Engaged to the Single Mom. Lee McClain Tobin

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Engaged to the Single Mom - Lee McClain Tobin

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to throw up.

      She didn’t want to go out on a date. But there was no other way to get Xavier off her case.

      In fact, he was beside her now, hugging her leg. “You never had a date before, Mama.”

      She laughed. “Yes, I did. Back in the day. Before you.”

      “Did you go on dates with my dad?”

      All Xavier knew was that his father had died. He hadn’t ever asked whether Angelica and his father had been married, and Angelica hoped he didn’t go there any time soon. For now, she would stick as close to the truth as possible. “No, not with him, but with a few other guys.” She tried to deflect his attention. “Just like I’m doing now. Do I look all right?”

      “You’re beautiful, Mama.”

      She hugged him. “Thanks, Zavey Davey. You’re kinda cute yourself.”

      “Do I get to meet him? Because I want to see, you know, if he’s the right kind of guy for us.”

      “My little protector. You can meet him sometime, but not now. Miss Lou Ann is going to come over and play with you. And I think I hear her now.”

      Sure enough, there was a knock on the bunkhouse door. Xavier ran over to get it while Angelica fussed with herself a little more. She’d much rather just stay home with Xavier tonight. What if Buck tried something? She knew him to be a nice guy, but still...

      “Well, how’s my little friend for the evening?” Lou Ann asked, pinching Xavier’s cheek. “You set up for a Candy Land marathon, or are we building a fort out of sheets and chairs?”

      “You’ll build a fort with me?” Xavier’s eyes turned worshipful. “Mom always says it’s too messy.”

      “It’s only too messy if we don’t clean up later. And we will, right?”

      “Right. I’ll get the extra sheets.”

      As soon as he was out of the room, Lou Ann turned to Angelica. “You look pretty,” she said. “Somebody’s already cranky, and when he sees you looking like that...” She smacked her lips. “Sparks are gonna fly.”

      That was the last thing she needed. Her face heated and she changed the subject. “Xavier can stay up until eight-thirty. He gets his meds and a snack half an hour before bed.” She showed Lou Ann the pills and the basket of approved snacks.

      “That’s easy. Don’t worry about us.” Lou Ann leaned back and looked out the window. “I think your friend just pulled in.”

      “I wanna see him!” Xavier rushed toward the window, dropping the stack of sheets he’d been carrying.

      “Well,” Lou Ann said, “that’s just fine, because I want to claim the best spot in the fort.”

      Xavier spun back to Lou Ann. “I’m king of the fort!”

      “You’d better get over here and help me, then.”

      Thank you, Angelica mouthed to Lou Ann, and slipped out the door.

      Buck emerged from his black pickup, looking good from his long jean-clad legs to his slightly shaggy brown curls. Any girl would feel fortunate to be dating such a cute guy, Angelica told herself, trying to lighten the lead weight in her stomach.

      He’s a nice guy. And it’s for Xavier. “Hi there!”

      “Well, don’t you look pretty!” He walked toward her, loose limbed.

      To her right, the front door of the main house opened. Troy. He came out on the porch and stood, arms crossed. For all the world as if he were her father.

      She narrowed her eyes at him, trying to ignore his rougher style of handsome, the way his broad shoulders, leaning on his crutches, strained the seams of his shirt. She was through with Troy Hinton, and he was most certainly through with her, wouldn’t want anything to do with her if he knew the truth.

      She deliberately returned her attention to Buck. He reached her and opened his arms.

      Really? Was a big hug normal on a first date? It had been so long...and she’d been so young... She took a deep breath and allowed him to hug her, at the same time wrinkling her nose. Something was wrong...

      “Baby, it’s great to see you. Man, feels good to hug a woman.” Buck’s words were slurred. And yes, that smell was alcohol, covered with a whole lot of peppermint.

      She tried to pull back, but he didn’t let go.

      Panic rose in her. She stepped hard onto his foot. “Let go,” she said, loud, right in his ear.

      From the corner of her eye, the sight of Troy made her feel secure.

      “Sorry!” Buck stepped back. “I didn’t mean...I was just glad...oh man, you look so good.” He moved as though he was going to hug her again.

      She sidestepped. “Buck. How much have you had to drink?”

      “What?” He put an arm around her and started guiding her toward his truck. “I had a drink before I came over. One drink. Don’t get uptight.”

      Could that be true? Without a doubt, she was uptight around men. But this felt wrong in a different way. “Wait a minute. I...I think we should talk a little bit before we go.”

      “Sure!” He shifted direction, guiding her toward a bench and plopping down too hard, knocking into her so that she sat down hard, too.

      She drew in a breath and let it out in a sigh. He was drunk, all right. It wasn’t just her being paranoid. But now, how did she get rid of him?

      “I really like you, Angelica,” he said, putting an arm around her. He pulled her closer.

      She scooted away. “Look, Buck, I can’t...I don’t think I can go out with you. You’ve had too much to drink.”

      “One drink!” He sounded irritated.

      Angelica stood and backed away. Couldn’t something, just once, be easy? “Sorry, friend, but I can’t get in the truck with you. And you shouldn’t be driving, either.”

      There was a sound of booted feet, and then Troy was beside her. “She’s right, Buck.”

      “What you doing here, Hinton?”

      “I live here, as you very well know.”

      “Well, I’m taking this little lady out for a meal, once—”

      “You’re not going anywhere except home. As soon as your sister gets here to pick you up.”

      “Oh man, you didn’t call Lacey!” Buck staggered to his feet, his hand going to his pocket. He pulled out truck keys. “This has been a bust.”

      Angelica glanced at Troy, willing him to let her handle it. She had plenty of experience with drunk people, starting with her own parents. “Can I see the car keys a minute?”

      He held them out, hope lighting up his face. “You gonna come after all? I’ll let you drive.”

      She took the keys. “I’m not going, and sorry, but you’re not fit to drive yourself, either.”

      He lunged to get them back and Troy stuck out a crutch to trip him. “You’re not welcome on this property until you’re sober.”

      Angelica kept backing off while, in the distance, a Jeep made clouds on the dusty road. That must be Buck’s sister.

      So she could go home now. Back inside. Face Xavier and tell him the date was off.

      Except she couldn’t, because tears were filling her eyes and blurring her vision. She blinked hard and backed up as far as the porch steps while Troy greeted the woman who’d squealed up in the Jeep.

      The woman pushed past Troy, poked a finger in Buck’s chest and proceeded to chew him out. Then she and Troy helped him

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