A Scandalous Proposal. Julia Justiss

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A Scandalous Proposal - Julia Justiss

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her a pouch. “You’ll need to make some purchases. I doubt you usually cook enough to feed a healthy man’s appetite.”

      She shook her head sadly. “Not for years.”

      “Do so tonight. And if there’s a special dish your mistress particularly likes, prepare it.”

      “I know just the one!” Francesca pocketed the pouch, her dark eyes shining. “Ah tonight, such a meal I cook!”

      “If ’tis anything like last night’s, I may sack my chef and steal you away. Before you go, could you take this upstairs?” He handed her the tissue-wrapped package.

      He tiptoed to the office door. Lost in concentration, Emily toiled away unawares. Vases of flowers scattered about the salesroom wafted the subtle but pervasive scent of violets and pansies. Within the small workroom every available surface but the table itself was covered with bouquets. The spicy fragrance teased his nose.

      Though he’d not expected her to hide his tributes, he was absurdly touched to discover she’d placed them all around her, some even in public view. Surely she could not be bent on pleasing him only out of gratitude, could she?

      Despite the maid’s friendliness, he was unsure enough about her mistress’s reaction to his unannounced and uninvited arrival that he delayed making his presence known. Silently he settled against the wall, curious, and content to watch her.

      A sketchbook sat open on the worktable, a half-finished velvet bonnet on a stand beside it. From time to time she glanced at the book as her long fingers deftly fashioned rosettes of braid and added them to the hat. After completing a final flower, she lifted the bonnet and placed it carefully on her head.

      Before he realized what she was doing, she walked to the mirror to inspect it—and saw him behind her in the reflection.

      She gasped and spun around. “Lord Cheverley!”

      Once again, her beauty seen face-to-face took his breath away. For a long moment, he merely stood, tongue-tied and awkward as an infatuated adolescent.

      Quickly she replaced the bonnet on its stand. “I wasn’t expecting you this early, my lord.”

      All the gallant, polished phrases he’d practiced deserted him. “I couldn’t stay away.”

      Groaning inwardly at such gaucherie, he strode toward her. “But I don’t mean to interrupt. Please, complete whatever you intended to finish by evening.” He halted a foot away, conscious of a strong desire to pull her into his arms. Barely a minute close to her, and already he was lost. He settled for kissing the fingers she extended, savoring the scent, the touch of her skin.

      She smiled slightly. “I’m not sure it’s possible for me to work with you so near. But Lady Wendfrow expects this tomorrow, so I’m obliged to try.”

      Could she feel the attraction, that magnetic pull between them, as strongly as he? Evan fervently hoped so.

      He stepped toward the table, forcing himself to focus on something other than her intoxicating proximity. “You work from your own designs?” At her nod, he indicated the sketchbook. “May I?”

      “If you wish.”

      To distract himself while she finished, he opened the book, intending to flip idly through the designs. The first image facing up at him riveted his attention. “Why, that’s Lady Wendfrow to the life!”

      “’Tis easier to design a bonnet that flatters my client if I work from a detailed sketch of her face.”

      “If you can fashion something to flatter Lady Wendfrow, you’re a wizard.”

      She made a little gurgle of a laugh, the sound so enchanting it momentarily distracted him. “She does tend to wear plumed hats that only emphasize her narrow face, in shades of black that do nothing whatsoever for her coloring.”

      “You intend to rectify those errors?” He pointed to the half-fashioned bonnet.

      “Yes. The frame is mourning black, on which she insists, but I’ve lined the brim and trimmed the sides with peach satin. That soft tone beside her face will warm her skin to cream. And I shall drape the plume more to the horizontal, to broaden her face.”

      “By heaven, it might work. Mama said you were a genius. May I look at the other sketches?”

      “If you like. I’ll be just a few more moments.”

      She took up needle and thread and set to work.

      While she stitched, he flipped through the book, pausing to study several sketches of the ladies familiar to him. He had to marvel both at how well she had captured their images and at how skillfully each bonnet she’d designed emphasized their best features.

      Then he reached the last page and froze.

      Emily had caught the sitter at a pensive moment, one hand to her chin as she gazed into the distance. The pale ivory of her hair, the turquoise of her eyes and the wistful, half-smiling expression were so vividly rendered he felt as if his mama might at any moment speak to him from out of the sketchbook.

      “This is extraordinary!” he burst out. “Please, I must have it. May I buy it from you?”

      She glanced over, her hand with the needle momentarily stilling. “The sketch of Lady Cheverley? Take it, if you like. That bonnet is already finished.”

      “I must pay you for it.”

      “Nonsense, ’tis only a pastel. Besides, you’ve already expended far too much for me. If the likeness pleases you, I should be honored for you to have it as a gift.”

      He hesitated, about to argue the point, but the oblique reference to her indebtedness and the slight lift of her chin alerted him that her pride was at issue.

      Give in gracefully, he decided. He could repay her in ways she’d not discover—through Francesca, who, unlike her mistress, seemed cheerfully willing to accept his largesse.

      “Thank you, then.” He took a knife from the worktable and carefully cut free the sketch. That task accomplished, he looked back to see her hunched over the bonnet, peering at the dark velvet in the rapidly fading twilight.

      “Emily, stop. You can’t possibly see black thread against black velvet any longer.”

      ‘A few more stitches, and ’twill be finished.” While he watched in exasperation, she stubbornly bent closer, her nose nearly buried in the bonnet as she attached a final ribbon. At last she knotted off her thread.

      “Enough,” he said, and put his hands on her shoulders, gently pulling her from the worktable. But at the feel of her flesh under his fingers, he found all his banked passion surging back. He shuddered and went still, resisting the sudden, sharp longing to enfold her against him.

      She’d gone motionless as well, and he could feel her muscles tense under his hands. Without thinking, he began to massage her stiff shoulders.

      “Ahh,” she sighed. “That feels lovely.”

      “No wonder your shoulders ache, standing in front of that worktable all day,” he chided, extending the massage to her neck and upper arms.

      “You scold just like Francesca,” she said with a giggle. ’Twas so infectious a sound, he found himself laughing, too. She rotated to face him. He looked down into those wide pansy eyes and caught his breath yet again.

      Slowly her smile faded. When, helpless, compelled, he lowered her mouth, she raised on tiptoes to meet his kiss.

      He kissed her long and longingly, battling the immediate urge to slide his hands to the tempting, tilt-tipped breasts brushing his chest. At last he reluctantly released her. “I’ve been waiting a century for that.”

      Her charming bubble of a laugh sounded again. “Indeed? ’Twas nearly six when you left this morning.”

      “Couldn’t have been. It seems an eternity.”


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