Splendid Passion. Gabrielle Queen

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Splendid Passion - Gabrielle Queen

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She had no idea how acting in a movie was about.

      Two days have passed and she was still thinking about it. To go or not to go? Anyway she will not be chosen. And with this thoughts she went to the casting, full of emotions.

      Despite she thought, the crew was very nice to her. She didn’t have to do so many acting stuff. They just asked her to walk, to sit, do adopt some melancholic gesture, and be dreamy ecc. She read some lines from Lorelei and she liked it. The only thing was that the movie was not a big budget movie: the director and all the actors were debutants. The interesting thing was that the movie was going to be filmed in the Rein Valley. The other girls were normal girls like her, and others more famous. She was happy it wasn’t a super production because she didn’t feel ready for something so important.

      After one hour she finished and she came back to work. The casting was easier that she thought she did a great job. She didn’t say anything at work to her coworkers. In a few weeks she would have had the answer. They will not chose her, that’s sure. She liked the story though. And she felt happy because Mihai pushed her to do this.

      More the days passed, more Selena was thinking about Mihai. At work she was more distracted than ever. One time she realized she was assisting to the wrong conference. Another day she almost felt and with two glasses of water on her boss. She had to apologize a lot and she stayed more at work that night hoping that her boss will notice that. Another time she did so many photocopies that they had to buy it new. Headaches and fights with Andreea. She felt so clumsy. She didn-t know what to do anymore. She had to be more careful. She started the day by asking herself what would happen to her again. All this time she wasn’t able to not think about Mihai and his crazy decision on proposer her the leading role in a movie. Why did he do that? For him, she was just a stranger at classes. He could have recommended a million of actresses with experience, why her??

      When she went at her class, it seemed that something changed: her colleagues knew something? Selena felt a little bit like crap because she was the only one to know about the casting. And now everyone will hate her.

      Two weeks later and still no news about the movie, like it didn’t even existed. Selena returned to reality and to her office job life. But she was still thinking about the casting. The crew liked her. She did pretty well there. If they would have given her a chance, what she will do? Will she have time to go filming? Mihai gave her already the solution: she would have asked pay free vacation. But Selena thought about her boss reaction and she was already feeling sick.

      Days were passing and Selena was thinking if she would ever know the result about the casting. One day the phone rang:

       Selena? Hi!

       Emilian, that’s you? Hi…

       Selena, I hope you have champagne next to you. Lorelei’s role it’s yours.

      Selena couldn’t speak. She lost her word and instead of happiness she felt scare. She couldn’t believe it. It was even real?

      She went to class scared as hell, hoping that everything was a joke. She needed a lot of courage to get in the classroom, and next to the door Emilian greeted her and all her colleagues started to applaud her.

       Good job Lorelei!

       Success in your new career!

      Mihai came to congratulate too.

       I told you so…

       Thank you. She felt on fire. I think I owe you a lot, she said low voice. He pretended to not hear her.

       Actually you don’t have the role yet. There are other three girls for Lorelei’s role. Soon filming will start and you will have to understand the role, the character ecc.. Just then they will decide who is better for this role.

      She felt better after this news.

       About that…the rehearsals… Do you know how it’s going to work? It’s going to be a busy program? I work, you know…

      Mihai looked at her quite serious

       I know you work. You will have to call the crew about that but I’m sure they’re going to find a solution. Plus, you will rehearse here during classes, because I have news: Lorelei’s love it’s going to be me.

      This time Selena didn’t know what to say. Him? She looked at him like he was an alien. So…this meant that they will have to act play together??? She, an anonymous, next to the great Mihai Bohalteanu? She felt she couldn’t breathe. She was going to end at the hospital in these conditions.

       I see that you’re more freaked than I thought. You didn’t get used with me, did you? I’m your teacher but I’m going to be also your co-worker now. Don’t freak out, I may seem sever but I don’t bite. Are you okay??? Open the windows please!

       No, no, everything is okay. I just have to realize that I’m going to play in a movie next to a famous actor…I don’t know if I can handle all that. For me… it’s something big…

       Uh, don’t worry, moon name, he said trying to calm her down. Don’t forget, you didn’t get the role yet. You still have to get it. Do you think though that you will find time to rehearse with me? You will have to study the role, to inform youserlf, to see how Lorelei is and understand her character…Do you think you will find time for that? And you will have to get used with me too. It is too much pressure for you?

      Now he was provoking her. And he was doing it well.

       It depends…Selena said. My program is really full, if they’re going to ask me additional rehearsals I don’t know how I’m going to do that…I could just in the late afternoon and not until late or during weekends…

       And during night, right? Selena blocked.

       Oh..no. I sleep during the night or I’ll be a mess.

       We will see! He said. We will decide the program soon.

      Selena didn’t want to think about it. Her free time will be soon zero…This man would have tiring her so much and she wasn’t even able to think clear because she was feeling like a doll in his hands.

      Meanwhile she saw again Mircea. He was still giving a class about television. He congratulate with her with enthusiasm:

       Good job, Sel, you are super! I didn’t expect you to obtain a role so soon, but you’re very talented and I always knew it.

      Selena blushed. She didn’t expect that but she knew that he was being friendly and nice, nothing else. But he warned her:

       But be careful, Sel. Be yourself, always. Even if you get the role, you could find difficulties on your way, this job it’s not easy, you know? If you’ll ever need something don’t hesitate to search me.

      She thanked him. She felt her heart melting about his kindness, she admired him so much and she was very happy with his words.

      The problem now was Lorelei’s role and…Mr Superstar. Rehearsals started the next day. He wanted her to be ready for filming.

       Even if you’re not going to get the role, I want this to be high quality, he said without a shade of a smile. He sees me like an object, she thought.

      They started with some relaxing games. In the room they were alone, but she was feeling more stressed than being in front of all her colleagues. Probably because she knew they would have played together and she didn’t feel comfortable about it.

       Selena, what moment of the day you feel the best? Mihai asked.

       Best moment…mmmm


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