The Soul Catcher. Alex Kava

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The Soul Catcher - Alex  Kava

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alongside her. Maggie came to an abrupt halt, surprising him with a tug of the leash.

      “Harvey.” She stopped to catch her breath, and he waited, cocking his head. “What’s wrong with your paw?”

      She pointed to it, and he crouched to the ground as if preparing for a scolding. She gently took the big paw in both her hands. Even before she turned it over she felt a prick. Embedded deep between his pads was a clump of sandburs.

      “Harvey.” She hadn’t meant for it to sound like a scold, but he cowered closer to the ground.

      She scratched behind his ears, letting him know he had done nothing wrong. He hated having these things pulled out, preferring to hide and endure the pain. But Maggie had learned how to be quick and efficient. She grabbed the clump between her fingernails, instead of fingertips, and gave one quick yank. Immediately, he rewarded those same fingers with grateful licks.

      “Harvey, you need to let me know about these things as soon as you get them. I thought we agreed that neither of us would play hero anymore.”

      He listened while he licked, one ear perched higher than the other.

      “So do we have a deal?”

      He looked up at her and gave one sharp bark. Then he climbed to his feet, ready to run again, his entire hind end wagging.

      “How ‘bout we take it easy the rest of the way?” She knew she had pushed it a bit too hard. As she stood and stretched, she could feel a cramp threatening her calf. Yes, they’d walk the rest of the way, despite the wind chilling her sweat-drenched body and making her shiver.

      A bulging orange moon peeked from behind a line of pine trees and the ridge that separated Maggie’s new neighborhood from the rest of the world. The houses were set far back off the street with enough property and landscaping between them to make it difficult to see the next-door neighbors. Maggie loved the seclusion and privacy. Though without any streetlights, darkness came quickly. It still freaked her out a bit to run after dark. There were too many Albert Stuckys out there. And even though she knew he was dead—that she’d killed him herself—she still sometimes ran with her Smith & Wesson tucked in her waistband.

      Before she got to her long circular driveway, she saw a glimmer of windshield. She recognized the spotless white Mercedes and wanted to turn around. If he hadn’t seen her, she might have done just that. But Greg waved from the portico, leaning against its railing as if he owned the house.

      “It’s a little late to be out running, isn’t it?” This was his greeting, which sounded more like a scolding, and she found herself flinching instinctively, just as Harvey had earlier. The gesture represented a microcosm of their relationship, which had been reduced to instinctive survival tactics, and Greg still wondered why she wanted a divorce?

      “What do you need, Greg?”

      He looked like he had stepped off the pages of GQ. He was dressed in a dark suit, with sharp creases she could see even in the moon’s dim light, not a wrinkle in sight. His golden hair was moussed and styled, not a strand out of place. Yes, her soon-to-be ex-husband was certainly handsome, no question about that. She knew he must be on his way home from dinner with friends or business associates. Maybe he had a date, and immediately she wondered how she would feel about that. Relieved, was her quick and easy answer.

      “I don’t need anything.” He sounded hurt, and she saw him shift to his defensive stance, another survival tactic in his own arsenal. “I just thought I should check up on you.”

      As they got closer, Harvey started growling, his signal that warned of any stranger on their property.

      “Good Lord!” Greg backed up, only now noticing Harvey. “That’s the dog you took in?”

      “Why are you checking up on me?”

      But Greg was now preoccupied with Harvey. Maggie knew he hated dogs, though while they were together he had made excuses that he was allergic to them. Seemed the only thing he was allergic to was Harvey’s growl.

      “Greg.” She waited until she had his attention. “Why are you here?”

      “I heard about Richard.”

      Maggie stared at him, waiting for more of an explanation. When one didn’t come, she said, “It happened days ago.” She stopped herself from adding that if he was so concerned, why did he wait until now.

      “Yeah, I know. I did hear about it on the news, but the name didn’t ring a bell with me right away. Then I talked to Stan Wenhoff this morning about a case I’m representing. He told me about what happened at the morgue.”

      “He told you about that?” Maggie couldn’t believe it. She wondered who else he had told.

      “He was just concerned about you, Maggie. He knows we’re married.”

      “We’re getting a divorce,” she corrected him.

      “But we’re still married.”

      “Please, Greg. It’s been a long day and a long week. I don’t need any lectures. Not tonight, okay?” She marched past him to the front door, letting Harvey lead, so that Greg moved out of the way.

      “Maggie, I really did just stop to see if you’re okay.”

      “I’m fine.” She unlocked the door and hurried to reset the buzzing alarm system inside the entrance.

      “You could be a little more grateful. I did come all this way.”

      “Next time, perhaps you should call first.”

      She was ready to close the door on him, when he said,

      “That could have been you, Maggie.”

      She stopped and leaned against the doorjamb, looking up at him and into his eyes. His perfect forehead was creased with concern. His eyes startled her with flecks of dampness she didn’t recognize.

      “When Stan told me about Richard … well, I …” He kept his voice low and quiet, almost a whisper, and there was an emotion in it she hadn’t heard for years. “The first thing I thought of was, what if it had been you?”

      “I can take care of myself, Greg.” Her job had been an ongoing debate in their marriage—no, argument was a better word. It had been an ongoing argument between the two of them for the last several years. She wasn’t in the mood for any “I told you sos.”

      “I bet Richard thought he could take care of himself, too.” He stepped closer and reached to caress her cheek, but Harvey’s growl cut the gesture short. “It made me realize how much I still care about you, Maggie.”

      She closed her eyes and sighed. Damn it! She didn’t want to hear this. When she opened her eyes, he was smiling at her.

      “Why don’t you come with me. I can wait while you get ready.”

      “No, Greg.”

      “I’m meeting my brother, Mel and his new wife. We’re gonna have a nightcap at their hotel.”

      “Greg, don’t—”

      “Come on, you know Mel adores you. I’m sure he’d love to see you again.”

      “Greg.” She wanted to tell him to stop, that she wouldn’t be meeting with him and Mel probably ever again. That their marriage was over. That there was no going back. But those watery gray eyes of his seemed to replace her anger with sadness. She thought of Delaney and of his wife, Karen, who had hated Delaney’s career choice as much as Greg hated hers. So instead, she simply said, “Maybe some other time, okay? It’s late and I’m really wiped out tonight.”

      “Okay,” he said, hesitating.

      For a minute she worried that he might try to kiss her. His eyes strayed from hers to her mouth, and she felt her back tense up against the doorjamb. Yet in that moment of hesitation, she realized she wouldn’t resist the gesture, and that revelation surprised

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