The Daddy Audition. Cindi Myers

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The Daddy Audition - Cindi  Myers

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more way Crested Butte was different from the rest of the world.

      He and Tanya were different, too. As much as he cherished his memories of her, she wasn’t the same woman now, any more than he was the same man. There was little reason to believe they even had anything in common.

      He was man enough to let go of the past and be friendly to her and her daughter. He’d call and invite them to his office tomorrow. He wanted her to see the place, to see what he’d made of himself. She’d left behind a small-town nobody. He wasn’t a Hollywood star, but he was an important figure in this town now. He hadn’t had to leave to make a name for himself.

      He picked up the phone, but instead of punching in Tanya’s number, he called a local salon. “Melanie, can you work me in for a haircut this afternoon?” he asked.

      “Jack, it’s four o’clock.”

      “It’s sort of an emergency.”

      “An emergency haircut?”

      “Please? I promise a big tip.”

      “You can do better than that. I need a new railing on my back steps. Can you replace it for me?”

      He consulted his memory and came up with the image of a newer set of condos on the far side of town—not one of his projects, but he was familiar with the style. “I’ve probably got something around here that would work.”

      “Then be here at five and I’ll give you your haircut.” She chuckled. “So who’s the lucky girl?”

      “What do you mean?”

      “Come on—a Sunday-afternoon emergency haircut? You must have a hot date.”

      “No date. It’s, uh, a new client I’m trying to impress.” The lie was at least half-right. He did want to impress Tanya.

      “Right. I still bet it’s a woman.”

      “Don’t go spreading rumors about me.”

      “Oh, I wouldn’t dare. I wouldn’t want to harm your vaunted reputation.” She laughed again. “See you at five.”

      What was that crack about his reputation? he wondered as he made his way to his office, Nugget at his heels. He certainly wasn’t a ladies’ man, if that was what Melanie was getting at. He’d been too busy at work to date much.

      That was probably the reputation she’d been referring to—his lack of a social life. He preferred to think of it as being selective. He wanted a wife and family and all of that, but he needed to find the right woman. He’d gone the route of putting his heart and soul into a relationship early on with Tanya, and he’d paid a high price for such folly. Next time he fell in love, he’d do so slowly. He’d wait until he was sure of the woman’s feelings before he risked his heart again.


      TANYA HAD ALWAYS ENJOYED visiting Jack’s father’s construction office when they were kids. The former mining shack had been crammed with interesting bits of wood, rusting metal implements, old calendars and black-and-white photographs of Crested Butte’s past. Everything was dusty and disorganized, and she’d always felt free to explore and enjoy herself.

      Jack’s new office was as different from his dad’s old place as an old miners’ cabin was from a shiny new condo. The glass, stone and rustic wood siding mimicked a ski resort chalet, and fine art and expensive furniture filled the elegant lobby.

      “Don’t touch anything,” she ordered Annie.

      “I won’t.” Annie clasped her hands in front of her and stared, wide-eyed, at a life-size sculpture of a mountain lion.


      Jack hailed them from a landing near the top of the two-story atrium lobby, then descended the sweeping log stairs, a lanky brown dog at his heels.

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