Playboy Under the Mistletoe. Joanna Neil

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Playboy Under the Mistletoe - Joanna  Neil

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sure that you’re not hurt in any way?’

      ‘I’m sure. I’m not hurt.’ She blinked, looking around at the overwhelming mass of snow that covered three sides of her vehicle like a half-built tunnel. She tried to gather her thoughts. ‘Did you manage to keep your car on the road?’

      ‘It’s fine. I’ve parked just along the road from you.’ He hesitated. ‘If you’re positive that you’re all right, I need to go and check on the other drivers. If we don’t clear the road fast, there could be another accident before too long. We have two people keeping watch, so that they can try to alert people to the danger, but it isn’t safe and I need to hurry.’

      She nodded. ‘I’ll come with you.’

      ‘There’s no need.’ As she tried to slide out of her seat, he laid his hands on her shoulders, lightly pressuring her to stay. ‘You look as though you’re in shock,’ he said. ‘You’re trembling. Stay there and I’ll be back as soon as I can.’

      He was right, she realised after he had gone. Her body was still mourning the loss of his reassuring touch, but that was only because she was in a state of shock, as he’d said…wasn’t it? She tried to move, but her legs let her down and her hands were shaking. Her car was slanted at an odd angle to the ground and she wasn’t at all certain how she was going to get it back on the road.

      For a minute or two, she sat very still, concentrating on breathing deeply in an effort to compose herself. No matter what he said, Ben most likely needed help. If they didn’t move the other car to the side of the road, it would be a danger to oncoming drivers. It was also quite possible that one or both of the people involved in the accident might be injured. Sitting here wasn’t an option, and somehow or other she had to pull herself together and try to help out. Bracing herself, she drew another shuddery breath of air into her lungs, and a moment later she slid out of her seat and went to find him.

      He and another man were trying to steer the crumpled car to the side of the road, but the vehicle that had rammed into the tree was still in the same position as before. The driver was at the wheel, and she guessed that Ben must have already spoken to him. The man wasn’t moving, but perhaps that was because he was traumatised by what had happened.

      She went over to car and opened up the passenger door. ‘Is there anything I can do to help you?’ she asked. The man was in his fifties, she guessed, with a weathered complexion and streaks of grey in his hair. His expression was tense, as though he was hurt and was steeling himself against the pain. ‘I can see that you’re holding your arm,’ she murmured. ‘Is it giving you some problems?’

      He nodded, his lips compressed. ‘I wrenched it when I went into the tree. Help’s on its way, though. The man from the BMW told me he’s a doctor…he came to take a look at me and said I’d probably dislocated my shoulder. He had to go and shift the car out of the way, but he’s coming back.’

      ‘I’m sure he’ll be able to help you.’ She quickly tried to assess his condition. He was wearing a cotton shirt with a sleeveless fleece jacket over the top, and even in the darkness she could see that the shoulder was strangely distorted. ‘He and I know one another, as it happens—we’re both doctors.’

      He managed a weak smile. ‘I suppose I’m lucky, then, that this happened while you were around.’

      ‘You could say that.’ She hesitated. ‘Is it all right if I switch on the interior light? Perhaps I could take a look at you and see what we’re dealing with?’

      He gave a slight nod, and once the light was on she examined his arm and his hand. ‘Can you feel your fingers?’

      ‘I don’t think so. They’re a funny colour, aren’t they?’ He frowned. ‘That’s not good, is it?’

      ‘Well, it means we probably need to put the shoulder back in its socket sooner rather than later. Your circulation is being stopped or slowed down, and we have to sort it out fairly quickly.’

      She glanced around and saw that there was a cushion on the rear seat. ‘If we put the cushion between your arm and your chest it may help to make you feel more comfortable in the meantime.’

      He nodded again, and she went to get the cushion, coming back to gently place it in position. A faint look of relief crossed his features.

      ‘That feels a bit better,’ he said, breathing hard and gritting his teeth. ‘Thanks.’

      ‘You’re welcome.’ She glanced at him. ‘Are you hurting anywhere else? I noticed the driver’s door is buckled…has that hurt you in any way?’

      ‘I don’t think it’s done anything too bad. It feels as though I’ll be bruised for a while, but basically I’m okay. It’s just the shoulder. It hurts like the devil.’

      ‘I can imagine it does.’ She hesitated momentarily. ‘Will you be all right for a minute or two while I go and get my medical bag from the car? We should be able to put your shoulder back in position for you—and we can at least give you something to relieve the pain.’

      ‘That would be good.’ He seized at the chance. ‘Whatever you can do…’

      ‘Okay.’ She slid out of the car once more and trudged through the snow to her own vehicle, thankful that she was wearing strong leather boots.

      ‘What are you doing?’ Ben asked, coming over to her, his brows drawing together in a dark line as she retrieved her bag from the car. ‘I thought I told you to stay where you were. At least you would have been warmer in there, and you know you shouldn’t be wandering around when you’ve just been involved in an accident. You could be injured and not realise it.’

      ‘I’m a doctor,’ she said in a succinct tone, her green eyes homing in on him. ‘I think I’d know if there was something wrong with me.’

      ‘Not necessarily.’ His gaze lanced into her. ‘You should let me check you over.’

      She raised both brows. ‘We both know that’s not going to happen.’ Just the thought of him laying hands on her was enough to make colour sweep along her cheekbones. She just hoped he couldn’t see her reaction, and to avert disaster she went on, ‘It looks as though only one man was injured. Apparently, you said you’d go and help him.’

      ‘That’s right.’ He studied her briefly, and clearly he must have decided not to pursue the point about her staying in the car.

      ‘Well, it looks as though his circulation’s compromised, so I think it would be best to try to put the shoulder back in place here and now, rather than wait.’

      ‘Yes, that’s pretty much the conclusion I came to.’

      Jasmine was thinking out a plan of action. ‘In that case, he’ll need a sedative and a painkilling injection,’ she added. ‘I have the medication we need in my medical bag.’

      ‘Good. You’re right, it will probably be best to inject the joint, rather than set up an intravenous line and anaesthetise him. That way, he would be knocked out completely, but his recovery would take longer, and these aren’t exactly the best of circumstances for him to be undergoing that kind of treatment.’ His gaze ran over her once more. ‘We could do it together, if you think you’re up to it…?’

      ‘I am. I’ll be fine. I’ll support him while you do the reduction.’

      ‘Okay, then. Let’s go and see how he’s doing.’

      The injured man, they discovered, was becoming paler by the minute, and his lips were beginning to take on a pinched appearance.

      ‘Ian,’ Ben said, slipping into the passenger seat beside him, ‘we’re going to give you something that will help you to stay calm and relaxed throughout the procedure, and then I’ll inject a painkiller directly into the joint. The drugs will help to relax your muscles at the same time. All that means you shouldn’t feel too much discomfort when I put the bone back into place. You should feel immediate relief from pain when that’s done.’

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