The Essence of Buddhism. Unknown

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The Essence of Buddhism - Unknown

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Sinicae: Translations from the Popular Literature of the Chinese, by Rev. Robert Morrison.

      Contemporary Review for February, 1876.

      Cornhill Magazine for August, 1876.

      The Buddhist, vol. 1.

      Journal of Pali Text Society for 1886.

      Journal of Buddhist Text Society of India, vols. 1, 3, 4 and 5.

      Journal of Royal Asiatic Society, new series, vol. 2; also vol. for 1894.

      Journal of Ceylon Branch of Royal Asiatic Society, No. 2.

      Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol. 36.

      Transactions of Asiatic Society of Japan, vol. 22.

      Journal of American Oriental Society, vol. 4.

      Journal Asiatique, septieme serie, vols. 17, 19 and 20.

      Lalita Vistara, by P. E. Foucaux.

      La Guirlande Pricieuse des Demandes et des Responses, by P. E. Foucaux.

      Sept Suttas Palis, tires du Dighanikaya, by P. Grimblot.


      All beings desire happiness; therefore to all extend your benevolence.—Mahavamsa.

      Because he has pity upon every living creature, therefore is a man called "holy."—Dhammapada.

      Like as a mother at the risk of her life watches over her only child, so also let every one cultivate towards all beings a boundless (friendly) mind.—Metta-sutta.

      Hurt not others with that which pains yourself.—Udanavarga.

      I cannot have pleasure while another grieves and I have power to help him.—Jatakamala.

      With pure thoughts and fulness of love, I will do towards others what I do for myself.—Lalita Vistara.

      If you desire to do something pleasing to me, then desist from hunting forever! The poor poor beasts of the forest, being … dull of intellect, are worthy of pity for this very reason.—Jatakamala.

      You will generously follow the impulse of pity, I hope.—Jatakamala.

      For that they hated this poor slender boy,

      That ever frowned upon their barbarous sports,

      And loved the beasts they tortured in their play,

      And wept to see the wounded hare, or doe,

      Or trout that floundered on the angler's hook.

—Lloyd "Nichiren."

      Good men melt with compassion even for one who has wrought them harm.—Kshemendra's Avadana Kalpalata.

      Though a man with a sharp sword should cut one's body bit by bit, let not an angry thought … arise, let the mouth speak no ill word.—Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.

      Them who became thy murderers, thou forgavest.—Lalita Vistara.

      Overcome evil by good.—Udanavarga.

      Conquer your foe by force, and you increase his enmity; conquer by love, and you reap no after-sorrow.—Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.

      This great principle of returning good for evil.—Sutra of Forty-two Sections.

      The member of Buddha's order … should not intentionally destroy the life of any being, down even to a worm or an ant.—Mahavagga.

      Whether now any man kill with his own hand, or command any other to kill, or whether he only see with pleasure the act of killing—all is equally forbidden by this law.—Sha-mi-lu-i-yao-lio.

      My teaching is this, that the slightest act of charity, even in the lowest class of persons, such as saving the life of an insect out of pity, that this act … shall bring to the doer of it consequent benefit.—T'sa-ho-hom-king.

      He came to remove the sorrows of all living things.—Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.

      "Now (said he) I will see a noble law, unlike the worldly methods known to men, … and will fight against the chief wrought upon man by sickness, age, and death."—Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.

      To a righteous man death must bring gladness. For no fear of mishap exists for him who is devoted to a holy life.—Jatakamala.

      He lives only to be a help to others.—Questions of King Milinda.

      Why should we cling to this perishable body? In the eye of the wise, the only thing it is good for is to benefit one's fellow-creatures.—Katha Sarit Sagara.

      Is not all I possess, even to my very body, kept for the benefit of others?—Nagananda.

      All men should cultivate a fixed and firm determination, and vow that what they once undertake they will never give up.—Fo-pen-hing-tsih-king.

      Rather will I fall headlong into hell … than do a deed that is unworthy.—Jataka.

      May my body be ground to powder small as the mustard-seed if I ever desire to (break my vow)!—Fo-pen-hing-tsih-king.

      Happy is he that is virtuous—Dhammapada.

      To make an end of selfishness is happiness.—Udanavarga.

      There is no happiness except in righteousness.—Attanagalu-vansa.

      Full of love for all things in the world, practicing virtue in order to benefit others—this man only is happy.—Fa-kheu-pi-u.

      He that loveth iniquity beckoneth to misfortune.—Jitsu-go-kiyo.

      Watch your thoughts.—Dhammapada.

      Control your tongue.—Dhammapada.

      Have a strict control over your passions.—Story of Sundari and Nanda.

      The higher life maketh he known, in all its purity and in all its perfectness.—Tevijja-sutta.

      So imbued were they with lovingkindness that all the birds and animals loved them and harmed them not.—Sama Jataka (Burmese version).

      Compassionate and kind to all creatures that have life.—Brahma-jala-sutta.

      The birds and beasts and creeping things—'tis writ—

      Had sense of Buddha's vast embracing love,

      And took the promise of his piteous speech.

—Sir Edwin Arnold.

      He cherished the feeling of affection for all beings as if they were his only son.—Lalita Vistara.

      Closely as cause and effect are bound together,

      So do two loving hearts entwine and live—

      Such is the power of love to join in one.


      That thou mayst know—

      What others will not—that I love thee most

      Because I loved so well all living souls.

—Sir Edwin Arnold.

      Always give in charity to people of good conduct.—Jatakamala.

      With every desire to do good, the ignorant and foolish only succeed in doing harm.... 'Tis knowledge crowns endeavor with success.—Jataka.

      There is no sweet companion like pure charity.—Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king.

      Almsgiving, it is said, constitutes the value of riches.—Jatakamala.

      Good is restraint in all things.—Dhammapada.

      Unselfishness, true, and self-control.—Jataka.

      The religious mendicant, wisely reflecting, is patient under cold and heat, under hunger and thirst, … under bodily sufferings, under pains however sharp.—Sabbasava-sutta.

      Though a man conquer a thousand thousand men in battle, a greater conqueror still is he who conquers himself.—Udanavarga.

      Root out the love of self.—Jataka.


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