Seduction Assignment: The Seduction Season / The Marriage Deal / The Husband Assignment. HELEN BIANCHIN
Читать онлайн книгу.he watched as she took a backward step, then turned and walked to the door.
‘Be ready at nine.’
Her hand froze as she reached for the latch, and she cast him a startled glance over one shoulder.
‘Our picnic, remember?’ A slow smile spread his mouth. ‘I’ll organise the food.’
Anneke recovered quickly. ‘Nine.’ Then she opened the door and closed it quietly behind her.
She’d left a light on inside her aunt’s cottage, and it provided a welcoming glow as she crossed the path.
Sleep didn’t come easily. Nor did peace of mind. But then she hadn’t expected it to.
ANNEKE woke at dawn, opened one eye, groaned, then rolled over and tried to capture sleep. Two hours would be great, but she’d settle for one.
Ten minutes later she gave up on it and slid out of bed. An early-morning swim, then she’d shower, have breakfast, and package the small Christmas cakes designated as gifts ready to consign to the postal services tomorrow.
She expected to see Sebastian on the beach, but he was nowhere in sight. She ran the length of the cove, then stripped down to her swimsuit for a leisurely swim.
It was almost eight-thirty when Aunt Vivienne rang to report that Elise was progressing so well the doctors were confident she’d go close to full term.
‘How are you getting on with Sebastian, Anneke?’
Oh, my, now there was a question! What would her kindly aunt think if Anneke went with total honesty and said she was on the verge of going to bed with him?
‘Fine.’ That covered a multitude of contingencies.
‘Why don’t you fly up and join us for Christmas, darling? I know Sebastian is going to Paris, and I don’t like to think of you at the cottage alone.’
‘That’s thoughtful of you,’ Anneke declared warmly, grateful for the option of spending the festive season with family.
It was almost nine when she smoothed a hand down the seam of her designer jeans, then slid nervous fingers along the ribbed hem of the skinny top she’d chosen to wear.
A knock on the door heralded Sebastian’s arrival, and she caught hold of her bag, collected her sunglasses, then crossed to open the kitchen door.
Clad in dark blue jeans and a black shirt with the sleeves rolled part-way up each forearm, he looked far too vibrant for any girl’s peace of mind.
‘Good morning.’
Sunglasses made it impossible for her to detect his expression, and she matched his smile with one of her own.
Sebastian headed the Range Rover north when they reached the open highway.
‘Where are we going?’
‘The Gold Coast hinterland. Lamington National Park, O’Reilly’s.’ He spared her a warm glance. ‘We’ll feed the lorikeets, have lunch, then maybe head down to Surfers Paradise for an hour or two.’
The sun was hot, tempered by a slight breeze, and Anneke was delighted by the friendly lorikeets. Feeding time was something else as the brightly coloured green and red plumed parrots settled on her arms then walked up onto her shoulders. Some even settled on her head, and she laughed when one became over-curious with the band confining her hair. His claws became tangled in the single thick plait, and his squawking brought Sebastian to the rescue.
‘Hold still.’
‘Believe me, I wouldn’t think of doing anything else,’ she assured him as he moved in close.
Too close. She was intensely aware of his shirt-clad chest and shoulders only mere inches from her cheek. Clean fabric mingled with the faint musky tones of his aftershave, and played havoc with her senses.
‘He won’t hurt you,’ Sebastian murmured. ‘He’s just frightened.’
That makes two of us. But it wasn’t the parrot she was afraid of.
‘There,’ Sebastian reassured. ‘He’s free.’ He caught hold of her chin and lifted it. ‘His claws didn’t scratch you?’
‘No.’ Her mouth was inches away from his, and she had to control the temptation to reach up and pull his head down to hers.
‘Yes.’ It was true. The mountain air had given her an appetite.
‘Come on, then.’ He caught hold of her hand and tugged her towards the path leading to where the land cruiser was parked.
Sebastian unlocked the rear door and opened up a portable cooler.’ Voilà.’
There were fresh steaks, crisp lettuce, fresh fruit, mineral water and a bottle of wine.
‘You came prepared.’
His eyes challenged hers. ‘Always.’
She doubted if anyone had managed to gain the element of surprise with this man. He was intensely vital, acutely alert, and far too discerning to be caught unawares.
Gas-fired barbecues were positioned at intervals on a grassed area adjacent the car park, and there were tables with fixed umbrellas to shade picnic-makers from the sun.
Sebastian took hold of the cooler. ‘Let’s grab a niche over there. I’ll cook the steaks while you mix the salad.’
They drank a glass of superb Lambrusco with their meal, and washed the fruit down with mineral water.
Anneke rose to her feet and stacked plates and cutlery into a plastic bag ready to place in the cooler.
‘Feeling energetic?’
She lifted both shoulders in a light shrugging gesture. ‘Not particularly.’
So she hadn’t slept much either. After an hour of tossing and turning, he’d pulled on a pair of jeans, booted up the computer and worked until three.
He collected the cooler and stored it in the rear of the Range Rover. ‘Then let’s head down to the Coast.’
More than an hour later they were seated at one of many tables overlooking the broadwater, savouring cappuccinos. It was a relaxed atmosphere, with numerous people wandering the boardwalk, admiring the many craft moored at the adjacent marina.
The physique, the hair, the dark, attractive features earned Sebastian more than a few covetous glances from the women who passed by their table.
‘Oh, my,’ Anneke declared, sotto voce. ‘I think you have made a conquest. That’s the second time one particular blonde has walked this way. Perhaps I should go powder my nose and leave a clear field?’
‘Do that, and I’ll take evasive action,’ Sebastian drawled.
‘You’ll go powder your nose?’
He tipped his sunglasses further down his nose and speared her a level look over the rims. ‘Kiss you in such a manner there’ll be no doubt you are my only interest.’
‘Wouldn’t you be taking an enormous risk?’ Anneke queried sweetly. ‘I might push you over the railing into the water.’
‘Then we’d both look foolish,’ he intoned lazily as he leaned forward and trailed light fingers down her cheek.
Her eyes dilated fractionally at his featherlight touch, and her lips quivered as he traced their fullness with his thumb.
‘You’ve been treading on eggshells all day,’ he said gently. ‘Waiting for me to pounce?’
She held his gaze. ‘I think you have a strategy,’