The Midnight Rider Takes A Bride. Christine Rimmer

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The Midnight Rider Takes A Bride - Christine  Rimmer

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      This Is Insane...I Can’t Marry Wild Jed Ryder, Letter to Reader Title Page About the Author Dedication Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Copyright

      This Is Insane...I Can’t Marry Wild Jed Ryder,

      Adora Beaudine thought. Until forty-eight hours ago, I hardly knew the man. And he’s nothing like my dreams of who I’d marry....


      But if she didn’t marry him, he’d lose custody of his little sister. And Adora really did believe that would be wrong. So very wrong.


      Jed seemed to read her indecision in her eyes. “Never mind. It’s a bad idea. Forget it.”


      “No.” She went to him, in the shadows, lifting a hand and clasping his shoulder. She felt like a child on a dare, holding her palm over a flame. She would be burned—and yet nothing seemed so urgent as that she not let go....

      Dear Reader,





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      The Midnight Rider Takes A Bride

      Christine Rimmer



      is a third-generation Californian who came to her profession the long way around. Before settling down to write about the magic of romance, she’d been an actress, a salesclerk, a janitor, a model, a phone sales representative, a teacher, a waitress, a playwright and an office manager. Now that she’s finally found work that suits her perfectly, she insists she never had a problem keeping a job—she was merely gaining “life experience” for her future as a novelist. Those who know her best withhold comment when she makes such claims; they are grateful that she’s at last found steady work. Christine is grateful, too—not only for the joy she finds in writing, but for what waits when the day’s work is through: a man she loves who loves her right back and the privilege of watching their children grow and change day to day.


      To everyone at the Child Protective Services offices in

      both Sierra and Plumas Counties, as well as to Dan Geffner, Deputy Public Defender in Nevada County. You all have answered my endless questions so patiently and I sincerely appreciate your helpfulness.


      “Honey, all I’m saying is I hope you’re not just sitting alone feeling sorry for yourself.”

      Adora Beaudine tucked the phone beneath her chin and then carefully, quietly, blotted her streaming eyes and swiped at her running nose. Yes, she was feeling sorry for herself. But that didn’t mean her mother had to know.

      “Honey, are you there?”

      Adora brought the receiver near her mouth again. “Yes, Mom. I’m here.”

      “Are you all right? You sound so strange, dear.”

      Adora felt a sob bubbling up. Quickly, she turned to the base of the phone that hung on the wall right behind her and punched the mute button. Then she blew her nose. Then, ignoring the champagne flute in front of her, she reached for the bottle that waited at her elbow and took a long swig.

      It tasted lovely, all popping and sparkly, going down. And it should. It was good champagne: Möet & Chandon. Adora had bought it last fall, along with a pair of crystal champagne flutes, right after she’d met Farley Underwood—the rotten, dirty creep. She’d bought it because she’d been utterly certain that one day soon Farley would pop the question. She had pictured them celebrating their engagement with champagne.

      But Farley had never popped the question. And now the rat was long gone. And as a birthday present to herself, Adora intended to drink up the evidence of her own folly. Moreover, once she’d emptied the bottle, she meant

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