The Forbidden Bride-To-Be. Kathryn Taylor

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The Forbidden Bride-To-Be - Kathryn  Taylor

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he’d never mentioned before last week? Alex had been curious enough to come home and find out.

      As he started down the hall, he saw a familiarlooking woman enter the library. He withdrew into the shadows. A knot formed in his stomach. He could have sworn he’d stepped into the past. What was going on?

      Convinced that the lighting had played tricks on him, he continued down the hall. The faint sound of music floated on the air. Three suitcases at the foot of the stairs let him know Damon and his guest had arrived.

      The soft strains of Bizet’s Carmen became louder as he reached the archway that led to the library. A pair of red leather pumps had been discarded just inside the room. Beneath the bay window a woman swayed enticingly to the violin music. A small cassette player was hooked to a wide black belt that emphasized her narrow waist, and a kelly green skirt swirled around long shapely legs. Her mane of dark curls lifted as she swung her head in a circular motion. This time the tightening in his body occurred several inches lower than his stomach.

      Her seductive dance picked up with the tempo. She spun across the highly polished floors as if aware of every piece of furniture even though her eyes were closed. He was drawn to her face. Again he noticed distinct similarities. Only this woman lacked any inhibition, unlike Marie.

      Marie. He hadn’t thought of her in years. What cruel plan did Damon have in mind this time? Alex refused to believe that this woman’s resemblance to his ex-fiancée was mere coincidence.

      He heard a gasp. A pair of startled green eyes locked on him a split second before she slammed full force into him. Instinctively he grabbed her waist as he stumbled backward into the wall.

      For a stunned moment he could neither think nor feel. Slowly his senses returned. Short, panting breaths caressed his neck, wreaking havoc with his hormones. The scent of strawberry engulfed him. Her full round breasts brushed over his chest as she fumbled with the off button of her cassette player. He was sure she felt him grow hard.

      “I’m sorry,” she muttered.

      “No harm.” In fact, he enjoyed the feeling of her snuggled against him a little too much.

      “How long have you been here?”

      He laughed. “Long enough to catch the show.”

      Her embarrassed moan reverberated against his chest. As she shook her head, her silky hair brushed over his cheek. “Leather.”

      “Excuse me?”

      “You smell like leather.”

      “Sorry.” He dropped his hands from her waist

      She took a step back and smiled. “Don’t apologize. It’s a nice scent.” She smoothed her clothes, then extended her hand. “You must be Alex. Damon has told me so much about you.”

      Was it his imagination, or had she winced at her words? “He mentioned nothing about you,” he said as he enclosed her delicate hand in his. He felt her tremble slightly.

      “Oh, well, I’m Sophie.” A healthy blush covered her cheeks. She smoothed the mass of ringlets that surrounded her face like a halo. “Damon went to the stables to look for you.”

      “He missed me.”


      During the long pause that followed, he stared at her, but she remained steady under his gaze. Damn, she was beautiful.

      “Nice place you have here.”

      “You think so?”

      “Not really.” She closed her eyes and sighed. “Oh, jeez, I did it again.”

      Alex grinned at her honesty. “The Sanctuary takes some getting used to.”

      He had alternately loved and hated the place at different times in his life. But if Damon planned to install her at the house, Alex would limit the amount of time he spent at the estate. His physical awareness of his brother’s fiancée was inappropriate.

      “Why would I have to get used to it?”

      “Forgive me. I was under the impression that you’re engaged to my brother.”

      Confusion flashed in her eyes. “But this is your house, not Damon’s.”

      She didn’t know much about the man she was supposedly marrying. “It’s his house, too.” At least until Alex agreed to sell, something he’d been reluctant to do to the dismay of his family.

      The front door crashed open.

      Sophie jumped back. She slipped her feet into her shoes and tried to restore order to her clothes. Did she look as guilty as she felt? she wondered. Despite any outward appearance of calm, her insides churned with a multitude of confusing emotions.

      Never before had she experienced such an intense reaction to a man. The scent of saddle soap, so utterly masculine and earthy, still lingered. Not only had she literally thrown herself into his arms, she hadn’t wanted him to let go. Nice behavior from a supposedly engaged woman!

      Damon strode into the library. He came up behind her and slid his hands over her waist. She should have expected him to show a display of affection in his brother’s presence, but she couldn’t stop herself from twisting away.

      “She’s a bit shy,” Damon explained as he tugged her back to his side.

      “Funny,” Alex said. “I didn’t get that impression.”

      Sophie felt the blood rush to her cheeks again. As first impressions went, she had certainly given Alex something to think about. She didn’t usually dance for an audience.

      “Then I guess the two of you had enough time to get acquainted in my absence,” Damon said.

      “Oh, yes.” Alex’s half smile sent a surge of heat through her.

      She’d certainly had enough time to become acquainted with the hard lines and solid planes of his body. A bit of information she would be wise to forget as soon as possible. She would have to talk to Damon about shortening the length of their stay to a few days. Undoubtedly, she would have made a bad enough impression on his upper-class family by then to achieve his goal.

      She should have heeded the warning she’d read in the tarot cards last week. Even her mother had voiced concern via a rare long-distance phone call yesterday. There was no such thing as a little white lie. And now, she was in too far to back out.

      “So, what do you think?” Damon asked Alex. “Isn’t she gorgeous?”

      She twisted her fingers together. “He needs glasses.”

      “There’s nothing wrong with his eyesight,” Alex said, his gaze never leaving her face.

      Damon stroked his finger along her jaw. “Would you like to see your room, babe?”

      “Yes, please.” Sophie needed to put some distance between herself and Damon’s all-too-curious brother. She understood the need for Damon’s possessive gestures. After all, he wanted to convince the family they planned to wed. But under Alex’s scrutiny, she couldn’t repress the sense of guilt that made her want to blurt out the truth.

      Did Alex notice her lack of response to her fiancée?

      “Which room did Mother have prepared?” Damon asked.

      “The guest room in the east wing.” Alex arched an eyebrow in amusement. “Unless you want her in your room.”

      “No!” she said too sharply. She glanced at Damon for help, but he offered none. “I wouldn’t insult your mother by sharing a room before we’re married.”

      “Let me get you settled.” As Damon took her arm and led her away, she heard Alex’s hearty chuckle mocking her.

      On the walk to the room she expected Damon to explode with anger at her stiff and unemotional responses. He never did. Instead, he strode up the stairs and down the hall looking very pleased

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