The Playboy's Baby. Mary Lyons

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The Playboy's Baby - Mary  Lyons

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no reason at all.

      ‘Well...?’ Matt demanded tersely, his arms tightening involuntarily about her. ‘For heaven’s sake, darling—I’m not exactly talking about a fate worse than death! I merely want to make love to you, as often as possible. Surely you’re not going to turn me down?’

      ‘Well...I don’t seem to have any problem with your basic proposition,’ she teased, laughing as he gave a highly dramatic sigh of relief, before once more pressing his lips firmly to hers.

      ‘And now, having sorted out the small print in the contract, I’m going to jump into some casual clothes, and then make us a strong cup of coffee. OK?’

      ‘Ah—now you’re talking! That’s definitely one proposition I’d never turn down.’ She grinned, suddenly feeling incredibly cheerful and happy.

      ‘Mmm...that was great,’ she sighed some time later, having been served toast and marmalade as well as several steaming cups of coffee. ‘However, I really can’t stay here all day. So, I guess it’s time I went back to my hotel.’

      ‘Come along—there’s something I want to show you before you go,’ he said, rising from the kitchen table. And, although she was disappointed that he hadn’t suggested they spend the day together, Samantha had enough sense to realise that without prior knowledge of her visit he undoubtedly had other engagements booked for that day.

      ‘I want you to see why I originally decided to buy this apartment,’ he told her, taking her arm and leading her down the hall to the over-decorated sitting room. Operating the remote control to open the curtains, he beckoned her towards the tall, floor-to-ceiling arched windows, which opened on to a small, ornate iron balcony.

      ‘Oh, Matt—it’s great! What a wonderful view!’ she exclaimed, gazing down at the wide, shady street between his building and the green grass of a large park—which contained a rather grand-looking monument supported on marble columns—and beyond which lay the sparkling blue water of what, she quickly realised, must be the Hudson River. ‘Did you spend ages looking at various apartments before finding this one?’

      ‘Well, it did take a long time, and then...’

      Whatever else Matt might have been going to say was lost as he was interrupted by the loud, strident tones of the front-door bell.

      ‘Back in a moment,’ he muttered, leaving her to admire the view as he walked quickly back across the room towards the hall.

      Savouring the early sunshine and bright, fresh morning air, she was only dimly aware of a low buzz of conversation as Matt appeared to be talking to somebody, out in the hall. However, he was soon back by her side, and asking whether she felt like another cup of coffee.

      ‘That would be very nice. But I think I really ought to return to my hotel.’

      ‘Have you got anything in particular lined up for the rest of your stay?’

      She shrugged. ‘Well, no, not really—but I’d like to see as much of the city as I can. Which is why I must get back, and...’

      ‘I was hoping that you hadn’t any firm commitments.’ Matt grinned down at her. ‘Which is why I’ve been putting together an itinerary, for the rest of the weekend. And, since you’ll be staying here, of course, I think we’d better get dressed and hit the town, as soon as possible.’

      She frowned up at him. ‘What do you mean, I’m “staying here”? You can’t seriously imagine that I’d be prepared to go sightseeing in either this towelling robe or the dress I wore last night? If so, you must be off your trolley!’

      ‘Don’t be ridiculous, darling!’ he drawled coolly, his deeply hooded green eyes glinting with laughter. ‘I wouldn’t dream of asking you to do any such thing. Which is precisely why I telephoned your hotel, earlier this morning—while you were busy experimenting with the ice-making machine—and asked to have your bags delivered here, to the apartment’

      ‘What? I don’t believe it! Are you seriously trying to tell me that you had the nerve to ring my hotel, and...?’ She paused, the full enormity of what he’d done suddenly striking home. ‘Oh, Lord—you must have got them to pack my suitcases, as well!’

      ‘Certainly I did,’ he agreed, with another maddening, cool smile. ‘Why would you want to waste a precious hour or two of our valuable time together in such a mundane task?’

      ‘But...but you just can’t do that sort of thing!’ she retorted crossly, appalled to think that some chambermaid had been forced to collect up all her things, empty her drawers and pack her suitcase. Thank goodness she had at least left her bedroom looking reasonably tidy.

      But the whole affair was still highly embarrassing. Goodness knows what the hotel must have thought! And what gave Matt the right to act in such a dictatorial, domineering and high-handed manner?

      ‘It’s no good telling me I can’t do something—especially when it’s clearly obvious that I’ve already done so,’ he drawled. The maddening truth of what he was saying only increased her annoyance.

      ‘But I haven’t settled the bill, or...’

      He waved a dismissive hand. ‘That’s all been taken care of.’

      ‘Well, thanks a bunch, Matt!’ she snapped. ‘With my reputation now clearly in shreds, I don’t see myself being able to stay at the Mark again. Right?’

      ‘Absolutely right,’ he agreed smoothly, placing his arms firmly about her rigid, angry figure. ‘Why on earth would you want to stay in a hotel—however comfortable—when you could be curled up in bed with me, here in this apartment?’ he added softly, his arms tightening about her as he lowered his dark head.

      The sweet seduction of his lips and tongue, together with the close intimate contact with the hard, male contours of his body, was, as usual, proving totally irresistible.

      And, after all, Samantha told herself weakly, what was the point of quarrelling over something so unimportant as a suitcase? All that mattered was the fact that his deepening kiss was, as always, causing the blood to race in her veins, her body shivering with delight at the sensual, erotic touch of his fingers as he loosened her robe, slipping his hands inside to caress her warm, naked body.

      Trapped in a dense mist of desire and pleasure, she could only give a slight moan as he slowly moved his lips from hers.

      ‘There’s no need to be cross with me, sweetheart,’ he murmured softly. ‘I’ve merely been putting into practice the agreement we came to, earlier in the kitchen. Which means when you’re in New York you stay here with me. Got it?’

      She nodded. ‘I guess I’m just not used to someone telling me what I can and cannot do. But I’ll try to work on it.’

      ‘OK.’ Matt grinned. ‘Now, I’d like to point out that we have—thanks to my foresight in arranging for your suitcases to be delivered here—managed to save an hour or two of valuable time. Which means,’ he added with a low, sensual laugh, ‘we can now relax, and go back to bed.’

      ‘You’re kidding!’

      ‘Absolutely not,’ he drawled blandly, his lips twitching with laughter as he led her firmly back over the thick cream carpet towards the bedroom. ‘Surely you must have realised that New York can be a very exhausting city?’

      ‘And so we need a rest, right now, to conserve our energies for the day ahead?’ she queried ironically, struggling to keep her face straight.

      ‘Precisely!’ He paused, turning her around to face him. ‘You do, I hope, approve of my new schedule?’

      Samantha gazed up at the man who’d so unexpectedly reappeared in her life.

      ‘Well, taking the rough with the smooth...’ she began, before giving a muffled laugh as she buried her face in his warm shoulder. ‘Yes, my darling Matt, I think I can just about handle it!’


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