The Wedding Plan. Abby Gaines

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The Wedding Plan - Abby  Gaines

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      “Divorce isn’t ideal,” she agreed, as if the only problem with getting married would be how to end it. “It means we both end up, well, divorced. We could look into annulment.”

      “No,” he said again.

      “You were willing to give Dad a kidney,” she reminded him.

      “A lot less complicated,” Lucas said.

      He was right. But Merry was desperate. “This is your big chance to rescue me. You love to rescue.”

      “You hate being rescued. You refuse to be rescued.”

      “Not this time,” she promised. “Do you remember when you were ten years old, telling Dad and Dwight you wanted to marry me?”

      He blinked, then shook his head, as if shaking off that moment of weakness. “Yeah, and the next day you peed your pants and I changed my mind.”

      The heat in her cheeks told her she was blushing. “So I had the occasional ‘accident.’ Shoot me. Look, Lucas, Dad wants us to get married, and right now allowing him to die in peace is number one on my list. Are you going to marry me or not?”

      “Not.” He folded his arms across his chest and stared her down.

      Merry spun on her heel and marched back into her father’s room, Lucas right behind her. She narrowly missed crashing into Nurse Martin, also on her way in again.

      Her father gave her an anxious, hopeful look.

      Merry beamed. “Great news, Dad. We’re getting married tomorrow.”


      MERRY TUGGED AT THE BODICE of her blue dress, her backup option in case Stephanie’s bridal gown didn’t fit. This was a bridesmaid dress; it had looked fine, though far from lovely, when she’d worn it two years ago as maid of honor for what turned out to be Sarah’s short-term marriage. Now the sleeves looked ridiculously poufy. Every time she moved, the taffeta seemed to rustle accusingly.

      At least the pale blue matched her complexion.

      Merry rubbed her cheeks briskly with her palms, watching the effect in her bedroom mirror. She looked as if she were headed to an execution, not a wedding.

      There was every chance this wedding would be followed by an execution, she thought grimly. Lucas had been so mad when she’d announced they were getting married, he’d been white with fury. She shivered at the mere recollection. But he’d been too nice, too heroic, to wipe the joy from her father’s face. As she’d known he would be.

      This is the lowest thing I’ve ever done in my life.

      But for the best of reasons.

      And Lucas really would be free and clear of her, and their marriage, after ninety days. No lasting scars.

      Which was more than she could say for that night in Baltimore, which still left her mortified six months later. Really, Lucas had it easy.

      She was having trouble convincing herself of that, so it was a relief when the buzzer to her apartment sounded. She glanced at her watch. Ten-thirty; Stephanie was right on time.

      One hour until the wedding.

      Merry pressed the buzzer to open the street door. Her apartment was above a bowling alley, the only location where she could afford loft-style, the rent being low due to the constant rumble of bowling balls beneath her feet from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

      Stephanie maneuvered her way inside, hampered by a large, flattish carton with a small wooden chest perched on top. “I brought my sewing kit so we can make any needed adjustments.” She eyed the toast crumbs on Merry’s kitchen counter with misgiving and headed to the coffee table to set down the carton and the chest. “Merry, as your matron of honor, it’s my duty to tell you that the blue dress isn’t good.”

      “It’s not that bad. And this isn’t a white satin kind of wedding.” Merry had asked Stephanie to be matron of honor on the basis that the fewer people who knew about this, the better. Though she would have asked her best friend, Sarah, if Sarah hadn’t been on vacation in Mexico. Thankfully, the need for haste meant everyone readily agreed on a small celebration.

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