A Maverick's Christmas Homecoming. Teresa Southwick

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A Maverick's Christmas Homecoming - Teresa  Southwick

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worn off.”

      “All that sunshine and good weather must really get old.”

      “It’s a dirty job, but someone has to live there.”

      She laughed. “Still, there’s something to be said for Montana.”

      “Preaching to the choir, Gianna,” he said. “And it’s not just the landscape or weather. The people in this town are good, friendly, salt-of-the-earth types.”

      “I know what you mean.” Her tone was serious and sincere. “I met people in New York. Still have a good friend there who used to be my roommate. But the city is so big and impersonal. There’s an intimacy here that’s unique.”

      “Everyone has made me feel really welcome, embraced me as one of them.”

      “Thunder Canyon spirit,” she agreed. “But they can turn on you in a heartbeat if you let them down.”

      That’s what worried him. But it probably wouldn’t happen tonight. He made a deliberate decision to change the subject. “So, we had a pretty good crowd in the restaurant.”

      “We did.” She glanced up at him. “Were you mad enough to spit when that man sent his steak back twice because it wasn’t mooing on the plate?”

      He shrugged. “People pay a lot of money for service and food. It’s my job to make sure they’re satisfied.”

      “For every persnickety person, there’s a Ben Walters and Kay Bausch.”

      “I don’t think I know them.” When she slipped a little on the sidewalk, he took her hand and slid it through the bend of his elbow. It wasn’t an excuse to stay connected. Not really. He was responsible for keeping her safe.

      “Ben is in his mid-fifties, a rancher born and raised here. He’s a widower. Kay is a transplant from Midland, Texas. She works for Ethan Traub and came with him when he opened Traub Oil Montana. She’s a widow.” She sighed. “I was their waitress tonight.”

      “Nice people?”

      “Very. And the best part is they were on a blind date. Austin Anderson fixed them up.”

      “Angie’s brother?”

      “Yeah. It’s really sweet. And I can’t help wondering if the two of them were meant to meet and find a second chance at happiness. Romantic drivel, I know.”

      “Not here. To me it sounds like just another day in Thunder Canyon.”

      “On the surface that’s sort of a cynical remark,” she observed. “But digging deeper, I can see the compliment buried in the words.”

      They were walking by one of the resort’s Christmas displays with lighted reindeer and Santa Claus in his sleigh. Animal heads moved back and forth and Rudolph’s nose was bright red. The big guy with the white beard moved his hand in a wave. Old-fashioned, ornate streetlamps lined the walkways and the buildings were outlined with white lights.

      “This is really a magical place, especially this time of year,” he said.

      “I know.” There was a wistful tone to her voice as she stared at the decorations. “What is Santa bringing you this year? A Rolls Royce? 3-D TV with state-of-the-art sound system? Really expensive toys?”

      Material things he had. And more money than he knew what to do with had paid for a private investigator to dig up information. But it was what money couldn’t buy that made him feel so empty.

      “I actually haven’t written my letter to Santa yet.”

      “I see.” She stared at the jolly fat man turning his head and waving. “Have you been naughty? Or nice?”

      “Good question.”

      The mischief in her eyes turned his thoughts to other things and he looked at her mouth. The memory of those full lips so soft and giving convinced him that this was the right moment to make it up to her for not taking advantage of the romantic mojo on his balcony.

      Shane lowered his head for a kiss, just the barest touch. He tasted strawberry lip gloss and snowflakes, the sexiest combination he could imagine. And he could imagine quite a bit. His heart rate kicked up and his breathing went right along with it. Gianna’s did, too, judging by the white clouds billowing between them.

      No part of their bodies were touching and she must have found that as dissatisfying as he did. She lifted her arms and put them around his neck, but when she moved, her foot slid on the sidewalk and she started to fall.

      Shane shifted to catch her but couldn’t get traction on the icy surface and knew both of them were going down. He managed to shift his body and take the brunt of the fall on his back in the snow while Gianna landed on top of him with a startled squeal. Then she started laughing.

      He looked into her face so close to his and said, “That couldn’t have gone better if I’d planned it.” If he had, he’d have planned to be somewhere warm and for her not to have so many clothes on.

      “So, you think it will be that easy to have your way with me?”

      “A guy can hope.”

      Apparently the innocent expression he put on his face wasn’t convincing because she chose that moment to rub a handful of snow over his cheeks.

      He sucked in a breath. “God, that’s cold.”

      “I’m so sorry.” Clearly it was a lie because she did it again.

      “Payback isn’t pretty.” He reached out to grab some snow, then lifted the collar of her coat to shove it down her back.

      She shrieked again, then gave him a look. “You’re so going down for that.”

      “I’m already down.”

      “Then we need to take this battle to a new level.” She jumped up and staggered back a few feet, then bent down. When she straightened, she hurled a snowball with each hand, but missed him.

      Shane rolled to the side and grabbed her legs, tackling her. “I learned to do that when I played football.”

      He looked down at her laughing face and thoughts of war and retaliation retreated. She was so beautiful he couldn’t stop himself from touching his mouth to hers. Definitely going on Santa’s naughty list this year.

      He deepened the kiss and caught her moan of pleasure in his mouth as she slid her arms around his neck. They were already down so he didn’t have to worry about losing his balance this time. That was fortunate because she felt so good in his arms, he had his doubts about maintaining emotional equilibrium.

      He cupped her cold cheek in his palm and traced the outline of her lips with his tongue. She opened her mouth, inviting him inside, and he instantly complied. The touch sent liquid heat rolling through him and he groaned with the need to feel her bare skin next to his. The sensual haze lasted just until he felt her shiver.

      He lifted his head and saw her shaking. “You’re freezing.”

      “N-not yet. But c-close.”

      Shane levered himself up and to his feet, then reached a hand down to help her stand. In the streetlamp he could see that her coat and pants were wet. “You’re soaked.”

      Her teeth were chattering, but she managed to say, “Th-thanks for the news flash.”

      “You need to get into something dry.”

      “I need to go h-home.”

      “My place is closer.” The next words just popped out, but as soon as they did he knew how much he wanted it. “You could stay tonight.”

      “Oh, Shane—”

      “Just a thought. No harm, no foul.”

      “I’d really like to.” There was need in her eyes, but it was quickly followed by doubt. “But …”


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