The Mediterranean's Wife by Contract. Kathryn Ross

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The Mediterranean's Wife by Contract - Kathryn  Ross

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think the delay is something to do with Theo’s dive shop,’ Carrie continued, trying to stay focused on anything except the feelings he was generating inside her. ‘Apparently he stayed open later than usual to accommodate some customers who are going home to England tomorrow.’

      Andreas regarded her sardonically. ‘Personally, I think the delay is more to do with throwing us together on our own for a while.’

      That thought hadn’t occurred to her until he suggested it so bluntly and Carrie felt a surge of red-hot embarrassment. ‘I don’t think so!’ But even as she rejected the idea she wondered if it were true—were Jo and Theo deliberately late? Honestly, it was too mortifying!

      ‘Don’t you?’ He seemed to be watching her with very close attention, and she knew that even though they were sitting in the semi-darkness of the star-lit evening he could see that she was blushing.

      The knowledge and the way he was watching her made her flush even more. ‘Well, Jo rang me to apologise for their delay and she sounded genuinely agitated. She always likes to be on time.’

      ‘So you haven’t felt obligated to meet me, then?’ he asked with a mocking lift of one eyebrow. ‘Because to be honest Theo hasn’t stopped going on about you for the last few days.’

      ‘And you found yourself agreeing to this evening’s arrangements just to get some peace?’ Carrie wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. ‘It’s OK; I have to admit to a similar situation. Jo has been going on rather a lot about you too. I think she feels guilty about leaving me—but I keep telling her I’m perfectly happy.’

      ‘They’ve fallen in love and now they think that the whole world needs to follow suit,’ Andreas said wryly.

      The waiter arrived with his drink and Carrie had never been so very glad of an interruption. It was obvious from his derisive words that Andreas had wanted this blind date even less than she had! And she noticed he’d ordered a Greek coffee—hardly a pre-dinner drink. He wasn’t even pretending that he might stay.

      As they were left alone again he glanced up and their eyes met. ‘Unfortunately I have a business meeting back in Athens early tomorrow. So I can’t stay long.’

      ‘Well—I can’t stay long either.’ Carrie rallied herself, her pride rising to her defence. ‘I was just thinking before you arrived that we should get this over with as quickly as possible. Jo and Theo should be making each moment count, having a nice romantic time on their own.’

      ‘Yes, I suppose they should.’ Andreas looked over at her with a teasing gleam in the darkness of his eyes. ‘But I wouldn’t worry too much. I’m sure their time has been put to some good use.’

      Meaning what, Carrie wondered, as opposed to their time?

      ‘So how are you enjoying your holiday on Pyrena?’ he asked as he sat back into his chair.

      Now he was trying to make polite conversation. This was excruciating.

      For her friend’s sake she forced herself to smile and answer courteously. ‘I’m having a lovely time, thank you. It’s a beautiful island.’

      ‘Have you been out to see the coral reef yet?’

      Carrie shook her head. ‘Theo and Jo invited me to go out there with them yesterday but I don’t dive.’

      ‘You could snorkel.’

      ‘I’m not a strong swimmer and I don’t like to be out of my depth.’

      ‘You just need someone experienced alongside. You should try it—it really is beautiful out there.’ His mobile rang and he reached to answer it immediately. ‘Excuse me Carrie,’ he said politely as he flicked it open.

      She listened as he spoke in Greek, his voice crisp and businesslike, and his expression serious.

      He was far too attractive, Carrie thought as she allowed her eyes to drift over him. Dangerously so.

      She wondered what it would be like to feel those sensual lips exploring hers, those hands touching her skin.

      He hung up and glanced over at her again. ‘Sorry about that—business, I’m afraid.’

      ‘That’s OK.’ Annoyed by her thoughts, she looked away from him and lifted her glass of wine. What on earth was the matter with her? Andreas couldn’t have made it clearer that he was uncomfortable with this situation and wasn’t interested in her and yet here she was daydreaming about kissing him! ‘You know, if you need to go don’t let me detain you. I’ll pass on your apologies to Theo and Jo.’

      ‘I don’t think you’ll need to. They’re here.’

      Carrie followed his glance out towards the road and saw Theo climbing out of his black sports car, closely followed by Jo. She noticed the way Theo waited for her by the pavement, reached out and took her hand.

      There was something very touching about the moment, about the way Jo looked up at him.

      ‘Somehow they seem right together, don’t they?’ Carrie didn’t realize she had spoken aloud until Andreas answered her.

      ‘Yes. I think this is serious.’

      Carrie glanced over at him, his words resonating inside her. He was right.

      So what was going to happen at the end of the holiday when it was time for Jo to go home? Her friend deserved happiness so much, Carrie thought as she turned her attention back towards them. She’d been through so much in her life—Carrie knew exactly how tough she’d had it because they’d grown up together in the same foster home. She knew that Jo pretended to be tough but had a heart as kind and as soft as you could get.

      As they approached Carrie thought her friend had never looked lovelier. She was wearing a black fitted dress that did great things for her slender figure, and her skin was glowing, her long blonde curls softly tousled around her face. ‘I’m so sorry we’re late,’ she murmured, looking from one to the other of them searchingly.

      ‘It was entirely my fault.’ Theo cut in as he reached to kiss Carrie on both cheeks. ‘Nice to see you again, Carrie, and I’m really sorry, time just ran away with us. But we knew you two would be hitting it off.’

      Carrie wished she hadn’t met Andreas’s eyes across the table just at that moment.

      He looked lazily amused, which irritated Carrie considerably.

      ‘Don’t worry about it,’ he said nonchalantly as he got to his feet to greet them. ‘Carrie and I have enjoyed meeting.’

      ‘Oh, good!’ Jo looked at Carrie with an ‘I told you so’ glint in her eyes and Carrie tried her utmost to look unfazed. Was Jo so blinded by love that she failed to notice Andreas’s obvious reluctance to be here?

      ‘So, is everything OK?’ Jo asked in an undertone as she took the seat beside her.

      ‘Absolutely.’ Carrie was distracted for a moment as she watched Andreas greet his younger brother. She noticed how alike they were, both tall and dark, but Theo’s features were open, pleasant, less challenging than Andreas’s, who had a powerful, hard intensity about his good looks.

      It was immediately apparent that the men were not just brothers, but that they were also good friends. They talked together for a moment about Theo’s business, Theo asking Andreas’s opinion on some new equipment that he wanted.

      ‘They would talk for ever about business.’ Jo grinned at Carrie.

      ‘Hey, I need all the advice I can get,’ Theo cut in goodnaturedly. ‘Especially from a brother who has a brilliant mind for business—I don’t know what I’d do without him.’

      ‘You’d do very well, Theo. Your business is flourishing,’ Andreas told him staunchly.

      ‘Not without your help.’ Theo glanced around for the waiter. ‘Shall we grab some menus? I don’t know about

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