The Rancher's Family Thanksgiving. Cathy Thacker Gillen

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The Rancher's Family Thanksgiving - Cathy Thacker Gillen

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why is it bothering you?” Teddy asked.

      Tyler looked at his brother. Teddy, Trevor and he were triplets, but the identical part only went so far as their basic looks. Teddy bred horses on his ranch, the Silverado. Trevor ran cattle on his place, the Wind Creek. Tyler’s Healing Meadow Ranch was a large animal veterinary hospital.

      Now the once fiercely independent Trevor was married.

      The irrepressible Teddy was openly lamenting not having a wife and family.

      Only Tyler knew he was not destined for the altar, now or at any time in the future.

      “We both know if Susie turns to anyone, she turns to you.”

      “In crisis,” Tyler qualified. What happened when Susie wanted more than that? Would someone like Whit Jenkins step in to claim Susie as his own? And even if Whit did, what did it matter to Tyler?

      It wasn’t as if he and Susie shared a romantic love. The affection they felt for each other was much deeper, and just as difficult to define. They’d never officially dated. They had tumbled into bed with each other, at last count, four times. If they both remained single, Tyler did not doubt it would happen again. And be followed, just as swiftly, by indecision and regret.

      “The two of you hang out together for fun sometimes.”

      Tyler shrugged as he polished off the potato salad and beans on his plate. “In a group. Never alone.”

      “Not that hard to change—if you so desire,” Teddy murmured with a probing sidelong glance.

       The question was, what did he want?

      Tyler put down his plate and walked back out into the crowd to say hello to everyone he had yet to talk with at the party. He and Susie were a hell of a lot more than casual friends, yet they didn’t see each other all that often. They had the ability to talk in shorthand no one else understood, and yet there were times when he didn’t know what she was thinking or feeling or doing to save his life. He was always happy when he saw her. And he thought about her more than he knew he should. The two of them had cried on each other’s shoulders, slept together. And stayed up all night long exchanging confidences. Yet they’d never had a single date in all the time they had known each other.

      And up until now, Tyler thought, as Susie finally broke away from Whit Jenkins, that had been okay, too.

      Catching Tyler’s glance, Susie smiled and headed toward him.

      And as usual, when he was anywhere in her radius, Tyler found he could not keep his eyes off her.

      When working as a landscape architect or at the garden center she owned, she wore clothes that were ranch-hand rugged and yet sophisticated, too. Tonight, instead of the usual denim skirt or jeans, she had a soft flowing skirt of turquoise and dusty blue flowers with a ruffled hem and a silk-trimmed V-neck white knit shirt. Her small feet were encased with sturdy brown leather boots that just peeked from beneath the ruffled hem. A simple blue-and-white necklace encircled her throat, matching earrings adorned her ears.

      As perfectly as the clothing draped her tall, slender frame, it was nothing compared to the captivating beauty of her face. Shoulder-length honey blond hair caught the evening light and framed her pretty face in a tumble of soft, mussed waves. Insightful amber-brown eyes gleamed beneath thin, elegant brows, the same shade as her hair. Her nose was long and straight; her high cheek-bones well defined; her lips soft, pink and perfectly drawn. Her normally fair skin bore the golden hint of summer sun, and a job that had her outdoors a great deal of the time.

      His pulse picked up as her favorite fragrance—a combination of flowers and citrus—engulfed him.

      She linked arms with him and drew him close. Smiling up at him, she said, “I need you to come with me. Now.”

      “I’M GUESSING WHIT JENKINS was bachelor number one,” Tyler said, as they let themselves out the back gate of the Carrigans’ yard.

      Susie cut across the front grass, toward the sidewalk. “Fortunately, yes.”

      “Why fortunately?” Tyler asked, telling himself what he felt deep in his gut was definitely not jealousy.

      The edges of Susie’s soft lips turned up in a triumphant smile as she waited for Tyler to catch up. “Because as it turns out Whit isn’t the least bit interested in dating me. He’s looking for a more dependent type of woman—someone who’s more interested in staying home than running her own business.”

      That had been a stroke of luck. “Then why’d he agree to the meeting?” Tyler asked, unable to help but note how pretty Susie looked in the dusky evening light.

      She shrugged. “He’s new in town. Doesn’t know anyone outside the hospital. Or he didn’t, until this evening.”

      Tyler followed her over to her bright blue pickup truck. “You think your parents want you to hook up with a doctor?” It made sense, since Luke was a family physician and Meg a registered nurse.

      “That’s not why they chose Whit,” Susie said with a frown. She motioned for him to get in the passenger side while she circled the front and climbed behind the wheel.

      Curious, Tyler settled beside her.

      “Although Whit’s being a physician is part of it,” Susie continued, making no effort to put her keys in the ignition. Which meant they were there to talk, not go anywhere.

      Tyler shifted toward her. “I don’t get it.”

      Susie shifted toward him. She looked Tyler straight in the eye. “Whit’s an oncologist.”

      Tyler felt as if he’d been sucker punched. “Hedging their bets by fixing you up with a cancer specialist?” he asked quietly.

      Susie’s cheeks pinkened. She pleated the fabric of her long, flowing skirt between her fingers. “My guess is they thought Whit would understand what I’ve been through, and from that perspective, we’d have a lot in common.”

      Tyler tensed. “And do you?”

      Susie shrugged. “I think we could be friends.”

      Friends sounded a lot better to Tyler than boyfriend and girlfriend. Although why he should care so much stymied him. He and Susie weren’t headed for the altar. He wasn’t headed for it, period. “So where are we off to?” he asked her lightly, willing to do anything to erase the hurt from her amber eyes.

      “The hospital.” Susie finally put the keys in the ignition, but delayed actually starting her truck’s engine. “Whit asked me to look in on a patient of his. Which is why I wanted you to tag along. I don’t like the idea of going in there alone.”

      Tyler knew Susie avoided hospitals whenever possible.

      Her worst memories were set there.

      “So…” Susie gave him a look he was hard-pressed to deny. “You want to follow me in your truck? Then when we’re finished we can each go our separate ways?”

      Tyler nodded. That was Susie, practical as ever. “I’ll meet up with you in the LCH parking lot,” he promised.

      A few minutes later, they were walking through the entrance of Laramie Community hospital. After a short elevator ride, they were stepping out into the hospital’s brand-new oncology wing.

      Susie stopped by the desk to tell the nurse she and Tyler were there to visit Emmaline Clark.

      “I hope you can cheer her up. She’s been pretty down,” the nurse said.

      An understatement, Tyler and Susie soon found out.

      The pixie-faced adolescent was seated in bed, an IV hooked up to her arm. Thin and pale, she wore an auburn wig with a fake-looking sheen to it on her head. It was cut in a hairstyle for someone much older.

      Her mother and father, an emotionally exhausted-looking couple in their midfifties, were seated in chairs adjacent to the bed. No one was talking.

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