Snow Crystal Trilogy: Sleigh Bells in the Snow / Suddenly Last Summer / Maybe This Christmas. Sarah Morgan

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Snow Crystal Trilogy: Sleigh Bells in the Snow / Suddenly Last Summer / Maybe This Christmas - Sarah Morgan

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gave up her life to have me. Christmas became a time of guilt and duty on their part and agonizing discomfort on mine. My stepmother had waited years to have Dad all to herself. She wanted a dreamy Christmas with her new family and the legacy of my father’s mistake didn’t fit into that. I was the outsider.”

      Still holding her, Jackson swore softly. “Walter used that word the other evening. That’s why you were upset.”

      “It was part of it. That word presses a button for me. And he was right—I am the outsider. It’s my specialty.”


      “I actually prefer it that way. I run my own life. I’m happy. I’m proud of who I am and I like what I have. The only time I find it hard is at Christmas. At Christmas it’s like standing outside a party you’re not invited to, knowing that everyone else is inside having fun.” She eased away from him and lay on her back, staring up at the soaring ceiling. “There’s something about this time of year that makes your emotions sharper. You feel as if everyone else has someone, even though you know that isn’t true.”

      “You never see your mother?”

      “She moved to New Zealand.”

      “You don’t visit?”

      “I went once, a few years ago. Hard to say which one of us found the experience most painful. I’m just a reminder of a part of her life she’d rather forget. And my father just sees me and feels guilt.” She turned her head to look at him and gave a crooked smile. “I know how to kill a romantic atmosphere, don’t I?”

      “We’re naked in front of a fire and it’s snowing outside.” His voice rough, he hauled her back against him, holding her tightly. “You can’t kill that.”

      She was silent for a moment, knowing what she’d told him had changed things.

      There was the intimacy of sharing their bodies and then there was the intimacy of sharing inner secrets. That one was new to her, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about it.

      “Should we check on Maple?”

      “She’s asleep. She uses so much energy during the day she crashes out at night. She won’t wake until morning.”

      “But she’s in the bedroom.”

      His fingers were in her hair. “There’s another bed.”

      He was planning on staying the night?

      She never spent the whole night with a man, but he was already on his feet and tugging her upright.

      Kayla felt a flutter of panic. “What are you doing?”

      He cupped her face and kissed her. “It’s time someone gave you some new Christmas memories.”



      HE WOKE IN the cold darkness of the early morning to find the bed empty.

      It didn’t feel right.

      What would have felt right after a night filled with the best sex of his life would have been to wake up next to the woman he’d shared it with. Preferably with both of them still naked.

      Unfortunately the woman in question obviously felt differently.

      He wasn’t surprised.

      What surprised him was how much he minded.

      Cursing softly, Jackson reached for his watch and checked the time.

      Seven a.m. Where the hell could she have gone at 7:00 a.m?

      “Kayla?” He called her name but he already knew the cabin was empty. And the fact that there was no answering bark told him she’d taken Maple. Which meant she’d gone over to the house.

      His mother probably wasn’t even awake yet.

      Rubbing his hand over his face to clear the fog of less than four hours sleep, Jackson leaned back against the pillows.

      She could have woken him so that he could walk with her. The fact she hadn’t told him all he needed to know about the way she viewed their relationship.

      She’d already pushed it into the history books.

      He wondered how she’d react when she discovered he had no intention of stopping at one night.

      Jackson smiled.

      He wondered if she realized she hadn’t once checked her emails.

      CAREFULLY SUPPORTING THE bundle tucked inside her coat, Kayla tapped on the front door of the house.

      Just one night, she told herself. Nothing to panic about. Other people did it all the time and then got on with their lives. It didn’t mean anything. It wasn’t a threat to who she was or what she wanted.

      So why the knot in her stomach?

      The door opened and Elizabeth stood there, her smile welcoming. “I got your text. You didn’t need to bring her back. I could have come and collected her later, dear.”

      The endearment made her chest feel tight. She wasn’t used to hearing it.

      Yet another reason to stay away from Jackson. It wasn’t just the man who was a threat, it was his whole family.

      “I felt like the walk.” Actually she’d felt like running. As fast as she could from the man lying in her bed. This woman’s son. “Did I wake you?”

      “I wake early.”

      Someone else who couldn’t sleep, Kayla thought. “I’ll bring her blanket over later and I couldn’t find her toy. It might be under the sofa.”

      “I didn’t realize she’d spent the whole night with you. I thought Jackson was picking her up.”

      “She seemed settled with me.” Kayla gently extracted Maple, who squirmed with excitement and licked her face.

      “I hope she wasn’t too much trouble.”

      Kayla handed over the puppy, surprised by how much she wanted to keep her and relieved Maple couldn’t talk because she was the only witness to what had happened the night before.

      “She slept.”

      “When she’s out, nothing will wake her.” Elizabeth stood to one side. “Come on in out of the cold. We’re all in the kitchen.”


      “Brenna and Élise are here. Élise is making pancakes, although she calls them crepes or something French. All I know is that they taste good, but that girl can’t make anything that doesn’t taste good.”

      Kayla hesitated. She should have said no, but the alternative was going back to the cabin where Jackson was still asleep.

      “I should work—”

      “Brenna’s just made a fresh pot of coffee.”

      The word coffee decided it. Kayla stepped inside and was once again enveloped by the welcoming warmth of the house. The delicious smell of coffee mingled with cinnamon and freshly baked rolls. Warm winter smells.

      Brenna and Élise were both busy in the kitchen, chatting together as they prepared breakfast.

      Kayla greeted them, feeling awkward, while Elizabeth filled a mug with hot coffee.

      “So did you even see Jackson last night? I thought he was going to take Maple.”

      “I—” Thrown by that unexpected question, Kayla fumbled for an answer. “Yes, he—popped round.”


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