The Mysteries of Free Masonry. William Morgan

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The Mysteries of Free Masonry - William Morgan

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form of a question, thus: "Are you willing to take an obligation upon you that does not affect your politics or religion?" The promise "to conform," made before entering the Lodge, the "assurance that the oath is not to interfere with their political or religious principles" and the manner the obligation is administered, only two or three words being repeated at a time, consequently not fully understood, are among the reasons which have led many great and good men to take oaths incompatible with the laws of God and our country.


Literally a rope several yards in length, but mystically three miles; so that a Master Mason must go on a brother Master Mason's errand whenever required, the distance of three miles, should he have to go barefoot and bareheaded. In the degrees of knighthood the distance is forty miles.

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