With Valor And Devotion. Charlotte Maclay

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With Valor And Devotion - Charlotte  Maclay

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she gasped. “I’m busy that night.”


      “Absolutely. Very busy.” Friday nights she collapsed after a hard workweek, rarely able to stay awake late enough to watch a movie on TV. And that was typical for her social schedule every night of the week.

      He gave her a skeptical look, though his intense scrutiny didn’t let up an iota even as he tipped his head to the side, shifting those wavy curls off his forehead slightly. “Do you like scuba diving?”

      Without thought, she nodded. Too late to take it back, she stammered, “I, well—”

      “Great. I’ll pick you up Sunday morning at—”

      “I’m perfectly capable of driving myself,” she said hastily. “But I have no intention of—”

      “You know the marina at Morro Bay?”

      “Yes, but—”

      “Perfect. Meet me there at ten. My boat’s moored in row 57A—the Lady Be Good. I’ll bring a lunch and I’ve got gear for you if you need it.” He bent down, brushed the same familiar kiss to her cheek as he had with Addy, and gave Kristin another wicked grin. “We’ll have a great time.”

      In stunned silence, Kristin stood in the middle of the aisle as Mike walked away. She wasn’t sure which was more irritating—his arrogant assumption that she’d go out with him, despite her refusal, or the fact that the quick brush of his lips had been a flashpoint of reawakened desire. Heated messages radiated through every nerve ending from that simple contact, speaking of possibilities and forbidden cravings. Low in her body she felt an unwelcome response, an ache of wanting she’d long denied herself.

      Damn, if Mike Gables was that potent with only a peck on the cheek, how much more damage could he do to a woman’s willpower if he set his mind to it?

      Turning, she spied her friends loitering near the exit, looking as smug as truants who’d made a clean escape from the school principal. She stalked toward them.

      “What on earth possessed the four of you to—”

      “It was for a good cause,” Holly Mae said, grinning like a fool.

      “You spent too much money, for one thing. For another, I have no interest in—”

      “You needed a date,” Addy said.

      Not someone like Mike Gables, she thought wildly. “I could use a new car, too. Why didn’t you buy me one of those?”

      Connie hooked her arm through Kristin’s. “We’ll work on that for next year.”

      “But, you work hard for your money. You shouldn’t be spending it on me.” She whirled back to Holly Mae. “You’re single. You can go out with Mike. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful—”

      “Hon, just hush up and enjoy, have fun,” Addy ordered. “This is our way of thanking you.”

      “Thanking me?”

      “There isn’t another social worker in the county who cares about kids as much as you do. We figured it was high time you got a reward for all your hard work.”

      County employees got a certificate of appreciation for extra effort. Or if they were lucky, a two-percent cost of living increase in their salary.

      Kristin groaned.

      They didn’t get a date with a studly firefighter who could trip-hammer a woman’s heart with a single sexy smile and an all-too-brief kiss on the cheek.

      Chapter Three

      Early Sunday morning, Kristin stood back and examined herself in her full-length bedroom mirror.

      The goggles made her look like an alien from outer space and the mouthpiece puffed out her cheeks like a chipmunk. The wet suit was as tight as a full-body girdle and revealed every flaw in her figure, of which she had plenty. The weight belt added inches to her waist. Turning sideways, she noted the air tank made her look as though she were suffering from early-onset dowager’s hump. The flippers were a nice touch, too, giving her a waddle when she walked.

      Perfect! There was no way a man could be attracted to a female dressed in this outfit. When her brothers had given her scuba gear several years ago and forced her to join them on their expeditions, she’d had no idea how useful the experience would be. With this equipment she was as good as wearing armor against any unwanted advances from Mike Gables.

      Not that he’d be interested anyway, she told herself. Addy and her friends had bought and paid for this date. If it hadn’t been for the bachelor auction, Mike would never have asked her out. In fact, their paths probably wouldn’t have even crossed again.

      Which would have been much better, she thought grimly.

      Temporarily shedding her scuba gear in favor of loose-fitting jeans, a tank top and a windbreaker, she grabbed a bottle of sunscreen and scooped up her equipment, loading it all in her VW convertible. A few hours in the sun would bring out her freckles—the bane of all redheads—and then she’d hold even less appeal for a man like Mike. Although the way he appeared to date anything that wore a skirt, he wasn’t too discriminating.

      All the more reason she needed to keep her distance.

      As she drove away from her apartment, the early-morning sun cast a golden light on the buildings of downtown Paseo del Real, and traffic was light on the main boulevard. The big gas station on the corner of Paseo Blvd. and Broad Street had only one customer as she cruised past it and turned onto the highway heading toward Morro Bay.

      The green hillsides of the coastal range had already given way to the golden brown of summer, spring wildflowers fading to white under the June sun. Cool, fresh-smelling air caught a flyaway strand of Kristin’s hair, whipping it across her face, and she brushed it back. A tiny thrill of anticipation rippled through her midsection, buoying her spirits in spite of herself.

      Only the thought of a day of scuba diving had her on edge, she assured herself. Not Mike Gables. She’d make it a point to stay well out of his grasp.

      Not that she’d be able to avoid his provocative smile the whole day. But underwater she’d be safe enough. After all, he’d be wearing a face mask too.

      HE HADN’T been sure she’d come.

      Grinning like some fool who’d just asked his first girl to the prom and gotten a yes, Mike leaped over the side of Lady Be Good and onto the dock. He tried for cool and casual, but his heart was banging against his ribs as if an old-time boxer had taken up residence inside his chest.

      She had great legs, despite the fact she was trying to disguise them in baggy jeans, and hips perfect for nesting against a man’s pelvis. But it was her flyaway hair, all bouncy curls fiery red in the sunlight, that could drive a man to distraction. He wanted to comb his fingers through those curls and feel the strands part for him. Which probably wasn’t a smart thought at all.

      “You found it,” he said when he reached her.

      “The marina’s not that hard to find.”

      He took the air tank she was carrying and slung it over his shoulder. She looked as nervous as an arsonist who couldn’t find a match. “I gather you’ve done some scuba diving before.”

      “With my brothers. They jointly own a boat that’s moored at the other end of the marina.”

      “Ah, these brothers of yours—are they big guys?”

      A neat little frown furrowed her forehead. “Big enough, I guess.”

      “And are they real protective of their little sister?”

      The tiniest smile threatened to curl her lips. “A little.”

      “Guess that means I’m gonna have to be on my best behavior, huh?”

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