Becoming Dr Bellini's Bride. Joanna Neil

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Becoming Dr Bellini's Bride - Joanna  Neil

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      It still rankled that Nick Bellini had come along to disrupt her lunch with her father, though in truth she couldn’t really blame him for that. He was an innocent bystander in all this, wasn’t he, and how could he know what kind of relationship they had?

      Still, he’d reached her in more ways than she could have imagined. Her father’s business associate wasn’t someone she would easily forget.

      ‘That must be annoying,’ her mother acknowledged. ‘Still, you have plenty of time to build up some kind of relationship with him. You’ve signed a contract for a year, haven’t you, so you don’t have to rush things…and if, in the end, it doesn’t work out, you can always come home. There’ll always be a place here for you.’

      ‘Thanks, Mum. That’s good to know.’ Katie’s mouth made a rueful curve. She made it sound so easy, but the truth was, her mother was making a new life for herself back in Shropshire. She was going to marry Simon, a director of the pharmaceutical company where she worked, and they were very much wrapped up in one another right now. Katie wasn’t going to do anything to intrude on that.

      ‘Anyway,’ she said, ‘in the meantime, the scenery around here is fantastic, and with any luck I’ll get to see the vineyard before too long. It’s not as big as the Bellini vineyard next to it, but by all accounts it’s quite impressive.’

      ‘Bellini—I’ve heard that name,’ her mother commented, an inflection of interest in her voice. ‘There was an article about them in the Sunday supplement some time ago…all about the different varieties of wine they produce, as I recall. Apparently their land included your father’s vineyard at one time—there was something about an Italian migrant seeing the potential for development at the turn of the last century and buying up as much acreage as he could afford. But as the generations went by there were financial problems and part of the land was sold off around 1980. As far as I know, your father didn’t get into the business until some twenty or so years ago.’

      ‘Well, he’s made a success of it, by all accounts,’ Katie murmured. Her mother’s comments about the Sunday supplements had triggered a thought process in her mind, but she still couldn’t remember what it was that she’d read about Nick Bellini. Some kind of high-society gossip that kept the Sunday papers occupied for a week or two, but annoyingly the gist of it had slipped her mind.

      Her pager began to bleep, and she glanced at the small screen, quickly scanning the text message from her boss. ‘I’m sorry, Mum,’ she said, ‘but I’ll have to ring you back later. I have to go out on an emergency call. Someone’s had a fall at a hotel nearby, and I need to go and see what the damage is.’

      ‘All right, Katie, love. Take care of yourself. Remember I’m always here for you.’

      ‘I will. Bye, Mum.’

      Katie grabbed her medical bag and stopped by the reception desk on her way out. ‘Divert any patients to Mike O’Brien, will you, Carla? I’m going out on a call to the Pine Vale Hotel.’

      ‘I’ll do that. No problem. You’ll find the hotel just off the main road out of here.’ The clerk gave her a wave as Katie disappeared through the wide front doors of the building.

      Pine Vale Hotel was up in the hills, only a short drive from the hospital, and Katie reached it in good time. As she slid out of her car and took a look around, she was stunned by the magnificence of the building. White painted, it was a long, symmetrical edifice with two front extending wings at either end. It stood three storeys high, and there were large, Georgian-styled windows in abundance, with green painted shutters folded back. On the ground floor several sets of French doors were set back in archways, and Katie guessed the hotel must be flooded with light.

      She wasn’t wrong. Inside, the foyer reflected a quiet elegance, with traditional, comfy sofas that invited people to sit and take their ease. There were low, marble-topped tables and flower arrangements everywhere, adding glorious splashes of colour to delight the eye.

      ‘Hello.’ Katie introduced herself to the woman behind the desk. ‘I’m Dr Logan. I understand you have a patient for me.’

      ‘Oh, thank goodness you’re here.’ The woman, around thirty years old, with fair hair cut into a neat, gently curving bob, looked relieved. ‘Yes, please come with me and I’ll take you to her. The ambulance is on its way… the emergency services said they were sending a doctor out as well, as there might be a head injury, so I’m really glad to see you. I’m Jenny, by the way… Jenny Goldblum. I’m the hotel manager.’

      Katie nodded acknowledgement. ‘I was told that the lady fell in her room and appears to be semiconscious—did anyone see the fall? It always helps to know the circumstances.’

      Jenny shook her head. She pressed the button for the lift, and frowned as the door swished open. ‘It isn’t clear what happened. The maid found her when she went to clean the room. We think perhaps it had only just happened because a lady in the room next door had been speaking to Mrs Wyatt just a minute or so before.’

      They stepped out of the lift on to the first floor, and Katie was ushered into a large, airy room, furnished in elegant style. There was a double bed with bedside units and an oak dresser to one side of the room, but at the far end, by the window, furniture had been arranged in a seating area. There was an oval oak coffee table and a couple of brocade-covered straight-backed chairs, along with armchairs upholstered in a matching fabric.

      The patient, a woman in her fifties, was lying on the floor by the dresser. ‘What’s her first name?’ Katie asked. ‘Do you know?’

      ‘It’s Laura,’ Jenny answered. ‘She’s staying here with her husband, but he went out earlier for a walk. We haven’t been able to contact him yet.’

      ‘Okay, thanks.’

      The woman was being tended by one of the hotel staff members, but the girl moved aside as Katie approached. A rug covered the area close by, and it looked as though this had been crumpled when Mrs Wyatt fell.

      Katie went to kneel down beside the injured woman. ‘Mrs Wyatt… Laura… I’m Dr Logan. Can you hear me? Are you able to answer me?’

      Laura Wyatt mumbled something indistinct and Katie tried again. ‘Do you feel pain anywhere, Laura?’ she asked gently. ‘Can you tell me where it hurts?’

      Again there was a muffled reply, and Katie came to the conclusion that Mrs Wyatt was too dazed to answer properly. She began a swift initial examination, checking for any obvious injuries and finishing with a neurological check.

      ‘Laura,’ she said at last, ‘I think you’ve broken your shoulder—I know that it must be very painful, so I’m going to give you an injection to help with that. Do you understand what I’m saying?’

      Laura tried to speak, but whatever she was trying to say didn’t come out right, and Katie went ahead and set up an intravenous line. ‘We’re going to get you to hospital just as soon as possible,’ she told the woman. ‘In the meantime, I’m going to try to make you more comfortable with a sling that will stop you moving your arm.’

      It wasn’t clear whether Laura understood or simply couldn’t answer, but Katie went on with her examination, checking her patient’s blood pressure and listening to her heart.

      ‘What’s happened here?’ A familiar male voice disturbed Katie’s quiet concentration, and she looked up to see with a shock that Nick Bellini had entered the room. ‘Katie?’ He frowned, studying her for a moment, then turned his attention to her patient. Mrs Wyatt was groaning faintly.

      His expression became grim, his eyes an intense, troubled blue.

      ‘Nick?’ Katie queried, removing the stethoscope from her ears. What was he doing here? And why had he thought it would be all right to come barging in that way? ‘You really shouldn’t be in here,’ she told him. ‘I’m examining a patient.’

      ‘Yes… I see that. I’m sorry for intruding, but you have to understand, I own this hotel...

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