’t care, it shouldn’t bother you.”

      I couldn’t help my smile. “Fine.”

      “Rachel’s a good girl. But Nathan’s not her type, if you catch my drift.”

      I didn’t, so I just stared at him blankly.

      Max frowned. “Okay, let me put it this way. If Nathan were to actively pursue her, he’d have to get a major operation. In Switzerland.”

      “Now I get it.”

      “Good, I could tell you were a smart one. I’m Max Harrison.” His handshake was firm, as if he’d been practicing for a job interview. I was surprised when he slipped his hand out of mine and tried to bump fists with me.

      I laughed. “I’m sorry, I’m not that hip.”

      “Don’t sweat it.” He covered his soft laugh with a cough. “Rachel just looks out for her kids. They’re the vamps she took under her wing when they were new to the Movement.”

      “You’re not one of her kids?” I raised an eyebrow.

      He sniffed and leaned back in his seat. “No. But enough about me. I want to know about the cutie in the Goth ballerina costume.”

      I blushed from the roots of my hair to the tips of my toes. “You saw me?”

      “It was kinda hard to miss you.” There was nothing boyish about his expression now. He was almost predatory, the way he looked me up and down.

      The bells above the door jingled again, and I was grateful for the excuse to change the subject. “Sounds like they’re back.”

      Nathan and Rachel entered the shop. I could tell he was still upset, but he managed to put on an amicable face. Rachel pasted on a fake smile and walked toward me with Nathan.

      “Well, Doctor, I’ve heard a lot about you,” she said, leaning casually against the counter. “Do you think you can live up to the hype?”

      I smiled back sweetly, but narrowed my eyes at her challenge. “I’m sure I can, and then some.”

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