A Husband Made In Texas. Rosemary Carter

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A Husband Made In Texas - Rosemary  Carter

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that a relief,’ he said drily. ‘In the circumstances, you might even think again about letting me wash your back. Who knows what it could lead to?’

      God, but she was tempted! She took a step towards him—then stepped quickly backwards. ‘What does it take to get through to you, Flynn Henderson?’ Furiously, she threw the words at him. ‘You don’t seem to have heard a word I said!’

      ‘Think what fun we’d have, Kaitlin.’

      ‘I don’t have to think about it,’ she informed him loftily, glad that her hands were in the pockets of her jeans, where he could not see their trembling.

      ‘Why not?’

      She gave it to him straight. ‘I’m choosy about the men I associate with.’

      But Flynn was not so easily deterred. Once more he reached for her, his fingers going to her throat this time, moving up and down in slow brushstrokes. Kaitlin thought the sensuousness of it would drive her out of her mind.

      ‘You chose me once, Kaitlin.’

      ‘I know that, Flynn.’ It was getting more and more difficult to speak normally. ‘But whatever there might have been between us once, it’s all in the past now. We’re no longer even the same people we were then. One brief meeting doesn’t change the fact that we’ve become strangers.’

      There was a glimmer in the dark eyes looking down at Kaitlin: eyes that seemed to penetrate the superficialities of hair and skin to the very core of her being. At the same time, the sensuous finger was still continuing its nerveinflaming path.

      ‘Have your shower then. Alone if you must,’ he said at last. ‘When you’ve finished, we’ll talk.’


      Flynn was at the window, beer-mug in hand, when Kaitlin came back into the room. For a long moment she stood quite still, her gaze-riveted on the tall, loose-limbed figure, tough as a mountain lion, sleek as a panther.

      There was something disturbingly ominous about Flynn’s unexpected arrival at the ranch. Kaitlin straightened her shoulders as she reminded herself to be on her guard with him. At the same time, she knew already that this wasn’t going to be easy.

      ‘Flynn...’ she said.

      He turned, lips pursed, as if to whistle. But the whistle died as he came towards her.

      Not for the first time that day Kaitlin saw his eyes go over her. She made herself stand very still as he studied her. Fair hair, almost gold, had been released from its pony-tail: slightly damp still from the shower, it framed an oval-shaped face and hung in shining waves to Kaitlin’s shoulders. Green eyes shimmered beneath a dusting of eyeshadow, and her lips had been touched with a coral gloss. Kaitlin had discarded her jeans in favour of a white sun-dress with narrow shoulder straps and a skirt that swirled from a tiny belted waist, and on her feet were a pair of open-toed sandals.

      The silent examination seemed to go on forever, but apart from a slight flicker of the eyes, Flynn’s expression remained impersonal. She had been a fool to go to so much trouble, Kaitlin thought grimly. How could she have been so foolish when she sensed he was dangerous? Had her brain temporarily stopped its proper functioning?

      Briskly, she said, ‘I’m glad to see you got yourself a beer. I’m thirsty, too, so I’ll just—’

      Flynn interrupted the flow of words. ‘What happened to the cowgirl?’ he asked softly.

      The look in his eyes was all at once far from impersonal. Kaitlin found she could not hold it for more than a few seconds.

      ‘A cowgirl is still a woman.’ She hoped he did not notice that her voice shook.

      Taking a strand of blond hair, he wound it around one of his fingers. ‘A very beautiful woman,’ he murmured.

      Something unnerving, purely sexual in nature, crackled in the air between them. Kaitlin had a sense that things were moving a little too quickly. More than ever, she wished she had changed into more unfeminine attire.

      She stepped away from Flynn, feeling the slight tug on her hair as it pulled away from his fingers. ‘You haven’t told me why you’re here,’ she said.

      It seemed to her that a new expression came into his eyes. ‘I guess I haven’t,’ he drawled.

      That expression, as much as his tone, made the hair prickle on Kaitlin’s neck. She could not have explained her uneasiness, the feeling that she was not, after all, ready to hear what he had to say. She decided to play for time. ‘It’ll be dark soon.’

      ‘So you’ve said already.’ His tone was sardonic. ‘Are you really so concerned with my safety?’

      His arrogance was infuriating. ‘Lord, no, Flynn, why on earth would I be concerned about you? You seem perfectly well able to take care of yourself. I’m not equipped for overnight guests, that’s all.’

      ‘Why don’t you sit down, Kaitlin?’

      Kaitlin did not like the sound of the words or the tone: they sounded a little too serious, somehow threatening. Still playing for time, she poured herself a glass of cool fruit juice before sitting down on a chair by the window. Flynn seated himself near her, long legs stretched out in front of him.

      Steady eyes met Kaitlin’s. ‘Any idea why I’m here?’ he asked.

      She shook her head. ‘Should I have?’

      ‘I’m wondering whether Bill Seally has been in touch with you.’

      ‘Bill?’ At sound of the name, Kaitlin jerked in her seat.

      That morning, as on so many other mornings, she had woken and thought about Bill. Bill Seally. The ranch. The mortgage. Bill, friend of the family for as long as Kaitlin could remember, and holder of the ranch mortgage, had not pressed her hard for payment.

      Kaitlin had often been grateful for the fact that Bill had been able to finance her father personally when money was short, that Dad had not had to go to a bank for a loan. Bill seemed to understand the gravity of her situation, he knew how hard it had been for her to take over the running of the ranch. Scrupulous about her obligations, Kaitlin made a point of paying Bill whenever there was money left over after the running expenses of the ranch had been met. Still, there had been times, especially lately, when it had been impossible for her to come up with the money.

      ‘What on earth does Bill have to do with your visit?’ she asked tensely.

      ‘We’ve done some business together.’

      The eyes that held hers were cool as steel. The uneasy sensation was even stronger now. ‘What sort of business, Flynn?’

      ‘Can you guess, Kaitlin?’

      An idea came to mind, but it was so horrific that Kaitlin could not bear to give it credence. She made an effort to suppress a great inner trembling.

      ‘I’m not in the mood for guessing games,’ she said flatly.

      ‘Fine.’ Flynn’s tone was crisp. ‘In that case, I won’t keep you in suspense. I’m here to talk about Bill Seally and the mortgage over your ranch.’

      Kaitlin’s eyes were troubled. ‘What about Bill?’

      ‘When was the last time you made a payment, Kaitlin?’

      ‘I don’t think that concerns you.’

      ‘Believe me, it does. When was it, Kaitlin?’

      ‘Two months ago.’ She hesitated. ‘Maybe three...’

      ‘A long time to be overdue in your obligations.’

      Kaitlin pushed a hand through her hair. ‘Do you think I don’t know that? I try to pay Bill whenever I can. Fact is...’ She paused.

      ‘Go on.’

      ‘There’ve been problems,’ she said after a moment.

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