Ransacked Heart. Jayne Bauling

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Ransacked Heart - Jayne  Bauling

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she didn’t really. Oh, yes, she recognised the sexual awareness that was an integral part of his attitude towards her, and it made her uneasy, but he couldn’t really mean to do anything about it when he despised her so intensely. His talk was just that, talk aimed at intimidating her, but she would never give him the satisfaction of allowing him to succeed. Six years ago, her own bewildering awareness of him, the way it had made her feel threatened, must have been obvious to him when his simple presence, a glance in her direction, the sound of his voice, had been enough to unnerve her; but these days she answered back—and for some reason he was hell-bent on punishing her for what he believed her to be, humiliating her with constant reminders of his contempt.

      But he would never actually touch her, Maria decided, directing a quick look at the resolute line of chin and jaw and the arrogant curve of his nose. Strength of character and a confident decisiveness were implicit in the hardness of that darkly handsome face, and while the curve of his lower lip was disturbingly sensual, there was a fastidiousness there too which ought to be reassuring. He wouldn’t be able to bring himself to touch her, because if he did, the contempt he felt for her would be extended to himself, and she thought Luke Scott was too intelligent a man to submit to anything so destructive. Like most successful, powerful men, he would cherish his self-respect.

      She had no need to feel so uneasy in his presence. All she had to do was steel herself to get through the forthcoming weeks until he returned to Hong Kong and she was left to immerse herself in this new job in peace, free of the distraction he constituted.

      Half convinced, she shrugged philosophically and turned to leave the apartment’s square entrance hall in which they were standing, aware of Luke following her into the luxuriously appointed lounge, a long elegant room which ended in sliding glass doors opening on to a balcony with a view she had spent part of the afternoon enjoying, pretty green parkland dotted with ornamental ponds linked by a winding, deeply cut stream that was spanned by the occasional arched stone bridge.

      A hand on the telephone receiver, she paused in the act of reading Florian and Nicky’s number which was jotted down on the pad beside it, and threw Luke a challenging glance.

      ‘Aren’t you afraid I’ll give you away to someone?’ she taunted. ‘Florian and Nicky, for instance? Suppose I tell them that you want to escort me tonight for personal reasons?’

      Luke shrugged, unperturbed. ‘Perhaps there isn’t that much need for discretion. You’re a beautiful woman, after all, intelligent and successful in your career—and unknown here. Other than myself, probably only Florian Jones knows what you really are and he at any rate obviously doesn’t find the reality at all unpalatable.’

      Maria’s eyes flashed. ‘Oh, yes, Florian knows what I am, Mr Scott. You don’t.’

      ‘Get on with it,’ he urged her impatiently, indicating the telephone, and she did, speaking swiftly when Florian answered.

      ‘Flo? Did Nicky tell you what we arranged? Yes, only you don’t need to call for me after all. Mr Scott is here, so I’ll go with him and see you later…Satisfied?’ she added sweetly as she replaced the receiver, finding Luke still watching her.

      ‘Nicky’s present naÏveté surprises me slightly,’ he observed. ‘But perhaps she has yet to realise what she’s letting herself in for, using her name to get you installed here, allowing you to share their transport…It’s a very cosy set-up, as you admitted last night, but I don’t suppose she knows what it’s leading up to, if Jones has conveniently forgotten to mention the exact nature of your past relationship.’

      ‘I don’t know why you’re surprised, when you seem to expect other people to be naive enough to remain blind to what you’re trying to do,’ Maria flared edgily, thinking of Cavell especially. ‘But in fact there’s nothing naive about what Nicky is doing, as she knows the nature of our relationship perfectly well. She’s simply being as welcoming and hospitable as I’ve always heard the Taiwanese are, and trying to help me feel at home and among friends because she knows what it’s like to be a newcomer in a foreign city herself.’

      ‘And because she believes your relationship with her lover is a thing of the past.’ The suggestion was laced with condemnation. ‘But it’s not, is it? You can’t leave each other alone. The two of you have followed each other halfway round the world over the years, and she’ll shut you out once she realises that your affair is something you renew periodically.’

      ‘In between all our other affairs, I suppose? Where do you get these ideas from?’ Maria derided angrily. ‘Apart from anything else, these are the nervous nine-ties, in case you haven’t realised, not the sixties or seventies when no one thought twice about having lots of different partners.’

      ‘Oh, I know people such as you and Jones like yourselves too well not to make sure you’re safe.’ It was so cynically dismissive that she was momentarily speechless, and he added, ‘Shall we go?’

      ‘Yes, let’s,’ she consented cuttingly. ‘If we don’t hurry we’re likely to meet Florian and Nicky in the lift, and right this minute I don’t think I could bring myself to keep quiet about the things you’ve just been saying.’

      She was still seething when they got into his luxury car, hired, he told her, as he didn’t keep one of his own here, his visits to Taipei being infrequent and usually brief.

      ‘Has Estwick spoken to you about the vehicle clause in your contract?’ he added, easing into the heavy evening traffic.

      ‘Yes, but I’ve said I’ll experiment for a while before making a decision. Taxis seem to be plentiful, and the fares are very moderate.’

      ‘Too plentiful. Along with all the motorbikes, they contribute to the traffic problem which is probably one of the worst in the world, and certainly one of Taiwan’s major problems, along with an over-competitive edu-cational system and political isolation.’

      ‘I’ve never seen so many motorbikes at once before,’ Maria confessed, staring disbelievingly at one in the lane alongside, two small children wedged between youthful-looking adults. ‘I checked out the problems before accepting this job, but the virtues seemed to balance them, which is usually the way anywhere.’

      ‘Cleanliness, low unemployment and crime rates,’ Luke suggested.

      ‘They were among the things that attracted me.’

      ‘But Jones was the real attraction, presumably.’

      Maria drew a sharp breath. ‘Why does there have to be a man in it somewhere?’ she demanded.

      ‘There’s always a man with women like you.’ It was deliberately offensive.

      ‘Is that what this is all about?’ she demanded. ‘Except that you admitted last night that you don’t lead an absolutely pure life yourself, I could almost believe that you’re one of those buttoned-up celibates, offended by the mere idea of any sort of relationship, even if it’s between other people.’

      Luke laughed. ‘No, Maria, I’m not celibate, but I’m probably more discriminating than you are, and I’ve always avoided triangles.’

      ‘Your hypocrisy is incredible!’ Temper sharpened her voice. ‘If that’s the creed you apply to your relationships, why are you doing this?’

      ‘Why not? You and I are both free, there’s no husband or wife languishing somewhere in the background, no children involved.’

      ‘Oh, of course, a piece of paper, a ring and a blessing make all the difference!’ She slanted him a scornful glance. ‘So why doesn’t Nicky Kai come in for a share of all this moral condemnation, since you know that Florian is still legally married?’

      ‘The marriage may exist legally, but hardly in fact. He hasn’t been back to South Africa in years.’ He paused. ‘But it was very much a fact when you were first involved with him, wasn’t it? His young wife was pregnant. Presumably you were the cause of their separation. Why was there no divorce?’

      ‘Rachel and her family

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