Signed Over To Santino. Maya Blake

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Signed Over To Santino - Maya  Blake

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been trying to minimise the impact of what’s happened—what are you doing? You shouldn’t be on your feet.’

      Carla swayed for a moment before she managed to steady herself. ‘I should if I want to use the bathroom. Or are you going to forbid that too?’

      A faint wash of colour highlighted his sculpted cheekbones and his lips pursed for a moment. ‘Don’t be ridiculous.’

      She wanted to protest the ridiculousness of the whole situation. But she was too busy wincing as she placed her weight on her left foot. Too late, she remembered she’d landed hard on her hip. A second later, she was swung off her feet.

      The shock of the sudden action halted her breath for a second before she regained her senses. ‘What are you doing? Put me down!’

      ‘No. You’re in no fit state to be walking anywhere.’

      He hoisted her up, his steps sure and confident as he strode into the adjoining bathroom. Painfully aware of her dishevelled state, she buried her reddening face in his chest. And was immediately bombarded with the unique, undeniably male scent of him. The urge to take greedy gulps of him assailed her, forcing her to do the opposite and hold her breath as he slowly lowered her to her feet.

      Unable to stop herself, she risked a glance at him, to find his burnished bronze gaze on her.

      ‘ can let me go now,’ she ventured, her senses screaming at the electrifying grip he had on her arms.

      He frowned. ‘Will you be okay?’ he asked brusquely. ‘I’ll go and get the nurse—’

      ‘There’s no need. I’ll be fine.’

      He stared at her for a few more seconds. Then he carefully stepped back. ‘Don’t lock the door,’ he instructed.

      Carla resisted the urge to perform an uncharacteristic eye roll. ‘I’m not made of glass, Javier. I’ve suffered more falls in my career than most people will in a lifetime.’

      If anything her answer drew an even deeper frown from him. ‘Is that supposed to reassure me?’

      ‘I wasn’t aware that you needed my reassurance. Just my acquiescence to your every demand.’

      His eyes darkened. ‘You laid down the rules of our relationship, querida. Don’t complain now that I’m playing by your standards.’

      Carla was puzzling over that cryptic remark when he shut the door and left her in peace for the first time since waking up in hospital. She didn’t doubt that she’d invited some degree of the hell Javier seemed intent on visiting upon her. But overall his actions pointed to a deeper reaction to what she’d done to warrant his almost volatile anger. Had she really bruised his ego that much? How could she have, when he’d been associated with some of the most captivatingly beautiful women in the world, both before and after their unfortunate one-night stand?

      To complete her ablutions, she limped to the sink, washed up, and lifted her gaze to the mirror. With growing horror, she examined the bags under her eyes and the unkempt nest of her thick hair. She almost giggled hysterically at the thought of her father seeing her this way. For as long as she could remember, Olivio had demanded perfection in everything she did. She’d granted it. Because to do otherwise would’ve incurred his wrath. Besides, it’d been easier playing the perfect princess. It provided the flawless façade to hide behind. Seeking and attaining perfection meant she didn’t have to acknowledge the flawed individual behind the mask.

      Carla stared into the mirror, her heart thumping hard as she acknowledged that the shell had well and truly cracked. Her eyes looked bruised and haunted. But then what was new? Pain and betrayal were effective tools in eroding any chance of finding peace even while doing what one loved—


      The harsh rap of her name brought her up short. Quickly running her fingers through her hair, she took a deep breath. She would deal with her father and their acrimonious relationship once she got out of here.

      First she needed to deal with the man intent on making her pay dearly for her one monumental mistake.

      * * *

      The moment the doctor gave her the all-clear to leave later that afternoon, Javier swung into action.

      ‘Your father is having your things brought over. We’ll stay at my hotel tonight and fly out in the morning.’

      She smoothed her hand over the dark orange dress and matching shoes she’d found in her hospital closet. With the help of the nurse, she’d taken a quick shower and pulled her hair into its customary bun. The effort to make herself presentable had been worth it when she’d emerged from the hospital to find a crowd of fans cheering at her apparent recovery. As always, she’d been silently awed and a little intimidated at being the object of such intense scrutiny. Although she hadn’t been willing to admit it at the time, she’d been grateful for Javier’s solid presence beside her. Especially when she’d caught a glimpse of the latest newspaper headline.

      ‘Don’t I have to deal with the police, seeing as Tyson Blackwell is to be charged?’

      ‘We’ll deal with it this afternoon, if you’re feeling up to it. If not, we’ll handle it later. I’ve spoken to the authorities. They don’t really need your statement to charge him.’

      ‘They don’t?’

      He shook his head. ‘Angelis had a member of your father’s staff watching over you. Blackwell was filmed on video pushing you into making that dangerous jump.’ His jaw tightened, his features cast in shadow as the car moved through traffic. ‘Why did you do it?’

      Her breath emerged shakily as memory slashed across her mind. Her father had finally confessed, after condemning her for wanting to sever their professional relationship, that he’d gambled all her money away. Their only asset—albeit a heavily mortgaged one—was the estate in Tuscany.

      ‘I had a lot on my mind that morning. I wasn’t thinking clearly. And before you think me completely foolish, I’d done the jump successfully over a dozen times in the days before.’

      ‘Was your lack of concentration to do with Angelis? Or the chaos your father has made of your finances?’

      She gasped. ‘You know about that?’

      ‘Your father has been pursuing this deal for the better part of a year, each time asking for more money. You didn’t think I’d do my homework on why he was so eager to sign you away?’

      Her insides chilled. ‘So you know—’

      ‘I know everything, querida. And I have you in the proverbial palm of my hand. I can ruin you with the snap of my fingers.’

      That debilitating state of ennui that had assailed her on and off over the past few weeks wove over her again. The urge to give up, walk away from it all, now, rather than later as she’d tried to discuss with her father, was so strong it caught her breath.

      ‘Did you hear me, Carla?’

      ‘Loud and clear. You can ruin me. You can breathe fire. You can command the very heavens to crush me into a speck of dust. I acknowledge your almighty power over me. But please excuse me if I don’t genuflect. I’m battered and bruised enough as it is.’

      A dark look entered his eyes. ‘What’s wrong with you? And I don’t mean physically. Your apathy is unbecoming in an athlete of your calibre. You haven’t risen to number one by being cowed by a few challenges.’

      She laughed, the sound scratching her throat. ‘So you not only expect me to jump when you say how high, but I should have an attitude when I do it?’

      ‘I’m saying representing my company with such a defeatist demeanour will not work.’

      ‘I’ll work on practising my positive mental attitude before I step in front of the camera. Is that enough for you?’

      ‘This isn’t a

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