Summer's Promise. Irene Brand

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Summer's Promise - Irene  Brand

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the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.”’

      The minister who’d preached their funerals had read the same passage, and Summer considered it a fitting epitaph for Bert and Spring. She turned the pages of the Bible wondering if it contained any words to guide her in the decisions she must make.

      There were many underlined passages, and she paused at one verse marked in Psalm 144, “Happy is that people, whose God is the Lord.” Accepting someone as Lord meant He would be the ruler of your life. If she took that step, could she more willingly carry out her sister’s request?

      Chapter Five

      When David approached the cabin the next morning, Summer sat on the front porch wrapped in a blanket staring toward the distant mountains. Her face was unreadable, but he sensed the indecision and the fears she faced. If she moved to Mountain Glen with the children, would it make or break her? She looked so innocent, and he wondered what would happen to her if she chose The Crossroads.

      David hadn’t slept much because he was fighting his own battles. He didn’t want to leave his job, although he felt duty-bound to do what his brother had requested, but only if Summer would partner with him. He believed there was a warm, vibrant person behind the quiet facade she exhibited. If he could be with her a few months, he was certain he would discover the personality she’d displayed when they’d spent the day at the amusement park.

      Being in this isolated area, where his brother had chosen to serve the Lord, had caused David to realize how far he’d wandered from God and the spiritual values his parents had taught him. In addition to furthering his relationship with Summer, David longed to find the peace and security he’d once known when he came into God’s presence without guilt. He believed he could find it at The Crossroads. David hadn’t lived a bad life, but he remembered a Bible verse he’d memorized as a child. “Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” So he’d erred, not by the sins he’d committed, but by what he hadn’t done.

      David deliberately stepped on a twig, and when it snapped, Summer’s startled eyes turned in his direction. When she started to stand, the blanket wrapped around her legs and she stumbled. He vaulted up on the porch and took her hand.

      Clasping the blanket around her shoulders, she said as she entered the cabin, “I’ll dress and then we can have breakfast. I have coffee ready. Help yourself.”

      When she returned to the kitchen, David had poured cups of coffee and glasses of juice.

      “I made some toast and found a jar of jelly in the cabinets. No butter,” he said.

      She sat at the table and spread jelly on the slice of bread. “How’d you sleep?” David asked.

      “Didn’t sleep at all! There were too many memories floating around in my head. I kept thinking about Spring and her family, and their association to this cabin. It’s still hard to accept she’s gone.”

      “I know what you mean. After Bert left for college and then the mission field, we didn’t see much of each other, but we were good buddies when we were kids. We didn’t fight like a lot of brothers.”

      A faraway gleam crept into Summer’s eyes, and she smiled weakly. “You’ve met my mother, so needless to say, there wasn’t any fighting in the Weaver household.”

      After they finished eating, Summer took the dishes to the sink. “Let’s get started with whatever we need to do today. I hate indecision.”

      David inclined his head cautiously. “I have a feeling we aren’t going to have all our problems settled when we leave here today.”

      She hurriedly washed the dishes, while David dried them and put them in the cabinet.

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