Simply Sensual. Carly Phillips

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Simply Sensual - Carly Phillips

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down dates in favor of her own company, her femininity and wiles were rusty from disuse. But thanks to Ben Callahan that was about to change.

      Whether he knew it or not, he had just become the second step on her road to self-knowledge.

      She leaned toward him, a whisper away from temptation. “So what did you have in mind?”

      A lazy smile lifted one side of his mouth and caused her to realize she’d backed herself into a corner. A very attractive corner.

      “I’d like to get to know you, Grace.”

      She smiled. “Sounds good to me.” She liked his boldness. She’d had her fill of too polite men who wined and dined but weren’t honest about their intentions. Ben let her know up-front who he was and what he wanted.

      He’d implied he was available. Though Grace wanted to be bold and daring, all this was too new. She wasn’t ready to reveal that she desired to get to know him, too, but she had every intention of satisfying his request.

      His aura of confidence appealed to the part of her that wanted to feel the same, and time with this man could teach her a lesson or two in self-esteem. He brought out a newer, bolder side of herself she wanted to experience again. Not to mention that the man was a feast for the senses and a boon to her sensual awakening. The knowledge set her heart jumping and myriad intimate possibilities raced through her mind. Her breath caught in a noticeable hitch.

      She licked her dry lips and watched, fascinated, as his eyes followed the movement. Without warning, his gaze darted from hers and he turned away.

      His sudden retreat was unexpected and hard to understand, but she let out a slow exhale of relief. The reprieve would give her a chance to catch her breath.

      Hands in his back pockets and posture erect, no indication of interest or flirting in sight, he walked past her and glanced around her small apartment. “One bedroom?”


      His hand swept over the living area, replete with Oriental rugs and porcelain decorative pieces. “Beautiful place.”

      “Thanks.” She’d decorated the apartment in the days when she’d still been living off her trust, before she’d figured out how to realize her dreams or even what they were. Though she wanted this man to see more to Grace than the trappings of wealth, she wasn’t about to get into explanations now, not when she knew so little about him.

      She turned back to her kitchen. “I really should unpack the groceries.”


      She glanced his way.

      “Something wrong?” he asked.

      Other than the fact that his hot-cold act confused her? But if his feelings were rampaging as quickly as hers, she could begin to understand. “Nothing’s wrong. Just lost in thought. It was nice meeting you, Ben.”

      “Likewise.” He hesitated, then reached out and stroked a hand down her cheek. Another sudden change toward her. His fingertip lingered, his touch a sizzling combination of heat and electricity.

      His eyes widened and he withdrew once more, confusion and regret sparking his gaze, leaving her to wonder again if he was as thrown by their first meeting as she.

      “See you around, Gracie.”

      She inclined her head. “Bye.”

      He walked out of her apartment with a sexy stride she couldn’t help but admire. The door slammed shut behind him and Grace hugged her arms tight around her chest, amazed at the feelings and sensations he inspired.

      Ben brought out the side of her she’d suppressed while trying to live by her father’s rigid rules. The only time she’d snuck out of the house to meet friends at a local bar, she’d lived to regret it. Her father had embarrassed her badly. He’d called every parent, gotten her friends grounded for weeks, and no one had spoken to Grace for an equally long time.

      The judge had accomplished his goal. She’d never rebelled again. But in her sexy neighbor Grace saw the opportunity to do just that with no painful consequences.

      When she’d decided to branch out on her own, she’d desired change in her life. She hadn’t known it would come in the form of her sexy, intriguing neighbor, Ben Callahan.

      But she intended to take full advantage.



      Ben smacked his hand against the wall. What the hell had he been thinking, speaking with his gut and not his brain? He’d spent the past five days watching her from a distance, yet he’d underestimated the impact she’d have on him upon meeting her in person. He’d meant to be friendly and begin to gain her trust.

      Instead he’d been blown away. Her cocoa-brown eyes had danced with light and life and he’d been captivated on the spot. Adrenaline had kicked in the second he’d heard her soft voice, and surrounded by her fragrant scent of vanilla, his body had come alive. He’d backed off, but not soon enough. Even a cold shower hadn’t lessened the effect of Grace Montgomery.

      Small consolation but at least he’d made substantial progress on the assignment, and in less than a week’s time. When Emma called for her daily report—in about five minutes, he noted, glancing at his watch—he’d be able to tell her he’d met her granddaughter.

      Ben paced the floor of the apartment. No need for the older woman to know he’d been enchanted and completely caught off guard. The picture hadn’t done Grace justice and Ben knew for certain if he wasn’t careful, he’d fall hard and fast for Emma Montgomery’s free-spirited granddaughter—a woman far out of his league and the subject of his investigation to boot.

      Perhaps because of his father’s careless ways, Ben’s work ethic was strong. He worked hard, provided for his mother, saved for the future when he could, and made certain his clients were happy enough with his services to secure a referral for future cases. His work ethic did not include playing around with a client’s granddaughter.

      He had to focus on his job and, in fact, he’d made quite a bit of headway. He had Grace’s routine down pat. Not only did he know she had a full-time job at a photography studio uptown, but he knew she spent her lunch hour and weekends frequenting a park that bordered a seedy neighborhood.

      Ben knew all about neighborhoods where trouble lurked. He’d grown up in one and knew just how tempting a woman like Grace could be to a guy from the wrong side of the tracks. Hell, he knew how she tempted him now.

      He had no problem putting Emma at ease about how Grace was earning money to survive, but he’d hold off before revealing the rest. Ben needed to do some more digging into other areas of Grace’s life to find out why she was hanging around questionable parts of town, camera in hand. The faster he got the information, the faster he could get the hell out…before his rapidly beating heart was broken by a woman who’d undoubtedly grow bored with her new life.

      She might be living on her own, and he admired the attempt, but sooner or later, Grace Montgomery would miss the family she’d left behind and desire the easier lifestyle she’d grown up with. The expensive decor of her apartment proved she hadn’t completely left the life behind.

      Ben didn’t begrudge her that life. He just had no intention of being a casualty when the novelty of making it on her own wore off.


      GRACE STEPPED OUT of the dark subway station. The freedom she felt walking into the fresh air, camera in hand, the breeze warm on her arms and the sun hot on her face, was liberating. She passed by the boarded-up building that once held a restaurant, waved to a bunch of neighborhood kids she saw on her daily trips to the park and rounded the corner leading to the playground she loved.

      As usual during lunch hour, the basketball courts were crowded with kids and she paused in front of the wrought-iron gate. Clutching the cold metal in her hands, she peered through the open

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