A Military Match. Patricia Davids

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A Military Match - Patricia  Davids

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      Stephanie giggled, then hurried out the door. Jennifer picked up an armful of papers and carried them to the shoulder-high black filing cabinets lining the wall behind her. She peered closely at Dr. Wilkes illegible scrawl and tried to decide if the first letter of the client’s last name was an A, an O or a misshapen D.

      Fifteen files later, her eyes were beginning to cross when the sound of the front door opening made her look up in relief. Anything was better than this.

      To her surprise, Edmond Barnes walked in followed by his chauffeur. His driver held a glass bowl overflowing with a bright bouquet of autumn-colored flowers.

      She smiled at Avery’s grandfather, happy to see he was looking much better. “Mr. Barnes, what are you doing here?”

      He took the bouquet from his driver. “I’ve brought a small gift to repay your kindness the other day, Miss Grant.”

      “You didn’t have to do that.” Jennifer looked at the small opening in the glass partition between them, then hurried out of the office door and around to the waiting area.

      He extended the flowers to her. “I didn’t have to do it, I wanted to do it.”

      “How on earth did you know that I worked here?”

      “You said you were a veterinary student. A few phone calls was all it took to discover that you both attend school and are employed here.”

      Taken aback, she said, “That’s actually a little scary.”

      His expression showed his surprise followed quickly by genuine distress. “I’m very sorry, Miss Grant. The last thing I want to do is upset you. Please enjoy the flowers and the knowledge that your kindness touched me deeply.”

      “I will, thank you very much.” She couldn’t contain her curiosity any longer. Although it was clearly none of her business, she couldn’t help wondering if Mr. Barnes and Avery had made any progress in repairing their relationship.

      “Have you been able to accomplish what you came here for?” she asked, hoping he and Avery had been able to heal their breach.

      “Reconciling with my grandson? I’m sorry to say I have not, but I’m taking your advice. I don’t plan to give up on him. I did that once and it was my biggest mistake. I’ll be staying in the area for a while, although the service at my current motel leaves a lot to be desired.”

      “That’s an easy fix.” Turning around, she retraced her steps into the office. Setting the flowers on the desk, she pulled her purse from the cabinet and withdrew a card for the bed and breakfast next to the café where her mother worked. She slipped it under the glass toward him.

      “This place is on the main street of my hometown. It’s only a few miles from here on Highway 24. It’s called the Dutton Inn, but it’s a bed and breakfast. The owners, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus, belong to our church so I can vouch for them. It’s quiet, immaculately clean and the beds have real feather mattresses.”

      Edmond took the card. “That certainly sounds better than where I’ve been staying.”

      “I’m sure you’ll like it. The town has a historical section that you may enjoy exploring. If you want a really knowledgeable tour guide, my mother, Mary Grant, works at the café next door. She’ll be happy to bend your ear about our history.”

      “I may do that. Thank you once again for your kindness and consideration.”

      Just then the outside door opened again. Captain Watson and Avery walked in.

      Jennifer pressed her lips together and looked down. How long would it take until the sight of Avery’s face stopped twisting her heart with yearning?

      Calling herself every kind of fool, she pasted a polite smile on her face and greeted them. “Good afternoon, gentlemen. How may I help you?”


      Avery stopped in shock at the sight of his grandfather talking to Jennifer. He had assumed, wrongly it seemed, that the old man had gone back to Boston.

      Hanging back as Captain Watson approached the desk and asked to speak with Dr. Cutter, Avery tried to figure out why the head of his family’s empire was still in Kansas.

      What motive could Edmond have for remaining in the area? Something wasn’t right.

      His grandfather didn’t trust the day-to-day running of his company to anyone. In all the years Avery had known him, he could only remember him missing work once. The day of his son and daughter-in-law’s funeral. The next day, he had gone back to his office, leaving Avery alone in the sprawling mansion.

      Jennifer picked up the phone and spoke to Dr. Cutter, then hung up and said, “You may go in, Captain.”

      Avery spoke up quickly. “If you don’t need me, sir, I’ll wait here.”

      Captain Watson glanced at Avery sharply, but nodded. “I think I can handle it. I shouldn’t be long.”

      When his captain left, Avery gave his full attention to his grandfather. “I don’t know how you knew I would be here today, but I don’t have anything to say to you.”

      Edmond gave him a tight smile. “I’m sorry you feel that way. I simply stopped by to thank Miss Grant for her kindness the other day. I had no idea you would be here.”

      Avery wasn’t sure if he should believe him or not.

      With a slight bow, Edmond said, “You have my phone number if you decide you wish to speak with me. Until then, I bid you good day.”

      He walked past Avery and left the clinic followed closely by his burley and stoic driver.

      Avery watched his grandfather leave, but he knew it wasn’t going to be easy to dismiss the man from his thoughts. Curiosity had the better of him now. What did Edmond have to gain by staying in town?

      For a moment, Avery considered the possibility that his grandfather might actually want a reconciliation. The second the idea popped into his head, Avery dismissed it as foolish. And so was the notion that Jennifer had somehow arranged it. His grandfather never allowed sentimentality to influence his decisions.

      “He seems like a nice man.” Jennifer said, drawing Avery away from his speculations.

      “He isn’t.”

      She looked down. “People change sometimes.”

      “Not very often.”

      He stepped up to the glass in front of the desk. Jennifer turned away and began filing papers, allowing him to spend a few moments admiring her feminine curves.

      Watching her, he began to consider that he may have lost more than he’d gained when he’d broken it off with her. He’d been angry when he learned Jennifer had gone behind his back to contact Edmond.

      Avery didn’t want anyone to know what a fool he’d made of himself over a scheming woman. Jennifer had made a mistake, but at least her intentions had been good. At the time, her tearful apology and explanation had fallen on deaf ears. All he saw was one more woman who’d betrayed his trust.

      He didn’t trust easily, but he’d trusted Jennifer more than anyone in a long time. That was what hurt the most. His attempts at revenge hadn’t eased his pain. They only managed to make him feel worse.

      But he felt better now that he was near her.

       I miss her. I miss the way she used to smile at me.

      Giving himself a mental shake, he looked down. It didn’t matter what he missed. Anything they might have shared between them was long gone. His behavior had made sure of that.

      “How have you been?” he asked when the silence had stretched on long enough.

      “Fine, thank you.”

      “That’s good. How did your meet go last Saturday?”


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