Montana Twins. Charlotte Maclay

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Montana Twins - Charlotte  Maclay

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He called his brothers and asked them to meet him at the ranch. Maybe they could help him figure out how to get over or around the custody plan for the twins.

      The heart of the Double O had always been the office Oliver Oakes had used. That was the place where he’d designed successful breeding programs, determined how many head of beef cattle had to be culled in the fall so the herd would survive until spring with the available feed…and where his adopted sons were called onto the carpet for their misdeeds.

      Walker sat behind the heavy oak desk now, reading Amy Thorne’s instructions regarding the future of her children. Rory lounged in the leather chair in the corner, contemplating the problem while Eric paced.

      Walker set the papers aside. “That’s crazy.”

      “My thought exactly,” Eric said. “Unfortunately, the attorney says it will probably stand up in court. I could appeal, but the twins would be going to their first prom before any higher court heard the case. Meanwhile, Laura would be raising them.” He didn’t have to explain why the twins were important to him. He and his brothers had all dreamed of having their own families. For Walker and Rory that dream was coming true.

      Not so for Eric.

      Leaning forward and linking his hands between his knees, Rory said, “I don’t suppose it would be a good idea to put a price on Laura’s head and let my Indian brothers know about it.”

      Walker shot Rory a quelling look. “Not funny, Bird Brain,” he said, using the nickname he and Eric had chosen for Rory following his Blackfeet naming ceremony when he’d become Swift Eagle. They had decided it was far too classy sounding for their troublesome brother. “Among other things, Lizzie tells me Laura is a nice lady. Very attractive.”

      “She is,” Eric agreed.

      “I don’t get why she’s so damned anxious to raise somebody else’s kids, though,” Rory commented.

      “She has her reasons.” Eric didn’t feel any need to reveal Laura’s personal problems. That was her own private business.

      “I’ve got a gaggle of kids Lizzie and I are raising who weren’t born to us,” Walker pointed out. “Children have a way of getting under your skin when you’re not watching.”

      At this point, Walker and his wife of a year were raising six children, four of them teenage boys plus one preschooler and a toddler. Eric expected someday soon they’d get around to having a baby of their own and expand their family again.

      He sat on the edge of Walker’s desk. “The point is, I want to be a father to Amanda and Rebecca. Raise them. But I don’t see how I’m going to do that unless I can magically pull a wife out of a hat somewhere.”

      His brothers were quiet for a moment, then Rory said, “You aren’t bad-looking for a white-eyes. There’ve got to be a lot of women who’d be willing to marry you.”

      “Thanks for your vote of confidence,” he muttered.

      “How much time is Laura Cavendish giving you to come up with a wife?” Walker asked.

      Eric shrugged, feeling defeated. “We haven’t talked about a deadline.”

      “Well, that’s the answer, then.” Rory shoved back from his desk and stood. “While you’re learning to be a daddy, Rory and I will help you find a wife.”

      “We will?” Rory asked.

      “Sure. It shouldn’t be too hard. Like you say, he’s not bad-looking and there are a lot of girls out there wanting to tie the knot. Most of ’em even like babies.”

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