The Cowboy Who Came In From The Cold. Pamela Macaluso

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The Cowboy Who Came In From The Cold - Pamela  Macaluso

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you need me to explain things to your boss—”

      “I am the boss. My job’s not in any danger as long as beef prices stay up and we don’t lose too many cattle over the winter.”

      “That’s a relief. I feel bad enough about stranding us. If I’d jeopardized your job on top of that, it would be even worse.” She wondered about the effect on his private life, but wasn’t about to ask. Was she afraid to hear that he bad a wife and half a dozen kids waiting for him?

      She glanced at his left hand. He wasn’t wearing a ring, although that wasn’t necessarily conclusive with such a rugged career.

      But if he did have a wife, wouldn’t he have called home? Of course he might have done so while she was in the outhouse. Besides, it shouldn’t matter. The last thing she needed right now was another man in her life.

      “So, what brings you to Montana?” he asked.

      “My grandmother lives in Clancy.”

      “Does she know you’ve been delayed? Would you like to call her?”

      “Actually she doesn’t know I’m coming. I was planning to surprise her.” She sighed. “I guess I should have called first. She would have warned me about the storm.”

      But Grandma would have heard the hurt and despair in her voice, and she would have ended up pouring out her troubles over the phone. She wanted to do it in person, where Grandma was close enough to offer the comfort of hugs, a cup of tea and warm cinnamon rolls.

      “How’re the sore muscles?” Stone asked.

      “Better for the most part. Except my right leg. Probably from slamming so hard on the brake pedal.”

      “I can massage some of the knots out of it, if you’d like.”

      The last time a guy had worked knots out of her muscles it had ended up costing her her business and close to every dollar she owned. “No, thanks. The aspirin will be kicking in soon.”

      “Well, the offer stands, and I’m not trying to make a pass at you.”

      The thought hadn’t even occurred to her. Maybe it should have. Was that his game, lulling her into complacency and then attacking?

      Now don’t start that again, Patrice. He rescued you and has been a perfect gentleman.

      Besides, with his looks, he probably has a steady woman in his life, or a string of women.

      “I didn’t think you were trying to make a pass.”

      Something flashed in his eyes. “And if I had been?”

      She wasn’t sure if the sparkle in his eyes was laughter or something else entirely. Was he teasing or trying to gage her reaction to see if she might be receptive to a sexual advance? “But you weren’t.”

      “You can use your imagination.”

      No, that wasn’t a good idea. Her imagination could get her into a lot of trouble in this situation... especially since during the night she’d let it ponder the question of what it would feel like to have him turn a seductive gaze her way.

      She wasn’t about to tell him that in the scenarios she’d envisioned, she had returned his advances with enthusiasm—melting into his arms, returning his kisses. And even worse was the possibility that if he were to make a real pass, she might be unable to stop herself from doing just that.

      No one who knew her would believe her capable of such a wildly spontaneous action, but then they hadn’t laid eyes on Stone, or had him settle his baby blues on them.

      Amazing how in less than twenty-four hours she’d grown less suspicious of him and more fascinated by his rugged masculinity. Amazing...since she’d always preferred the sophisticated business-suit type.

      And look where that got you!

      All the long hours and hard work she’d put into building her bookkeeping service and what did she have to show for it? An engagement ring, which had turned out to be a cubic zirconium, and her car, which was stuck in a ditch in the middle of a blizzard.

      She hoped it would be all right, since she’d been planning on trading it in when she got home. She needed the cash to hold her until she found a job.

      If her credibility wasn’t totally shot in the Phoenix area...

      “Are you going to answer my question?”

      “I really think it’s for the best if I don’t,” she admitted.

      He shrugged. “Here’s an easier one. Are you planning to be at your grandmother’s long?”

      “I’d thought about a week.”

      “Will you be able to get an extension on your vacation time?”

      “I’m, uh, between jobs at the moment.”

      “A recent development?”

      “Very recent.” She hadn’t been completely successful at keeping the catch out of her voice. “I guess I’ll check out the selection of books.”

      She didn’t want to discuss her lack of a job, knowing that when she did the tears would come. She’d waited this long to share the tale and seek comfort in Grandma’s arms, she could wait another week or so.

      Stone might offer the comfort of his arms...but could any red-blooded female be in them and only think of comfort?


      “Would we really lose that much heat if we opened the shutters?” Patrice asked late in the afternoon when she was about to go stir-crazy.

      “It would get draftier.”

      It was already drafty. “I’d just like to see some of the daylight.”

      “Feeling closed in?”

      She nodded.

      Stone put on his jacket, scarf, hat and gloves. Once outside, he opened the shutters on the two windows on the front side of the cabin.

      Patrice went over to look out. It was cloudy and overcast, but the sight of the meadow and what she could see of the trees through the snow was a nice break from the four walls of the cabin. At times she could see snowflakes falling to the ground, other times it seemed they were sailing horizontally across the sky.

      Viewed through the intricate frost patterns on the window, everything was beautiful and picture-perfect.

      For the first time since she’d discovered her ex-fiancé’s betrayal, a sense of peace settled over her. Yes, her life was a mess, but her life couldn’t reach her right now. The snow seemed like a protector. Instead of a barrier keeping her in, it was a shelter keeping the world out. She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

      The prospect of being able to lick her wounds in peace sounded appealing. So far she’d focused on the financial end, but knew she couldn’t keep avoiding the most hurtful aspects of things—the emotional betrayal. Mountains of hurt and anger were building inside her...not just because he’d been enough of a creep to rob her blind, but because she’d been foolish enough to fall for him.

      Stone passed in front of the window, carrying an armful of logs. She went to the door to let him in.

      “Thanks,” he said, stomping the snow off his boots and returning to the warmth inside.

      Patrice closed the door and took her place next to the window, letting the beauty entrance and soothe her once more. The sound of Stone stacking the wood became part of the assuagement.

      “Do you get much snow in your part of Arizona?” He was now standing behind her.

      She glanced over her shoulder at him. “How do you know I’m from Arizona?”

      “Your license plate.”


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